It takes a very long time to install drivers on flash drives. The computer does not see the flash drive. Complete system freeze immediately after connecting the flash drive to the computer

Portable flash drives are the most popular compact storage media today. Optical disks have almost gone out of mass use, and external hard drives and SSD drives are still not able to compete with flash drives in size and reliability. Flash drives are small, convenient and hold quite a lot of information, but there is one point - the write speed to a flash drive is significantly lower than the write speed to the same SSD or HDD. In addition, after a long time of use, the flash drive becomes a little slower. Is it possible to somehow speed up the flash drive so that it writes at least a little faster? Yes, there are several ways you can increase the write speed to a flash drive.

Speed ​​up by improving performance

Open the properties window of the flash drive, and in the tab Equipment Select the name of your flash drive from the list of devices. Then click on the button Properties.

After that, in the drive properties window that opens, go to the tab Policy and set the switch to the item Optimal performance.

Please note that after applying this parameter, caching of entries for the flash drive will be activated. Therefore, when disconnecting the drive, you must use “safe removal”, otherwise you risk losing files on the flash drive.

Speed ​​up with formatting

Another simple way to speed up a flash drive a little is to format it in a different file system. To do this, in the context menu of the flash drive, select Format, and in the formatting settings window, specify NTFS as the file system.

Before you start formatting, there are two more important points to consider. Firstly, formatting must be done completely, that is, you need to uncheck the box Quick (clear table of contents). And secondly, to achieve better results, you can also choose the cluster size. If you plan to write mainly large files to the flash drive, then select the maximum cluster size; if you write a lot of small files, then set the cluster size to small accordingly.

Controller speed setting

The third method is more complex, as it involves working with BIOS settings. To implement it, you need to go to the BIOS interface and find the section responsible for USB settings. Typically this section is called USB Configuration. After this, you need to find in this section an item called USB Controller Mode and set it to FullSpeed or HiSpeed.

Due to the fact that these methods involve making some changes to the file system of the drive or to the BIOS and flash drive settings, they may not be suitable for everyone. If your first priority is the stable and reliable performance of the flash drive, as well as the safety of the data on it, it is better to leave all the settings as they are. But when you are faced with the task of speeding up a flash drive by any means, the above tips will come in handy.

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Question from a user


Please tell me why the USB port on my PC is so slow. The fact is that I downloaded several files onto a flash drive on another PC, and having connected it to my computer, I’ve been waiting for an hour while they are copied from this flash drive to the hard drive.

I experimentally determined that the problem is in the USB port (since on other devices the file is copied from the same flash drive many times faster). What can be done?

Michael. Yaroslavl.


This problem occurs, and most often with flash drives and external hard drives (where the exchange speed between the USB port and the drive is very important).

In this article I will answer why the USB port may have low speed and how to fix this problem. I think that most users will be able to figure it out on their own...

What to look for when your USB port is slow

1) Understanding USB ports

There are several types of USB ports on modern computers and laptops:

  1. USB 3.0 (USB 3.1)- provides transfer speeds up to 5 Gbit/s. The most popular today;
  2. USB 2.0- exchange speed up to 480 Mbit/s. I note that USB 2.0 has three port speeds (switch to BIOS): Low-speed (up to 1500 Kbps) - needed for keyboards, joysticks, etc.; Full-speed - up to 12 Mbit/s; Hi-speed - up to 480 Mbit/s;
  3. USB Type-C- the most modern option. Transfer speed up to 10 Gbit/s. However, I note that this port is not yet popular; there are very few flash drives and external hard drives with this interface!

I will add that on very old computers (laptops) you can find USB 1.1 ports. These ports work very slowly, and even now they are becoming less and less common, so I don’t see the point in considering them in this article...

Please note that USB 3.0 now by many manufacturers marked in blue(they mark both the ports themselves and, for example, flash drives).


USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB 3.0 are backward compatible, i.e., for example, to a USB 3.0 port you can connect older devices designed for USB 2.0 (and vice versa). The exception may be only a very few devices that will not be able to work due to the lower data transfer speed.

A simple example.

If you connect a USB 3.0-enabled flash drive to a USB 2.0 port, your flash drive will operate at a lower speed than it could.

If you don't know what USB ports you have

The easiest way to find out is to run the AIDA 64 utility (look for this utility and its analogues), then open the section "USB devices/devices" .

Next, you will not only be able to find out what ports you have, but also see which port your flash drive or disk is connected to. And if it turns out that your USB 3.0 flash drive is connected to a low-speed port, then simply switch it to another (if, of course, it is available).

For those who don't have high-speed USB ports

If you have a laptop- it’s unlikely that anything can be advised. Although, lately you can order a lot of all sorts of gadgets for laptops on Aliexpress, for example, there are various adapters with USB 3.0 for the ExpressCard34 slot (and there are also various options for the CD/DVD drive slot). True, you can’t install this in every laptop, and it’s not so easy - but it’s an option...

2 Port USB 3.0 Express Card 34mm (NEC UPD720202 Hidden Adapter)

If you have a PC, then you can buy a special hub (controller) that connects to a PCI slot. Such hubs cost pennies, connection is not complicated (it’s the same as installing a cartridge in a set-top box...).

PCI controller. 4xUSB Ports

2) Lack of drivers

A very common cause of problems with USB ports are drivers. If they are not installed (for example, they were not updated after installing Windows), then USB may either not work at all or work at a lower speed. First of all, pay attention to the drivers for: Chipset, USB 3.0 Host Controller, USB 3.0 Root Hub.


Often the problem lies in the fact that Windows installs “its own universal” drivers during installation, which do not work properly.

By the way, to see for which devices there are no drivers, go to device Manager (can be opened through the Windows Control Panel using the search in the top menu). In the manager, pay attention to the devices next to which the yellow exclamation mark is lit.

By the way, you can try to find the driver using Windows: to do this, right-click on the device and select “Update driver” from the menu. Next, the Hardware Installation Wizard should start - just follow its instructions step by step.

To help!

3) The BIOS speeds are too low

Through the BIOS you can not only reduce the speed of USB ports, but also disable them altogether! However, I note that this applies more to older PCs (in new ones there are no options to reduce the operating speed).

In the BIOS, as a rule, the USB controller settings are located in the section Advanced. In the settings you can select the operating mode (speed) and whether the controller will be turned on in general.

Pay attention to the "Controller Mode" line: in it you can specify Full Speed ​​(or Hi Speed) for the maximum USB speed.

To help!

4) The device is connected to a low-speed port

When connecting flash drives, external drives and other drives, pay attention to Windows messages. So, for example, when connecting a USB 3.0 external HDD to a USB 2.0 port, the system itself sends a warning (notification) that "The device may work faster when connected to USB 3.0"(see example below in the screenshot).

Those. in this case, if you do not respond to the notification, you will not work at the maximum possible speed that the drive supports.

5) Copying many small files

Probably, many have noticed one feature: many small files take much longer to copy than one large one. This is due to the fact that for each file it is necessary to find free blocks on the disk, update the disk table, etc.

Therefore, before copying many small files, place them in an archive: ZIP, RAR, 7Z, etc. Moreover, this applies not only when copying data to flash drives and disks, but also when transferring files over the network.

To help!

How to zip and unzip a folder, file (we compress files to save space). Mini-instructions -

6) Antiviruses (viruses) interfere with normal exchange

The fact is that sometimes when checking them and total distrust of external drives, they block their operation and interfere with the normal exchange speed.

Disable Avast antivirus for 1 hour || As an example

All the best!

Question: It takes a long time to detect a flash drive in Windows 7

Hi all.
Let me know if anyone has encountered this problem.
Flash drive: Kingston Datatraveler 8 Gb, mother: Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3, OS: 7 Professional. The sound of connecting the flash drive is made immediately, but it appears in the explorer after a minute or two. Other flash drives are detected immediately; on other machines, including those with this OS, the flash drive works fine. I reinstalled the drivers - it doesn't help.
What's wrong and how to fix it?

Answer: It's 2015, and viktorkuz right again.

Question: After trying to install Windows 8.1, the monitor does not work instead of Windows 7 (more details below)

I made a bootable USB flash drive with 8.1. I did it on seven. I rebooted the laptop, made sure in the BIOS that the flash drive was loaded and not the hard drive (in the boot tab). The bootable USB flash drive has loaded, Windows 8.1 says “starting installation”, after which it gives an error saying it was not possible to collect information about the system disks. I reboot the laptop, go into the BIOS, there is no longer a single disk displayed in the boot section, not even a flash drive. I return the BIOS settings to default, reboot and here it is - the laptop works, which is audible, but the monitor is completely black. Attempts to open the BIOS were also unsuccessful. This is how my desire to sit on something new turned out. Help me figure it out, if you have any guesses, I’ll be grateful!

Laptop: DEXP Atlas H133: intel core i3-4000M 2.40Ghz, Nvidia 840M, 4gb ram


Message from Noverin

Bootable USB flash drive, Windows 8.1

Where did you get the distribution?

Question: USB hdd is taking too long to be detected. but it works

Good afternoon everyone.

One fine day, the disk (seagate srd00f1) began to be detected for too long, about 15-20 minutes exactly. I noticed that the file system became RAW, but the disk was not formatted as standard under Windows. I was able to format it only through Diskpart, and even then in a quick way. With full formatting in two days it was 9%, which is where everything finally froze.

In general, I formatted it in quick format, wait 15-20 minutes each time I connect, the disk is detected and how it can work. The most interesting thing is that the writing/reading speed seems to be the same as before, I didn’t notice any changes at all. A disk is like a disk. But as soon as you reconnect it - the same song.

They advised me to remove the data using the smart program CrystalDiskInfo. When you try to launch the program, the disk instantly jams and the program itself starts only if you disconnect the disk. What is the reason for this behavior?


Message from DmitryChS

They advised me to remove the data using the smart program CrystalDiskInfo. When you try to launch the program, the disk instantly jams and the program itself starts only if you disconnect the disk.

The SMART report is very necessary ...

Question: The flash drive is not detected when connected through several USB extension cables

The flash drive is not detected through five 3-meter USB extension cables (the diode on the flash drive does not light up, and when connected, Windows issues a notification through the device and does not work correctly). after 2 it is detected and working. If you attach a USB hub with your own power supply to the end of the extension cord, will this solve the problem?


Message from jimapwnz

and what to do?

Read the usb specification 2 - 5 meters MAXIMUM and not Chinese
usb hubs cascade one after another POSSIBLY and it will work

Question: Utility for flash drive

I can't find a utility for the Silicon Power flash drive. It was not defined at all. Opened and closed contacts 29-30 of the memory chip to start the test mode. I saw the Windows flash drive in Explorer as a Removable disk, but of course the firewood was not installed on it and it still does not work. Chip Genius came up with the following information:
Description: USB storage device(USB MEMORY BAR)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device

Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA

USB Device ID: VID = 090C PID = 3000

Device Vendor: Silicon Motion, Inc.
Device Name: SM3255AA MEMORY BAR
Device Revision: 0100

Product Model: USB MEMORY BAR
Product Revision: 1000

Controller Vendor: SMI
Controller Part-Number: SM3257ENAA - ISP NONE
Flash ID code: 98DE9493 - Toshiba TC58NVG6DDJTA00 - 1CE/Single Channel -> Total Capacity = 8GB

Tools on web:

Based on the VID/PID, I found that the SM3267_V2.5.36 utility is needed, but it fails when starting the “treatment”:

I read reviews on the Internet, they write that Silicon Power released this utility for SMI controllers “for show”, but in reality it does not help anyone
Please help me find a normal utility. Thanks in advance

Answer: Still, we managed to recover this flash drive. It is noteworthy that the flash drive itself says 4 GB, but it turned out to be 8 GB. I found an interesting note on USBDev:

Pay attention to the contents of the brackets, it is when they (User\FW) are present that the utility tells you: “Take DYNAMPTool, nothing else will help you guy!”

This is exactly what I had in the brackets, and indeed, the Dyna Mass Storage Production Tool helped!

Question: Flash drive is not detected

Maybe someone can help. I insert the flash drive into the computer and the system sound is there, the LED lights up, but the flash drive is not recognized as a device with removable media. In the task manager it is completely determined - Generic USB Flash Dick USB Devise VID 058f PID 1234 The chip says J31DGD80P Util

Itami is not detected Drivers are installed

Answer: maybe you put it in USB 3 and you have XP?

Question: Stuck on the windows logo when trying to install windows from a flash drive

I decided to upgrade my old PC on a budget, bought a Xeon 5450 and a mother ga p43 es3g, leaving everything else. After I assembled everything into the case, when I tried to boot, everything froze either on the windows logo or on the words “preparing for automatic recovery” (precisely it froze, in this form the screen could hang at least all day). Then I decided to restore the system using a Windows 10 bootable USB flash drive, set the priority in the BIOS, permission to use a USB keyboard, everything went fine, the message “press any key to boot from usb” appeared, but after pressing any key the windows logo appeared again and successfully hung up. This is my problem.
I tried inserting the flash drive into both the case connectors and the mother connectors, took out the BIOS battery, and rewrote Windows onto the flash drive many times, but in the end the problem remained.
On another computer the installation started fine.
I would be grateful for any help.


Message from go1nside

bought a Xeon 5450 and mother ga p43 es3g

Not a sweet couple

Added after 25 seconds
When you collect something, look at the official support list

The attachment:

old bios old_me.rar

I uploaded your dump, everything is fine!!! Thank you very much for your help!

Question: UEFI and Windows Boot Manager?

Good day to all. I wanted to install Windows under UEFI, but in the boot section my disks are not detected as windows boot manger, that is, under UEFI like Legacy, everything is detected and physically works, the BIOS sees all the disks. My mother is ASUS MAXIMUS VI FORMULA. BIOS version 1603. The controller configured the disk configuration in ride mode: one ride of four disks and an SSD for the system separately. Ride was configured accordingly in the BIOS for UEFI. But they are not visible in the boot section. I’ll say right away that I read the topic from findr and tried to do everything according to olen6’s advice. I understand that I just didn’t have a defined ride in this image that olen6 posted. That's why I didn't see my disks in bootice. What can be done in this case? I tried to install firewood on the ride from under loaded WinPE, I wrote that the driver was suitable but could not be installed)) Below are screenshots with the BIOS settings.

Answer: Everything worked out. Sorry for the trouble. After trying the fifth similar WinPE image. RAID has been determined. I did everything according to olen6's instructions in BootIce and everything is ok

Added after 40 seconds
Yes, everything is on screenshots via UIFE.

How to solve the problem with slow data copying to a flash drive?

Let's look at the common causes of this problem and talk about ways to solve it.

1. Flash drive performance

If everything is in order with the computer, the culprit of the slow process of transferring files to the flash drive is, accordingly, the latter. Budget flash drives, as a rule, cannot boast of impressive data writing speed. And a speed of 5-7 Mb/s with a USB 2.0 connection interface can be common for them. You can test the data writing speed of a flash drive using Windows programs for testing the speed of hard drives, in particular, using the popular CrystalDiskMark utility. You should not expect more speed from the flash drive tests than it will show in reality.

2. Computer USB ports

A USB 3.0 flash drive purchased with the expectation of faster data recording will work exactly the same as a USB 2.0 flash drive, only if this interface is supported by the computer, and USB 3.0 is not. The flash drive will limit the speed of the port. To get the performance of a USB 3.0 interface when copying data, your computer's USB ports must be equipped with it. The same applies to the situation when a USB 3.0 or 2.0 drive is connected to a USB 1.0 port. Windows, as a rule, immediately informs you that a flash drive is connected to a low-speed USB 1.0 port with a system notification: they say that this device can work faster if it is connected to a USB 2.0 port.

If data is slowly copied to a flash drive that is connected to the USB port on the front panel of the PC case, you can test its speed when connected to the USB ports of the motherboard at the back of the case. It may be that the front panel of the case has USB 2.0 or 1.0 ports, while the motherboard ports provide USB 3.0 or 2.0 interfaces.

Just like USB ports, which limit the speed of data writing, USB extenders can limit the speed of copying files. If a USB extender provides a USB 2.0 interface, its maximum bandwidth will limit the speed of the USB 3.0 interface of the flash drive and the computer’s USB port.

3. Weak computer hardware

On older or budget computer models, slow data writing to a flash drive may be due to weak hardware, in particular, a small amount of RAM or a slow hard drive. In this case, only upgrading your computer will help.

4. Drivers

Slow copying of data to a flash drive may be a consequence of incorrectly installed USB drivers. In this case, you can either update the motherboard drivers or reinstall the USB controller drivers. You can update motherboard drivers manually by downloading the necessary installers from the official website of the board or laptop, or you can entrust this task to special programs - driver installation managers. These include: DriverMax, Auslogics Driver Updater, SlimDrivers, Advanced Driver Updater, etc.

To reinstall USB controller drivers, open the Windows Device Manager, expand the “USB Controllers” branch and use the “Delete” option in the context menu of each device in the list to remove its driver.

USB controller drivers will be installed automatically.

5. BIOS settings

In some cases, the slow speed of writing data to a flash drive may be a consequence of limiting the speed of USB ports in the BIOS settings. Such a limitation should usually be looked for in the “Advanced” section of the BIOS advanced settings. If the “USB 2.0 Controller Mode” parameter is set to “Low-speed”, it needs to be changed to “Hi-speed”.

6. How to speed up writing data to a flash drive using software

If the cause of the problem lies in the low data writing speed of the flash drive itself, unfortunately, it will not be possible to significantly speed up the process of copying files to it. Even if we have a powerful computer. Using software, the file writing speed can be increased only slightly.

If you need to copy several small files to a flash drive, it is better to combine them into one archive file. And place this archive file on the flash drive. One hefty file will be copied faster than a lot of small ones. By the way, when copying small files, even high-performance USB drives can “sag.”

You can slightly speed up the transfer of files to a flash drive using special programs that gain some performance over standard Windows copying tools due to their own data copying algorithms. One of these is WinMend File Copy, it can be downloaded for free from the creators’ website

WinMend File Copy has a Russian-language interface, supports batch copying of files, setting up a buffer, as well as resuming data transfer from the point where it was broken.