Mods for World of Tanks – total superiority! Mods for World of Tanks: review of the best and installation tips What mods for World of Tanks

1) New convenient sights

Improves the aiming process, although it requires getting used to and possibly relearning.
Download: (downloads: 564)

Installation: Unpack and copy the flash folder to World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.7.4\gui\ (better make a backup, in case you don’t like the sights)

2) ZOOM map - Moving camera away / Commander camera

Bird's eye view is a useful thing for commanders and players who want to better navigate the map and properly assess the situation. You can move the camera very far from your tank.
Download: (downloads: 549)

Installation: unpack the archive and install the files into the game/gui folder with replacement.

3) Skins with penetration zones "Red Star"

Convenient skins that give a visual representation of tanks’ vulnerable zones:

Red - vulnerable spots.
Purple - ammunition.
Yellow - crew.
Green - engine.
White is the top gun.
Blue - fuel tank.

Open the archive with textures and copy all the contents (2 files and a folder) to the World_of_Tanks\res\packages folder with replacement. After this, run the file AHuMex_autoinstall_0.7.3_only.bat*. - A black console window will appear. The installation of the skins will be completed when the window closes itself. Will have to wait.

Installation in 0.7.4:
1. The game must be installed on a disk with the NTFS file system.
2. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 must be installed.
You can check your installed .NET versions using this utility:
3. Install DokanLibrary
4. Unzip the archive into the game folder:
Right click on the archive -> "Extract all..." -> select the game folder -> "Extract"
5. If necessary, configure the configuration file:

You can select a ready-made one from the \xvm-doc\samples\ folder, or use
online editor:

Attention: By default, statistics are turned off, so if you need them, turn them on
it in the editor, or take a ready-made configuration file.
Attention: If you change the config manually, use Notepad,
DO NOT use word, wordpad or similar editors)
6. If statistics are not needed, run the game as usual.
To display statistics, you need to run the wot-xvm-proxy.exe file (the game will start automatically).
If you need to display statistics and launch the game through the launcher,
run wot-xvm-proxy.exe with the /launcher command line argument:
Create a shortcut to the file wot-xvm-proxy.exe
Open Shortcut Properties
In the Object field write "wot-xvm-proxy.exe /launcher" (without quotes)
Click OK
7. If you have Skype, you need to
tools -> add-ons -> advanced -> connection -> UNCHECK
"Use ports 80 and 443 as incoming alternatives."
8. If you need to submit a bug report, run wot-xvm-proxy.exe with
switch /debug and add console output to the report.

You can select a ready-made config from the \xvm-doc\samples\ folder, or use the online editor:
Old OTMData.xml configuration files are also supported, you can
use them if you don't need new features.
All possible settings can be viewed in this file:
\xvm-doc\samples\Full config\XVM.xvmconf


Write about other useful mods if you know.

Which mod is best for World of Tanks? This question is asked by every beginner who wants to make the game more comfortable. The first thing you need to understand about mods is that not all of them are worth paying attention to. To support my words, I will quote a statement from one of the popular WOT streamers on YouTube Alexey Vilisov :

Do you know what I realized? It's better to play without mods at all. I almost always played without mods and I’ll honestly say: it would be better if I played just as much more and never tested these mods.

But it is not all that bad. The best mods for World Of Tanks, which can be counted on one hand, have the right to life, since they really improve the gameplay.

Before moving on to the TOP itself, I note that it is recommended to install mods only from the official Wargaming portal. Compliance with this rule will give a 100% guarantee that you will not be blocked for using prohibited modifications. If the required mod is not available on the WGMods portal, but it can be downloaded from another site on the Internet, before installing, carefully read the official list of prohibited mods, which is updated regularly.

The procedure for installing mods is usually specified by the modders themselves. And you can read about that in our separate article.

So, the best mods for WOT.

Deer Measurer (XVM)

Almost every World of Tanks tanker knows about this mod. XVM Mod, widely known as the “Deer Measuring”, shows players’ statistics directly in battle, not only the percentage of victories, but also the number of matches played. Depending on the statistics, the color of the numbers changes. For example, players with bad statistics of 45% stand out in red, and statisticians with 57%+ stand out in blue.

Moreover, the modification allows you to emphasize your nationality. Of course, only those who also have XVM installed will see it. In addition to the ones listed above, the Olenemer has a number of useful functions that will make the gameplay more comfortable.

Mod for flashing the enemy in the ears without XVM

Almost every tanker with a weak computer dreamed of such a mod. The fact is that XVM is quite demanding on the system, and on weak hardware it can significantly reduce FPS. But this particular mod adds colored indicators of enemy light in the ears without any additional functions and does not affect the framerate. In the list of players, a circle of the corresponding color will be displayed next to the nickname: green - the enemy is visible, red - the enemy has not yet been detected, purple - the enemy has left the light. All colors can be customized in the configuration file to your liking. The mod will be useful for those who do not like Deer Meater.


This mod adds Wargaming radio directly to the World of Tanks client. The mod itself is lightweight and has almost no effect on game performance, but it can improve gameplay. It's nice to be able to turn on music with one button at any time right in battle. You can download the mod from the official mod portal using the link. You can also listen to Wargaming.FM radio in your browser to get an idea of ​​what you are installing.

A selection of mods from WGMods

For fans of modpacks, WGMods have created their own selection, which can be downloaded from the link provided. What will please you first of all is the simplest installation: run the installer, mark the necessary mods, and you're done! No unnecessary manipulations, as is the case with Amway921 modpacks, or glitches in installing assemblies from Jove.

The WGMods selection includes the best mods for WOT. This includes XVM, Wargaming.FM radio, colored penetration/ricochet decals, display of achievements in battle, replay manager, hangar clock, battle efficiency calculator, and much more. The full list of mods included in the assembly can be read on the official forum. Perhaps the best option for a beginner with powerful hardware.

It just so happens that usually if a game has the ability to expand, then after a couple of dozen hours of gameplay on the pure version, fans of the toy go to the Internet in search of interesting and useful modifications. Today we will talk about the most popular mods for World of Tanks.

A pack of modifications from ProTanks. One of those modification packs that holds its own - you definitely won’t get any FPS drops, and in addition you can choose from three versions with a variety of sets, and for greater convenience, one of the versions has an autoloader that will download everything you need much faster.
What is inside?

Everything your heart desires except, of course, forbidden mods. There are also convenient sights, skins, hangars and other little things that pleasantly diversify the game.

Pack of modifications. Another contender for the championship - the quality of filling and fitting of mods here is not inferior to ProTanks, since the project is carried out by professional e-sportsmen from the Virtus Pro team. Here you can also find two versions - Basic and Advanced.
What is inside?
Traditionally, in addition to the main mods that are considered a must-have set, you can also find many original, proprietary mods that were developed specifically for this build.

Modification pack from Amway921. Another favorite of tankers. This option attracts those who don’t like to clutter up the game with anything unnecessary - there are slightly fewer mods here than, for example, Jov’s, but all the best is collected.
What is inside?
A collection of mods that the author himself uses every day, no garbage or selection of unnecessary mods - all extensions complement each other and bring great pleasure to the game. Dynamic data, a convenient carousel, selective disabling of effects - that's what you will find here, and that's not all.

In fourth place in our ranking of mods for World of Tanks is a mod pack from Desertod. Even though he is not the most popular, the idea of ​​the Jove pack came from him and you will not find any concessions in quality here. The pack can also be downloaded using the installer and you can install not only the basic mods that the watermaker himself uses, but also select some other small additions.
What is inside?
The installer downloads not only the main modifications of sights, zoom, statistics and other basic things you need, but also small, but no less important modifications, if you yourself, of course, indicate this during installation.

Mod pack from Ekspoint. Here you will find many extensions as well as a large number of their variations with previews during installation, which will help you understand what you are installing. It has a convenient installer and a decent set of the most popular items.
What is inside?
More than 100 mods selected in such a way that during the game you do not have freezes or other problems. In addition, some of them have different variations, which is quite optional.

Mods for World of Tanks: about tanks and additions to the game. Types of modifications and reasons for their installation. Instructions for installing mods + TOP 10 best + comparison of the 3 best modpacks on the Internet.

Although World of Tanks has a wide range of features, most gamers lack the little things that can make the process of tanking many times more interesting.

To solve this problem, many craftsmen on the Internet are developing mods for World of Tanks. About tanks and the game environment, what add-ons are available and how to install them - we will answer these and not only questions in our article today.

What are mods?

Maud– a software addition to the main game client that allows you to change/improve mechanical elements and visual effects.

Improving combat characteristics, auxiliary information screens - these and other transformations allow the player to customize the game interface to their liking and design preferences.

Why do they install mods for World of Tanks?

  1. Expand the functionality of armored vehicles.
  2. Increase the standard parameters of tanks.
  3. Fine-tune individual game elements.
  4. Change the visual presentation of individual locations.
  5. Customize the soundtrack to your taste.
  6. To obtain more statistics and other auxiliary information that allows you to better navigate the actions of the enemy tank.

The list can be continued endlessly - the number of extensions is very large. If desired, the user has the opportunity to change the design and mechanics of individual elements of the tank beyond recognition.

What mods exist for World of Tanks about tanks and how to install them?

During the existence of the World of Tanks game, the number of mods has grown exponentially. Nowadays, the owner of a tank can turn his weapon into a real unbridled force, demolishing the enemy with one salvo.

Some changes to mechanics are considered cheating, which is followed by account freezing, so you need to distinguish between mods based on several parameters.

According to the method of development, mods for World of Tanks are:

  • Official - issued by employees of the company that developed the game. Their quality is an order of magnitude higher than others + the changes concern, for the most part, external design.
  • Copyright - such mods about tanks are produced by folk craftsmen. The quality of drawing does not always correspond to a high or even average level. Most of the changes relate to fine-tuning the tanks in the game.

If official mods have minimal impact on the game, then copyrighted ones are divided into acceptable And cheating(that is, those that give superiority over the enemy tank due to changes in physics or gameplay mechanics). The latter are prohibited from use, and if their use is proven, the user faces an eternal ban from the game account.

To use advanced functionality, mods must first be installed. Highlight private programs And entire assemblies(“modpacks”). We will discuss the latter in more detail below.

1. Installation diagram for the mod for World of Tanks.

  1. Find the game folder. By default (if you did not change the folder in the client) it is located on the same drive as the operating system "C"

    More advanced users install the client on a disk without an OS - this will save data when reinstalling the operating system. Example path - "C:/World of Tanks/"

  2. Next, find a folder inside called "res_modes". It was created by the developers specifically for the purpose of installing mods to the main game client
  3. Find the folder with the game version inside, and if it is not there, then create it. Roughly, the final path should look like this: "C:/World of Tanks/ res_modes//0.9.22"

    The product version value is not constant as new patches are released at least once a month

  4. 60-70% is all that is needed, but some mods for tanks require the creation of additional folders (look for more detailed information on the site where you download the mod)

    For example, for sights you need two more subfolders - "/gui" And "/scaleform". Then the final path to unpack the elements will be − "C:/World of Tanks/ res_modes//0.9.22 /gui/scaleform"

This algorithm for installing mods is used both for the tank and other interface elements.

2. How to install a sound mod for World of Tanks?

There is another type of mod online that players can change – audio. If you're tired of the standard gunshot sounds or track noise, these changes are what you need.
  1. Download the mod archive you like from the World of Tanks themed site.
  2. Find the game client folder on your hard drive.
  3. Find inside the folder with audio for the game. Most often, it has a path - "C:/World of Tanks/audio".
  4. Copy the sound files from the downloaded archive to the found replacement folder.

Before installing any mod for tanks or for design purposes, be sure to close the game client. If you do not perform this operation, conflicts between modifications and already built-in software may arise, which will lead to emissions from the game or a complete cessation of its operation.

3. What mods for tanks are the most popular?

    Sight conversion.

    The basic sight cannot provide enough information to assess the situation, therefore, using improvements, the player has the opportunity to significantly advance in combat tactics and increase his efficiency.

    Gun reload time, zoom, opponent, capacity/availability of shells - these and other data will greatly help a beginner navigate even in critical situations.

    Graphics conversion.

    These are tank mods for changing visualization during the battle.

    Such modifications allow you to see the weak spots of the tank, shoot through broken enemy vehicles, increase the visibility of an armored vehicle, as well as many other little things, the use of which will make life easier for the average player in World of Tanks.

    Sound transformations.

    This includes the entire line of sound effects - shots, flashes, crits, and so on.

    Hangar conversion.

    A visual component that does not affect the gameplay itself. It is used to give an appropriate atmosphere to the gameplay.

    Converting the statistics screen.

    Increased information content of the final screen after the battle + the ability to track a large number of parameters in real time.

Packs or individual mods - which is better?

If you are new to the world of World of Tanks, using packs will greatly simplify the process of installing mods on tanks. You don't have to unpack and look for the destination of the mod yourself. All you need to do is run the installer and follow the step-by-step instructions.

There are many times more mods for tanks than we described above. There are some that cannot be classified into any of the categories. Whether you download the mod separately or use a pack is up to you.

Just take into account the fact that when using a pack of mods for tanks, you will not have the opportunity to make a full choice - the number of modifications contained in the assembly is limited and cannot always satisfy the needs of demanding WOT gamers.

The best mods for World of Tanks about tanks and the game environment: TOP 10

After a general introduction, let's filter the network and select the best mods in various directions that can make the game process more comfortable for both a beginner and a professional tanker.

It is impossible to take into account the subjective opinions of everyone, but there are mods for tanks that are mandatory for use by absolutely everyone.

When compiling the top, we were guided by polls from the official forums of the World of Tanks game. Each of the mods was installed on its client by more than 50% of the game’s users (of those who use mods for tanks in general).


The ability to shoot accurately is the basis for a player in World of Tanks. Unfortunately, the basic sight is very limited in terms of functionality, so changing this element is the first thing you need to do after installing the game client.

Mod for the Sword of Damocles tank for 2017-2018. is the best solution in the scope section.

Mod functionality:

  • sights for sniper and arcade shooting;
  • specialized art sight;
  • indicators of armor penetration and full information about the scope’s capabilities;
  • it is possible to calculate the time period of flight of a combat projectile;
  • correlates the target range readings with your potential to kill;
  • shows the speed of movement of the enemy tank;
  • UVN + fragmentation radius of the tank.

All the information provided by the mod fits well into the interface and does not interfere with combat. Using data about the opponent wisely, a professional player will be able to show aerobatics in World of Tanks, and a beginner will significantly simplify training and improve tactical skills.


A damage panel mod that allows tank drivers to improve the basic functionality in World of Tanks. The modification was developed based on the famous author's panel from Stlite.

Differences between the mod and its analogues:

  • ability to view tank damage log;
  • ricochet bounces of projectiles are shown;
  • tank modules are transparent until they receive damage - this approach makes it easier to analyze the situation as a whole;
  • counting down the time for repairing tank modules;
  • bright fire indicator.

This mod is available in 3 modifications:

  • The first panel will be as described above.
  • The second modification will be located in the center of the screen and contain information about the tank modules.
  • The third displays repair data, which will also be located in the center.


New work from a famous modder. The interface of this mod for tanks combines only the best elements in battle. At first glance, the panel may seem difficult to perceive, but after a couple of fights you will appreciate the capabilities of this mod.

Features of the mod:

  • removed arcade and art sights;
  • no debug panel;
  • there is no timer displaying the time of the tank in battle;
  • there are no mini-maps with overview;
  • There is no artillery sight on the mini-map.

The interface has gotten rid of many unnecessary elements, and all functionality is now arranged on this minimalist panel.

The modification retains an indicator of a fire occurring near the tank and a module repair indicator - the most necessary elements. The speedometer is now located in the central part of the screen near the tank's sight.


In the new client patches, the developers have expanded the functionality of the basic tool, but there is still not enough information, so players are still looking for high-quality mini-map mods on the Internet - this is one of them.

Additions made by the mod:

  • added review circles;
  • added drawing circle;
  • corresponding marks are displayed in places where enemy tanks were destroyed;
  • the size of tank icons has been increased;
  • fine-tuning the information provided to the user.

Basic functions are also still there. The illumination of the enemy tank, the UGN, the beam direction of the gun - all this will remain in its rightful place.

The mod was compiled taking into account the wishes of hundreds of World of Tanks players, which means that the modification will have a positive effect on the quality of the game for both beginners and professional tankers.


In WOT, the number of military equipment exceeded 360 units and each vehicle has both strengths and weaknesses. In order to be more likely to avoid unpleasant surprises, a special mod for tanks was developed that allows you to find out about the armor penetration thickness of any vehicle in the game.

The degree of vulnerability depends on the color produced by the mod:

  • blue – describes the outline of the fuel sections of the tank;
  • green - describes the outline of the engine of a combat vehicle;
  • purple – outline for laying armor;
  • red - vulnerable spots of the tank, where it is easiest to penetrate it.

Other similar World of Tanks mods are too messy; sometimes it’s simply impossible to distinguish between zones. As the name implies, it is the aesthetics of presentation that distinguishes this mod from others - all problem areas are only outlined, and not completely filled with color.

As a bonus, there are icons that signal the player about the location of the crew inside the tank, which will make it easy to shell-shock any of them. The mod contains tank penetration zones from levels 4 to 10 inclusive. This set is one of the largest and most functional in the game.


The number of mods for hangars in the game is enormous. “Skins” are made by everyone who is not too lazy, so it makes no sense to choose something from this section based on subjective opinion.

We would like to draw your attention to a mod that allows you to change hangars in World of Tanks without leaving the game interface. For the mod to work, just select the hangar from the drop-down list and confirm using the “Save” button. All changes will take effect immediately.

The mod is available, which is located in the folder with “skins”. The modification works with both basic and premium hangars.


Statistics are one of the most important indicators that allows you to analyze battles and find the root of the problem. The basic functionality of the client is more than poor, so installing a mod for tanks according to statistics is a mandatory step if you plan to play WOT for more than a few weeks.

What features does the mod add:

  • statistics of all battles played for a specified period of time;
  • filters for selecting fights with victories/losses;
  • display of the entire list of battles with a large amount of auxiliary data;
  • Grouping of battles according to certain criteria is available.

The mod is constantly updated and adjusted to tanks in accordance with the wishes of users.

Initially, this mod was presented as a program that required launching from outside the client space. In the next updates, it was decided to make the modification built-in, which made life much easier for World of Tanks players in studying the indicators of their battles.


The most popular mod among tank drivers - more than 3,500,000 World of Tanks players use it every day. This is due to its enormous functionality, which even experienced tankers cannot figure out right away.

What the “reindeer measurer” mod can do:

  • show the effectiveness of combat with tanks of both rivals and allies in arms;
  • displays the number of victories/defeats for each tanker;
  • taking into account the two points above, calculates the probability of victory in percentage terms;
  • contains a log of damage during battle;
  • improves the mini-map and adds auxiliary data on tanks to it;
  • built-in light indicators;
  • indicates the speed of your Internet connection - indicators on the base and in the hangar;
  • an indicator has been added to signal an attack on the base - the number of tanks is indicated + a countdown to complete capture;
  • the markings above the tanks have also changed.

The given list is just the tip of the iceberg of the mod; its full functionality is revealed by the player already on the tank during the battle itself. The number of different gadgets is very large, so download the installation and configuration instructions with the mod, since understanding the intricacies of the modification yourself will be very problematic.

The developers have made two types of mod for tanks - Light and Full versions. The “light” version is intended for weak computers and contains only the deer meter itself and the hit log.


One of the new mods to improve the tank's sights. The color design in turquoise tones does not hurt the eyes and allows you to improve visibility in problem areas. Although the design cannot be considered standard, after 5-7 battles in tanks you will easily accept this sight into your arsenal of modifications.

Mod functionality:

  • changing the reload phrase;
  • Health percentages have been replaced with an XP bar;
  • the indicator for penetration will be a large-caliber cartridge.

This mod is one of the most popular among non-standard ones. The updates concern all types of sights, which will allow you to enjoy high-quality tank battles in any type of location.


We looked at a lot of mods. But what if you want to install several modifications at once and still be able to quickly change them? As in the case of hangars, a tank player can simplify his life with the help of a simple program that manages all installed World of Tanks mods.

Program functionality:

  • the ability to install/uninstall or temporarily disable mods through the program interface;
  • there is an opportunity to create a mod pack yourself, and you don’t need deep knowledge of programming;
  • well suited for testing mods on tanks - disabling modifications was created precisely for these purposes.

Detailed instructions for using the mod for World of Tanks are provided along with the program, but even a child can understand the intricacies of the work. This is a convenient tool for those who like to test mods in tanks, but do not want to constantly tinker with modifications manually.

We selected only the best mods for World of Tanks about tanks and the environment in the game. Each of them is able to qualitatively reflect the capabilities of your car and reveal its full potential.

Which pack for World of Tanks should I choose?

We have already touched a little on the topic of mod packs above. Putting together a balanced modpack is an art that only a true World of Tanks fan can master.

Modpack selection criteria:

    Number of mods in the pack.

    This does not mean that a hodgepodge of something will come out of nowhere. All modifications must be in demand by tank players.

    Quality of mods.

    Using questionable builds can damage not only the game client, but the entire computer as a whole. The pack must consist of officially approved modifications.

    Only in this case you can not worry about the safety of personal information on the device.


    The installer should have an intuitive interface and not strain the user's eyes.

    Frequency of updates.

    A very important parameter, since it directly determines whether the mods will work on the client or not. Due to frequent updates to the game, the author must quickly respond to these changes and, accordingly, adjust the build.

Taking into account all of the above, we have selected the three best modpacks that 100% meet the conditions set. For clarity, we will arrange them in the form of a comparative table, where you can yourself evaluate all the advantages and contents of each of them from your own subjective point of view.

How to gain a significant advantage over your opponent?

The best mods for World of Tanks.

Comparative table of the 3 best mod assemblies on the web.

Fashion from AMWAY921Mods from JOVEMods from PROTANKI
1. eXtended Visualization Mod - extended markers, flying damage, base capture modification and damage log.Job's superb sight.Standard sight with reload timer.
2. Automatic detection of the current view of the tank.Transparent eclipse in sniper mode."Jove's Choice" - OverCross. Minimalistic sights based on the game's standard sight.
3. Replacement of standard game sounds: “Ring” when modules are critically damaged and a sound when the “6th sense” perk is triggered.Various damage panels.MeltyMap's MathMod. Interface mod developed by players from the EU cluster.
4. Improved attack direction indicator.Smart mini-maps, both in XVM and alternative."Commander's Camera" - a mod for maximum camera distance in arcade mode.
5 Improved projectile count indicator.Light bulbs "Sixth Sense" + voice acting for them.“Disable swaying” - disables camera swaying in sniper mode.
6. Increased display time of the “light bulb” when the “6th Sense” perk is triggered.Various voiceovers.Information about respawn when loading into battle. Instead of a "hint" in the loading screen.
7. Displaying a separate marker for TT10 on the mini-map.Informative markers.You can change the behavior of the camera - a mod to disable effects when receiving damage.
8. SafeShot: prohibits shooting at recently destroyed tanks.Zoom mod.Server sight – this mod shows where the sight of your tank is aimed according to the game server.
9. Removing camouflages, logos and inscriptions on tanks.Transparent camouflage skins and white corpses of tanks.Advanced statistics. A mod to display your overall results for the current gaming session.
10. Sights with advanced capabilities.Increased viewing range on maps with fog.XVM markers above vehicles replace standard tank markers with more informative ones.
11. Custom damage panels: Standard Damage Panel and Custom Damage Panel.Session statistics.“Enable tank carousel” - several mods for customizing the list of tanks in the hangar.
12. Disable shaking and flickering of the image when receiving damage.Wot Replays Manager is a program for working with replays.Horizontal aiming angles. An indispensable mod for tanks without a turret or with limited rotation.
13. Horizontal aiming angles for Art-SPG and Pt-SPG.The best armor calculator taking into account the angle of the projectile impact.Information panel of the selected target. The mod shows basic information about your enemy's tank.
14. Zoom: commander camera with the ability to disable dynamic camera effects.WoT Tweaker is a program for increasing FPS by disabling various effects.Enemy guns on the mini-map.
15. NoScroll: sniper scope only by pressing "Shift".Directions of enemy guns on the mini-map.Damage direction marker.
16. ZoomX: multi-position sniper scope (x2, x4, x8, x16).Circle for shooting from invisibility from bushes.Battle rating calculator.
17. Removing darkening in a sniper scope.Mod white corpses of tanks and caterpillars.Notifying allies about light exposure.
18. Detailed statistics for a session on the server.Improved x25 zoom in the sniper scope.White tanks. Similar to white carriages, it helps to “get” opponents from behind cover.
19. Colored messages about the results of the battle.HP of tanks in the ears (in 2 variants).White downed caterpillars. The mod clearly shows the state of the chassis of opponents or allies.

The table shows only the most significant components of the packs, which must be in any assembly.

All 3 options are at the top of the popularity ratings, but “Pro tanks” holds first place. A whole group of specialists is working on this project. After the new World of Tanks patches, these guys are the very first to release an updated build for modified versions of the client.

Use mods for World of Tanks about tanks- means improving productivity from each battle by 40-50%. And if a professional uses modifications, then 100%.

Some consider the use of mods to be cheating, but officially approved functional improvements give the tanker freedom in the game, delivering even more pleasure from the process. And this is the most important thing in tanks!

Hello, friends, my name is Miller Ruslan, I am the moderator of this site and today new tankers are waiting for a short video review of the most necessary mods for World of Tanks. Only a gentleman's kit for every tanker and nothing extra!

Review of the most necessary modifications for a comfortable game.


Zoom in sniper mode. Thanks to this modification, the magnification of sniper aiming will increase, which will allow you to target even the most vulnerable points of the enemy. But here it should be taken into account that at maximum approach the projectile will fly a little longer, you need to get used to this.

Now the restriction on camera distance has disappeared and thanks to this you can move the camera to the desired distance. This is quite useful in some situations, such as when you need to look around a corner or look around the entire map.

Equipped with a more detailed log of damage received. A good mod that will add a list of damage that enemies have dealt to you to the right of the panel. The enemy's nickname, the amount of damage, the type of projectile and the class of equipment - this is the information that will appear.

The names of enemy and allied tanks now appear on the minimap. In addition, the minimap is equipped with a circle of your view, a drawing square, and a laser pointer that shows the direction of the camera.

One of the most necessary mods for our game. It will be especially useful for artillery experts who will have at their disposal visual critical angles near the sight. Playing will become much more comfortable!