Location of holotapes and sensors

This mod aims to completely change the way you think about settlements. You"ll now be able to create detailed, living places with minimal effort.
The ultimate goal: making every settlement a unique and awesome looking Fallout city, with perks and rewards that help you at every stage of the game.

WARNING! Before uninstalling, scrap all plots you make. As of patch 1.0.5 there is a Self Destruct Sequence in the holotape that will do this for you!

I"ll be releasing several videos related to the mod each week, covering things like usage, future changes, and patch notes. There are already a ton of videos describing a lot of details on how the mod works if you want to learn some of the nitty-gritty!
Subscribe to my channel on Youtube: Youtube.com to be notified when new content is released!

One of the biggest problems with Fallout 4, is just how disconnected the Settlement system feels from the rest of the game. Settlements lack that Bethesda game feel of exploration and progression, and so there"s not much incentive to actually use the system.

It also feels bizarre that you have to micromanage all these people, and personally plant seeds and decide where people sleep - you"re their leader, not their mother! You"re supplying these people with security and tons of resources, why can"t they kick in and help out with building up the city?

In version 1.0, this mod adds the start of that vision by allowing you to place down zones (ala Sim City) that will make your settlers create buildings of the appropriate type in that zone. It includes a series of systems to help bring your settlements to life, and make them more dynamic and interesting to engage with.


  • Buildings are chosen at random and filled with random things depending on how you zoned an area. Using the basic types of Agricultural (farms), Commercial (stores), Industrial (factories), and Residential (homes) - you create a basic outline for your settlement using the workshop system and the settlers will handle the rest. Version 1.0 includes a large selection of buildings with even more on the way!


  • Every building has multiple levels of upgrades that can be unlocked over time to keep you coming back to re-explore your own settlements and find out what"s changed.

Dynamic Needs:

  • To help make settlements more interesting, the basic needs of your settlers change over time, making keeping them happy more of a challenge, raids less predictable, and the upgrade unlocks feel like they were earned.

Living Cities:

  • No longer will all of your settlers share the same boring life story, some of them will be flagged with interesting backgrounds, likes, hobbies, and quirks that play out in a visual story in their homes to make them stand out and feel like a unique and important person.
  • Clutter throughout homes and some shops is chosen randomly both at creation and periodically when you visit them to really make them feel lived in.
  • Furniture markers are placed throughout the homes and buildings so your settlers spend less time clumped up waiting for something to do and instead engage with your settlement.


  • To make the system even more worth it beyond the visual reward of the above systems, a tax system is in place to ensure the settlements can have a huge impact on your gameplay.
  • In a future patch, tons of unlocks will be added in the form of special buildings and settler inventions that you can use while you"re out conquering the wasteland!

Add Your Own Stuff:

  • The entire system is open-ended, with scripts and tutorials that allow absolutely anyone to add their own buildings, clutter, and stories to expand the system from their own mods. Check out the Builder's Toolkit page!

Bonus: HUD Piece

Q - Why don't the items show up in my Special menu?
Watch the Quick Start Video at the top of the description.

Q - Can you create plots to use inside the existing buildings or in the Vault DLC?
That"s outside the scope of the mod right now, though at some point I will open-source the framework so the community can expand the system as much as they like!

Q- I"m having trouble with Commercial plots/Building Upgrades/Taxes!
A- Check out this video to get some background details on how the code works: FAQ Episode 1

Q- Why is this an ESM?
A - Sim Settlements includes tons of resources for anyone to add their own stuff to the mod. While this can be done without parenting to Sim Settlements, it"s a ton more work and will inflate the size of their mod. By making this an ESM, other mods can set this as a Master File and make direct use of some of the objects in Sim Settlements.

Q - Where should this go in my load order?
A - ESM mods will be naturally near the top of your load order. Since this mod doesn't affect any vanilla records, it shouldn't matter where it is. If you"re using HUDFramework, that mod should be above Sim Settlements in the load order.

Q - Is any DLC required?
A - Definitely not. Everything was built using vanilla or custom assets.

Q - Are there any limits to how many plots I can build?
A - Nope, go nuts.

Q - How does this affect my build limit?
A - Since this mod spawns in most of the objects, it actually bypasses affecting the build limit by quite a bit. The actual plot and the posts will count towards your triangle limit, but nothing else should. So you get a virtual boost to your build limit by using these!

Q - Will this hurt my frame rate?
A - For the most part, this won"t affect your frame rate anymore than building a ton of workshop items would. There are a few shop models that have crazy amounts of high-poly clutter, so those might cause a dip - I will look into optimizing those for a future release.

Q - Why do the sleeping bags flicker in and out?
A - All items that are spawned by the plots are refreshed at each building stage, since the default build speed is now real-time, that happens quite rapidly. A workaround for the builder's beds may be added in a future update.

Known Issues

Some of the shoes and clothing in the Clothing Stores are a little boxy, had an issue with a nif exporter. It will be fixed in a future release.

Twisted Terminal bug: If you get to the museum and find the terminal at an unnatural angle, it may be covering up the holotape! To fix this, save and exit, disable the mod, reload the save, save and exit again, then activate the mod again. When you load back in to that last save after a few seconds the boxes, sensors, tape, and terminal should start spawning in to their correct positions.


  • Do NOT try to Transfer your Sim Settlement made city with Transfer Settlements - it will only transfer the plots and some of the objects and will just make a mess.
  • While technically compatible, if you"re using Don"t Call Me Settler, I can"t offer help with your saves. The mod was pulled from the Nexus because it can cause irreversible damage to your save, so if you run into issues with your settlers and are using DCMS, there"s almost nothing I can do to help.
  • The Non-DLC UFO4P will cause issues with this mod. The authors of that have declared they are not supporting the Non-DLC version, so I can"t either. If you don"t have all of the DLC, I highly recommend NOT using UFO4P. Though if you already have it installed in your playthrough, it"s not a good idea to remove it.
  • If you"re using Orphans of the Commonwealth - turn off Auto Assignment in the holotape! Orphans can end up assigned to things they aren"t compatible with and end up stuck. If they get stuck, scraping the plot should fix the issue. I"ll be releasing a patch to prevent them from being assigned to plots very soon. Fixed in 1.0.1


Sim Settlements adds a new way to build your settlements that is much faster than vanilla, but the settlements still feel disconnected from the rest of the game and don't matter much at all in the grand scheme of things.

With version 1 of Sim Settlements, the mod introduced a new way to build settlements, allowing you to create a master plan but let Settlers handle the details. With version 2 and the Industrial Revolution expansion, Sim Settlements gives you the tools to fine-tune your settlers and ensure they produce the things they need.

Animation and sound:

To help you feel a truly industrial atmosphere in your city, Industrial Revolution is loaded with animated cars, tar buildings and regular sounds.

Combat plots and recreational areas:

These new plot types provide protection and happiness, respectively, so you can have more direct control over your settlement's needs without the need for cheat points or turret spam.

Advanced Industrial Site:

New Upgrade Model: At the start, Advanced Industrial Plots work the same as a basic industrial plot, such as "mining" a resource, for example a sawmill will harvest wood.

When a building is upgraded, instead of just becoming a more complex structure to collect that material, the settler will take that material and refine it into something more advanced, such as metal ore being turned into steel.

When the building is upgraded again, the settler will use this processed resource to provide a product or service. For example, nuclear material can be used to create a power plant.

Branch upgrades and technical trees. Not only do these buildings follow a new pattern, but they now have variations on each level. In the initial release, each advanced industrial building has two possible paths on each level, for a total of 35 possible buildings from that site. Many of these buildings are connected to each other, the more you build, the more options you will unlock.

Resource Accumulation: You can now directly influence how quickly these changes are improved by helping the settler accumulate additional resources or take their resources and use them for yourself.

Direct control:
You can now directly select the types of buildings you want to build, giving you complete control over how your settlements develop. Or you can let settlements continue to grow organically - the choice is yours!

Secrets and unlocks:
Many of the buildings in the Industrial Revolution have secrets to discover and new items to unlock - such as new unique magazines and supplies.

Settlements are now available with this transformative mod.

This year's best mod was the Sim settlements mod for Fallout 4.

The sim settlements mod pleasantly surprised me. It allows Fallout players to build settlements in a completely new way, basically by allowing NPCs to build their own settlement. Define zones for residential, commercial or industrial buildings, sit back and watch as your settlers construct buildings by choosing a building type from a selection of buildings.

In this case, each building will be unique. As the number of buildings increases, non-player characters will add different functions and decorations and even additional stories to their buildings. Each visit will give you the opportunity to observe the construction process, which will give your settlements realism and your residents - organization. They won't just stand around and watch you install every door, window, and piece of furniture yourself.

The cool thing is that you can still use the original game's settlement system, even inside that same settlement. Designate building sites with the help of NPCs (non-player characters) and build them yourself. Your practicality is up to you. This is a well thought out and executed mod that could easily be added to the game.

This mod confused me at first. With so many things to keep track of in the Commonwealth, who would want to rebuild the headquarters piece by piece with rickety bed frames, discarded cinder blocks and old toilets? Not me. That's why I hesitated before purchasing this mod. Seriously, I am thrown by fate in a post-apocalyptic world with a lot of firearms and bladed weapons to save. I want to get rewards for killing scary monsters running around, not be a designer. I know that rebuilding a new world is important for survival, but let someone else do it.

Quote to the description of the mod from the ModDB website: “This looks somewhat strange. You need to manage every step of all these people, plant the seeds with your own hands and decide where people will sleep - you are their leader, but not their mother! You supply these people with a huge amount of material and security. Why don’t they repay the gratitude and help build the city?”

Due to this, my useless fellow homebuilders in the Sanctuary Hills area began suddenly and willingly rebuilding everything in a “post-nuclear 60-minute rebuild” style. The despondency was removed from the main buildings and this is wonderful. And the joy of returning after long wanderings in the Westlands and seeing the settlers’ project completed, while they are “plowing” on the next one, is simply unparalleled. Who would have thought that Preston Garvey had a creative side!

This mod connects settlements with the rest of the game world. In addition, the adjustable needs system makes it possible to change the current needs of your settlers. It will now be harder to keep settler joy levels high and raids will be harder to predict.

Download Sim Settlements mod for Fallout 4 + 3in1 pack

The most awesome and popular mod for building settlements in Fallout 4. The modification turns your settlements into SimCity, where you only need to mark the type of plot, and the settlers will do the rest for you. They themselves will build a house, a factory, a mine, if, of course, there are resources in the workshop, and they themselves will increase the level of your building, and they will also pay taxes. You can choose the amount of taxation and even the type of construction yourself, or you can leave it to your companion, making them the mayor of the settlement.

Having installed the mayor of the settlement, you can choose from ready-made presets for each post the one you like. Those. The mod developers have already placed buildings and factories at their discretion so that everything looks as atmospheric and beautiful as possible. But if you don’t like this or that building, you can always replace it yourself, or you can not build up the settlement automatically, but place the necessary zones where you need them and assign NPCs to them yourself.

The settlement management program "City Manager 2078" will automatically attach newly arriving free settlers to the zones, who will not only live, work, relax and protect the settlement, but also pay you taxes in the form of caps. As your settlement develops, your settlers will begin to invest more in their homes and businesses. As buildings improve, they will change in size and acquire a more interesting appearance and will begin to bring you additional bonuses.

Where can I find sensors and holotapes to control the mod?

Independence Museum in Concord
On the third floor in the left corner of the building farthest from the entrance.
The holotape and ASAM sensors are on the table, on the floor around it, and in boxes on filing cabinets nearby.

Boston Mayor's Hideout
In the storage room at the very end of the shelter.
The holotape and ASAM sensors are on the first shelf to the left of the door.

West Everett
In an unfinished building next to construction equipment.
The holotape and ASAM sensors are located on a cart in the center of the site.


Under the download button there is a 3 in 1 pack, which includes the mod itself and its addons Industrial Revolution and Rise of the Commonwealth (we recommend downloading it)

. Allows settlers to build and develop their settlements on their own, similar to the game SimCity, but here everything is much more interesting. The poor ragamuffins, who for two hundred years had never found time to wash themselves and build themselves a decent hut, suddenly perked up and began rebuilding the Commonwealth from dirt and radioactive ash. Moreover, they rushed to help themselves so quickly that they raised some industry and even science from the ruins.

With this mod you can build and develop your settlements almost automatically, just like in the SimCity game. Settlers only need to indicate where and what to build, and they will do it without your further participation. Plan your cities yourself, placing special areas for development the way you like.

The settlement management program "City Manager 2078" will automatically attach newly arriving free settlers to the zones, who will not only live, work, relax and protect the settlement, but also pay you taxes in the form of caps. As your settlement develops, your settlers will begin to invest more in their homes and businesses. As buildings improve, they will change in size and acquire a more interesting appearance and will begin to bring you additional bonuses.


For technical (and aesthetic) reasons, 90% of the content on the page has been moved to , in a special section for Sim Settlements. This is mainly a compilation from the official wiki in my translation, including background information, tips, descriptions of the mod's problems and their solutions, optimization methods and much more. I hope all this information will be useful to you, and it’s not in vain that I squirmed at night, poking my nose at the keyboard from fatigue and high blood pressure... Enjoy.

Mod Salvage Beacons mentioned in the description can be downloaded or in my translation , if you wish.
Don't forget to report localization errors.
Enjoy the game everyone.

Update 4.1.2: (translation) For the three-in-one version!
-Fixed a bug that could cause Faction Pack music tracks to never stop playing.
-Fixed several problems with the Settings section of the holodisk software.
-Restored several missing text files to the Xbox archive.


Fallout 4 version or higher
Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) 1.26 or higher ●
MCM is a separate advanced menu for advanced mod settings, available in pause mode.

HUDFramework ●
An additional interface window for visually displaying the needs of settlers, which is visible only near and inside settlements. Configurable via Pipboy or MCM.

For comfortable placement of zones and construction without restrictions.Highly recommended!

Settlement Menu Manager ● Russian version
All Sim Settlements objects will be located in a separate, own section of the workshop menu.

Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)
This is less of a recommendation and more of a useful link. If you use scripted mods (such as MCM or others), then you will need F4SE for them to work.


Just a list. More details in on the forum.

Alternate Start Infinite Answer
Cozy Beds
Don't Call Me Settler
Enhanced Game Play (EGP)
Nakano Workbench
Spring Cleaning
Scrap Everything
Unlimited Building
Unlimited Companion Framework
Non-DLC Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Welcome to Goodneighbor

. 3in1 -- contains Sim Settlements + Industrial Revolution + Rise of the Commonwealth

Automatic installation

Download the archive with the full Russian versionthe assembly you need and install using Nexus Mod Manager.

Manual installation

Download the archive with the full Russian version of the assembly you need and extract to folder...\Fallout 4\Data\
Then connect Sim Settlements -
- or through the list of plugins in
Nexus Mod Manager ;
- or directly in Fallout 4 through the "Modifications" menu.


Launch Fallout 4, it is recommended to start a new game or boot from a clean save at the beginning of the playthrough, if you have one. To activate the mod, you need to find the holotape "City Manager 2078" and load it into your Pipboy.
Following the standard storyline (even if you already know where to look in advance), talk to Codsworth as usual and go to Concord. In the process of completing the quest "Call of Freedom", you should easily find the holotape and boxes with sensors, just look carefully in all the dark corners.
However, it may happen that you will not be able to detect the holo-recording where it should be (this can happen for various reasons), then a little lower in the section “Location of holo-recordings and sensors”, check whether you were looking for it and what to do if the holo-recording really not there.
In the same case, if this is not the first time you start playing Sim Settlements, and you just don’t want to waste time, then the holotape can be generated through the MCM menu or obtained using a mod


If you are not interested in such a vigorous thing as Sim Settlements, and none of its expansions, even Conqueror, then I don’t even know... Then wait for Fallout 5 and dream of a bright post-apocalyptic future.
Unfortunately, and as far as I know, there is no official removal process... In order to remove the mod as cleanly as possible, and continue the game without it, do the following - using the City Manager 2078 holotape, blow up all built zones and cities . You will also have to destroy all objects related to SS, including holotapes, sensors, resources, terraformers, and the like, and only then will it be possible to disable and delete the mod and all its extensions and addons. And the fact that after removal there will be no jambs in the game is not guaranteed.
Automatically - with the help of NMM.
Manually - disable the mod in the game (or in the manager), then delete the files:
...\Fallout 4\Data\SimSettlements.esm
...\Fallout 4\Data\SimSettlements - Main.ba2
...\Fallout 4\Data\SimSettlements - Textures.ba2
...\Fallout 4\Data\Interface\SimSettlements_TechTree.swf (if it exists)
and folder
...\Fallout 4\Data\MCM\Config\SimSettlements


. To update, just delete the old version and install the new one; there is no need to destroy zones and cities. The new version will pick up and process all objects already created in the previous version. Some time after loading the save, a message indicating a successful update will appear. This should also work when updating even from very early versions to 4.x.x, but in this case I still recommend not to risk it and start a new game.
. To change the version from “Basic” to “3in1”, simply remove one and install another, you don’t need to do anything else.
. To replace “3in1” with “Basic”, I recommend not wasting your nerves and starting a new game.
. If you want to roll back to an earlier version of the mod itself, I also recommend starting with a new game.


. Independence Museum in Concord
On the third floor in the left corner of the building farthest from the entrance.
The holotape and ASAM sensors are on the table, on the floor around it, and in boxes on filing cabinets nearby.

Boston Mayor's Hideout
In the storage room at the very end of the shelter.
The holotape and ASAM sensors are on the first shelf to the left of the door.

West Everett
In an unfinished building next to construction equipment.
The holotape and ASAM sensors are located on a cart in the center of the site.

The "City Manager 2078" holotape can also be created through the MCM menu or read on the forum.
To create a holotape manually, open the MCM menu, go to the Sim Settlements section, move the mouse to the right on the description and scroll down until you see the inscription "Tools - Create Holotape". Click on “Create a holotape” (ONE time is enough!), then return to the game and confirm the creation of the holotape in the pop-up window.


The first two extensions do not require translation; all the text for them is contained in the basic version. "Conqueror" and megapack have their own localized files.
If you use the "3in1" mod assembly, then you do not need to install the first two extensions, they are already included.
Megapack and Conqueror can be installed on any build.

Sim Settlements Expansion Pack - Industrial Revolution .
Plants and factories will allow you to take control of your settlements and begin work on creating items with which you will conquer the Wasteland. Many of these buildings contain secrets that will help you on your adventures.

Sim Settlements Expansion Pack- Rise of the Commonwealth .
You will be able to appoint mayors (leaders) and build entire cities in a realistic automatic mode.

Sim Settlements Expansion Pack- Conqueror
Global War in the Commonwealth. Assaults and capture of settlements.

Sim Settlements Mega Pack - Year One
Collection of construction plans for different types of zones, more than 100 pieces.


If you know of any new good addon that is not on the list, immediately report it in the comments.
Please also inform us about version updates.

Industrial City. Russian version 0.9.6b. Requires Sim Settlements 1.1.2 or higher + all DLC
Junk Town. Russian version 11.0. requires Sim Settlements 3.3.0 or higher
Wasteland Venturers AIO. Russian version 4.0.0. Requires Sim Settlements 3.4.5a or higher + all DLC
Ruined Homes and Gardens. Russian version 4.0.1. requires Sim Settlements
Brae's Defenses. Russian version 0.5. (absorbed by megapack) requires Sim Settlements 2.0.0 or higher + Nuka World DLC
Altairp's Animal Farm. Russian version 1.0.8. requires Sim Settlements 3.2.4 or higher + Far Harbor DLC
IDEK's Logistics Station. Russian version 1.2.3b. requires Sim Settlements 2.1.7 or higher (3.2.0 or higher recommended)
Jib's Residential. Russian version 1.0.3. (absorbed by megapack) requires Sim Settlements 1.1.6 or higher
Always Free. Russian version 1.3.3. Requires Sim Settlements 3.2.1 or higher and Far Harbor DLC
Classic Shacks. Russian version 1.2. requires Sim Settlements + Industrial Revolution + DLC Contraptions + DLC Vault-Tec + DLC Wasteland
JtBryant's Utilities. Russian version 1.0.2
Scrappers. Russian version 2.50. requires Sim Settlements 3.1.2 or higher
Trailer Park Dreams. Russian version 1.2b. (absorbed by megapack) requires Sim Settlements 1.1.2 or higher
PCDug Addons. Russian version 1.2. (absorbed by megapack) requires Sim Settlements 1.1.0a or higher
Sim Homestead. Russian version 4.9. Requires Sim Settlements 2.1.7 or higher and Far Harbor DLC
B84s Themed Residentials. Russian version (absorbed by megapack) requires Sim Settlements
SimTowers. Russian version 1.1.0. requires Sim Settlements 2.0.1 or higher
Raider Refugees. Russian version 0.9.9. requires Sim Settlements 2.0.0 or higher

Modification information
Modification languages Russian, English
file size 453.4 Mb
For Game Fallout 4 or higher
Required Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) 1.26
Recommended HUDFramework, Place Everywhere, Settlement Menu Manager, Sim Settlements Building Plans Preview, Crafting Highlight Fix
Not compatible Alternate Start Infinite Answer, Conquest, Cozy Beds (not verified), Don't Call Me Settler, Enhanced Game Play (EGP), Horizon, Nakano Workbench, Resurrection, Spring Cleaning, Scrap Everything, Unlimited Building, Unlimited Companion Framework, Non- DLC Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch, Welcome to Goodneighbor
List of changes Version v4.1.2
Fixed an issue that could cause Faction Pack music tracks to never stop playing.
Fixed several issues with the Settings section of the holodisk software.
Recovered several missing text files into the Xbox archive.
Additional Information