The best dating apps for serious relationships. The best dating apps for your smartphone. Don't wait to be conquered


Free app for iOS

What's the point? The program is focused not so much on romantic dating, but on finding a companion for the next hour. Say, if you want to go to the movies with someone or have a cup of coffee.

How does it work? You don't need to register to log into the application - just log in via Facebook. You leave a request, saying what you would like to do in the near future - go to the cinema, have a drink, take a walk. If it’s hard to decide, there is the option of “something special” - this could mean a date or sex. After that, you are offered profiles of those who, within a radius of 50 kilometers from you, are looking for the same leisure time. If there is mutual interest, you have exactly one hour to write to each other and arrange a meeting. By the way, the application also allows you to call each other - your phone number will be hidden, so it’s completely safe. After 60 minutes, your application is automatically canceled and the correspondence is erased.

What's the reality? In Russia this application is not particularly popular. For example, in the evening, in the program you can usually find one or two people with similar interests, and more often than not, no one at all. Well, judging by the profiles, the main consumer of the service is first-year students.

Pros. A simple and clear interface, clearly defined expectations, an acceptable level of communication security. It may come in handy if your friend unexpectedly let you down and you have no one to go to the theater with.

Minuses. Low activity of the application; you can learn little about it from the interlocutor’s profile.


Free application for IOS and Android.

What's the point? As the creators of the service write, the application is designed to “bring back to people the joy of a regular and varied sex life.” In other words, find a partner for sex in the near future.

How does it work? Registration is also not required - just log in via Facebook. The questionnaire maintains the principle of complete anonymity - only your photo and gender are visible. Very convenient and understandable interface, nothing superfluous. As in Yep, the same “here and now” principle applies. You leave a request that you would like to meet. You are asked to select a candidate based on their location from you. If the liking is mutual, then you have exactly an hour to correspond and exchange additional photos if desired. And no matter which direction the conversation goes, after 60 minutes the content of the chat is erased, and the interlocutor disappears into virtual space. By the way, for security reasons, your interlocutor will also not be able to download your photos. However, this does not protect them from being screenshotted.

What's the reality? Here's where you won't be bored, it's in Pure. At any time of the day or night, men here are very, very active and determined to enjoy sexual pleasures. It is especially surprising that the majority of users are beautiful, well-groomed, and intelligent-looking. However, they don’t waste time on empty talk here. Your interlocutors will throw out a couple of elegant compliments, and then get straight to the point - “where and when.” In addition to the conversation, many people post intimate photos of themselves to show off the product, so to speak.

Pros. Convenient and pleasant interface, high level of confidentiality. In principle, if you really need a partner for the night, there is someone to choose from.

Minuses. The lack of any information about the interlocutor and his focus on quickly organizing sex can be annoying. It seems that the application is still more focused on men's needs.

Applications for finding serious relationships

The most popular dating apps for more serious dating are Tinder, Badoo and Yumixo.


Free app for IOS and Android .

What's the point? This application involves searching for a serious, traditional relationship with long correspondence and courtship. According to the creators of the service, they have already made 9 million couples happy around the world.

How does it work? You also log in without registration, through Facebook, from where the program copies all your data - profile photo, interests, profession. So you don’t have to fill out any tedious forms. Despite your close contact with the social network, the program promises that no one will know about your presence on Tinder. Next, you set the search parameters, and you are offered a variety of profiles to choose from. The most exciting part is the “casting” of candidates. With a slight movement of your finger, you fastidiously swipe the guy you like to the right, and the unsightly one to the left. As soon as your likes coincide, the phrase “you are a couple” lights up on the screen and a chat opens for correspondence.

What's the reality? Thanks to its great popularity and ease of use, Tinder really allows you to quickly find someone to chat with. In addition, a lot of foreigners hang out here - at the same time you can practice your English. But be prepared to endure dozens of empty conversations with banal “how are you” and “what are you doing” before you find someone suitable.

Pros. Convenient interface, pleasant contingent, real profiles in profiles, protection from uninteresting or intrusive suitors.

Minuses. It is impossible to reconsider “rejected” gentlemen,” the risk of getting stuck in relationships with interlocutors at the correspondence stage.


The program has a website on the Internet, as well as free applications for IOS and Android.

What's the point? This is one of the most popular dating services in Russia, which has existed since 2006. It, like Tinder, is focused on finding a soul mate or communicating for flirting.

How does it work? You can log in to Badoo by registering on the website or via Facebook. Data and photos from the social network are also automatically used to fill out your profile. At the same time, you can supplement it by adding a description of your appearance and parameters for finding a partner. After logging in, you will be offered potential suitors who are nearby (section “People Nearby”). Or you can view everyone’s profiles in the “Dating” block. At the same time, you can send messages to everyone, and simply block unwanted gentlemen.

What's the reality? With the regular, free version of the account, the dating process is very sluggish, and the candidates, frankly speaking, leave much to be desired. Mostly migrants, Caucasians and 74-year-old grandfathers are active here. To increase your popularity and be able to write messages to new users, you need to pay for VIP status - 5,490 rubles per month.

pros. The ability to use the application both on the phone and on the computer, wide audience coverage.

Minuses. Imposition of paid services, low service activity, dubious contingent of suitors and lack of protection from unnecessary communication.


Free iOS app

What's the point? The service is also intended for romantic dating and communication. At the same time, according to the authors, the program should encourage users to communicate in real life. To do this, you are asked to select the desired scenario for a date (the service contains countless templates) or offer your own. For example, “go for a walk in clothes of the same style and color” or “launch Chinese lanterns from the roof.”

How does it work? After logging in with Facebook, you will be asked to upload a profile photo, and be sure to indicate your height and search parameters. Then you can leave a request for a date or go explore what the gentlemen have to offer. You can like the candidate you are interested in, after which he will automatically receive a message from you stating that you like his script. This encourages you to start a conversation casually.

What's the reality? The application is quite lively: the profile is immediately noticed, guests of the profile and the number of likes are visible. You can send and receive messages from everyone except those in VIP status. Depending on the tariff, paid services will cost from 500 to 1850 rubles. However, there is no particular need for a paid profile. The contingent of men is the most diverse. If we compare, the gentlemen are clearly more decent than in Badoo, but inferior to the handsome guys from Tinder.

Pros. Quite high application activity. The service makes it possible to go offline and not get hung up on correspondence. Helps those who have difficulty communicating - there are ready-made message templates.

Minuses. Not a very user-friendly interface: it’s not immediately clear how the service works, where and how to look for people to talk to. You can see who you have visited in their profile, which is not always convenient. Automatic messages from users are annoying, where communication often ends.

As you can see, there are a lot of dating apps now. Everyone will find something to their liking.

The pace of modern life does not always allow for time to meet new people. Also, eternal problems like lack of approach and banal lack of self-confidence have not gone away. Modern technologies come to the rescue! At the same time, the purpose of meeting absolutely does not matter: from pleasant online communication to creating a new unit of society. Or maybe you are attracted to one-night stands? The most popular dating apps in today's selection.

Tinder- one of the most popular dating services. The first version of the Tinder application for Android was introduced in 2012. Throughout its existence, the service has been dynamically developing and acquiring new functionality.

To log in, just log in to your Facebook account and set the required search parameters. One of the advantages of the application is the use of information about your current location to select profiles. Therefore, in addition to the usual gender and age, you can specify the search radius.

Another feature is that mutual sympathy is required to start communication. There is no way to contact the person you like without mutual sympathy; the service is entirely based on the first impression. To make a decision, the service offers photographs and brief information about the user. The interface is intuitive: if you like it, swipe right, if you don’t, swipe left.

Paid features
Any successful project must be monetized and make a profit. Tinder for iPhone was no exception; a paid subscription was introduced in 2015. In the free version, you can put a limited number of likes per day, and the maximum search radius is no more than 160 kilometers. Tinder Plus removes these restrictions, in addition, a nice bonus is the ability to return a profile that you didn’t initially like. The cost of a subscription depends, among other things, on the age of the user and ranges from 40 to 800 rubles. There is no exact information about the operation of the algorithm that determines the price level.

Badoo for Android- a dating service from Russian developers. The site was first launched in 2006. Not wanting to be left out of the boom in social networks aimed at smartphone users, the authors of the service created a mobile application.

To register, you need to enter the usual information: name, gender, photos. Additionally, you can add information about your place of work, education, and hobbies. The questionnaire is customized quite finely, down to attitudes towards smoking, alcohol and many other aspects. The service allows you to determine the purpose of dating: from simple communication to a date. To speed up the process, all the necessary information can be downloaded from your profile on Facebook, VKontakte and other popular social networks.

User profiles are offered based on specified preferences. Mutual sympathy is required to start communication. The user card contains basic information, as well as all uploaded photos.

Particular attention is paid to location-based functionality. Some users in the People Nearby section are marked with a blue symbol. These are people you might meet throughout the day.

Paid features
A paid subscription to the Badoo dating service on iPhone has received a special name - “Super Power”. With its help, you can find out who liked your profile, who added you to favorites, and also activate the invisible mode. That's not all, subscription adds many small features. A monthly subscription will cost 650 rubles, and a perpetual account will cost 4,000 rubles.

DOWN for Android offers an approach that is unusual for a dating service. Why look for new people when you can get to know your friends better from your Facebook account?

After adding your Facebook account, the service offers you to choose those you like from your friends list. The main advantage is anonymity; the message of sympathy comes only in case of reciprocity. DOWN for Android allows you to choose the purpose of communication: a one-night stand, or building a serious relationship. The selection principle is simple: swipe up - to meet, down - to sleep, to the side - the next profile.

The service promotes the unique idea of ​​finding mutual sympathy among people you already know. At the same time, the application is only relevant for active Facebook users; there is no integration with popular social networks in the CIS.

Paid features
A DOWN Premium subscription costs 1,299 rubles per month; after purchase, the application will offer a larger number of profiles. Some actions can be purchased using internal coins; a minimum set of 10 will cost 239 rubles.

Wamba- a service from the creators of the no less popular network. Wamba for Android is an application with additional functionality typical for mobile devices. The original website has been operating since 2003!

The general concept of the application coincides with its competitors. Simple registration, then selection of interesting profiles. To simplify things, integration with various social networks is available: Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

Compared to other offers, Wamba's monetization model for Android looks unusual. In addition to the usual VIP subscription, you can separately pay for privileges using internal coins. An excellent solution for infrequent guests of the application.

Paid features
But the scale of monetization is amazing. Adding additional information to your profile is a paid action. Even an advanced search costs money, let alone promoting a profile and communicating without mutual sympathy. To communicate with users who already have a subscription, you will also have to get one.

There are never too many apps for making new acquaintances! LovePlanet for Android- an interesting alternative to the services described above. The corresponding site for finding a soulmate was launched in 2005. Since 2013, clients for major mobile platforms have begun to actively develop.

When I broke up with my boyfriend, my friends didn’t have any lonely acquaintances, I didn’t go out to clubs, and only beggars and crazy people approached me on the street. In such a situation, all I could do was sing “All by myself” in my pajamas, but instead I downloaded Tinder and in a couple of weeks I found a guy with whom I’ve been together for a year.

Here are seven tips on how to use dating apps so they don't turn into a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear.

1. Don’t be afraid to meet people on apps

Many people don’t trust apps and think that there are only maniacs and desperate losers there. This is a stereotype from 2009 with its Love Planet and texting with strangers. Remember when Carrie Bradshaw was walking through Manhattan and accidentally bumped into the man of her life? I think there is no need to explain how complicated the situation becomes when you live not in Manhattan, but in Chertanovo. It's really scary to meet people here.

What if everything works out? After all, you will need to tell your parents and friends where you met each other. are still not taken seriously, so many people download the application and hide it somewhere between “Weather” and “Health” so that no one sees, and then they forget it themselves.

Don’t be afraid to meet people online and then tell everyone about it. After a couple of disapproving glances, half of your friends (maybe your mother) will also install the application.

Plus, there's endless scope for jokes. If they ask you where you met, you can answer: “At the races” or “In line for Timati’s burgers.”

2. Don't judge by a photo

In dating apps, photos are almost all the information about a person. Therefore, the majority presents themselves as they want to appear. Don’t get your hopes up, otherwise it will turn out like with “The Defenders”: the trailer is unexpectedly good, but the film is as usual.

I remember how I met a brutal guitarist 10 years older, and on a date he told me that he lived with his mother and was learning Klingon. Another Tinder buddy only uploaded a close-up photo of her face. In reality, it turned out that he likes to shoot a bow while wearing elf ears.

There was also a cardiologist who looked like Ryan Gosling, but he seemed to only know the professional question, “How are you today?” That's why I didn't choose my current boyfriend based on his photo. But it turned out that he also looks like Gosling when he shaves.

3. Don’t be lazy to check social networks

At this stage, about half of my candidates dropped out (excluding those who forgot to remove their girlfriend from their status). It turned out that in a profile on social networks there are something worse than quotes from boys’ public pages.

I found a whole album with little girls from one of my chosen ones - and this is not the case when you are glad that he loves children.

4. Don't wait to be conquered

Guys rarely write first on apps, and even less often invite you on dates. And the girls no longer really expect that someone will pay for them in a cafe and give them flowers, but they still count on the first step and a couple of jokes. There is a suspicion that even she herself cannot get rid of the attitude “you should not call the guy first.”

If you are interested in a person, take the initiative. Or at least try to keep the conversation going.

It is important for the interlocutor to see that not only he needs all this. A guy once asked my friend if she was on Facebook, got a simple “yes” in response, and disappeared for a week.

5. Don't use clichés

Never start with “Hi! How are you?" unless you're Joey Tribbiani. But even here it is better not to go to extremes. Instead of “Hello,” my friend was once written: “How many matches will be needed per square meter?” Only Sheldon Cooper can do this.

What to do? Try to find common themes in the first sentence. Don't talk about yourself too much - it gets boring pretty quickly, even if you have a sense of humor. Better ask questions. At the same time, you will feel like Oprah during an interview with Charlie Sheen after rehab.

6. Don't text for too long

Make an appointment as soon as you see that the person spells your name correctly, puts commas in the right places, and doesn't dress up as an elf on the first date.

Long correspondence has at least two disadvantages. First, you run the risk of discussing all the topics that are suitable for . This is where all these stories come from: “and he seemed cool through the correspondence” or “and then he asked me what I wanted to name the children.” Secondly, you may almost immediately fall in love with the way he writes, but when you meet you, you will not like his jokes or the tattoo on half his face.

And it also happens. I was once texting with a guy who took photographs, read a lot, and grew orchids (a bit like the creepy guy from Twin Peaks). At that moment he was on a business trip abroad, and we agreed to meet in a week. On Tinder, a week is three, so by the time he returned, I met a guy whom I am still dating.

7. Don't agree to dates that are known to be disastrous.

It happens that you really like a person, but some little thing spoils everything a little. Like when I turned on the final of the European Championship, and Georgy Cherdantsev was commentating on it. If you immediately understand that you don’t want to listen to Cherdantsev, it’s better not to go on a date.

One of my friends went, and within half an hour she was remembering the tips from “How to Get Rid of a Guy...”, and then for another half hour she was acting out the famous play about a neighbor who doesn’t have her keys.

Humans are social creatures, and most of us strive to spend a lot of time communicating with other people. Mobile application developers are aware of this human characteristic and are trying to fill this need. They create applications where you can meet new people, make friends, and new relationships without leaving your home. After all, find sex without commitment through an app. For you, we have compiled the best dating apps in the Russian language space. They can be downloaded for free for both iPhone and Android.

What's important to know is that most apps need location permission to show you people near you. This is a necessary measure. Also, in the application form, it is advisable to indicate your real data and passport (just kidding).

Best dating apps


Let's start with the newest application, which appeared just a week ago. Nimses is a mixture of Instagram and Tinder, and also the movie “Time”. The bottom line is that for using the application you are awarded in-game currency - nims. For this currency, you can thank other people nearby (within a radius of up to 2 km), for the photo they post in the application. You can also get acquainted, chat and then meet and indulge in carnal pleasures. Yes, yes, I didn’t make a mistake. A week later, it is already full of such offers. Yes, the idea is good, but we’ll look at it in half a year, but for now, test it.


One of the top dating apps is Tinder, which has helped more than 10 million couples around the world find love. Tinder can be used in all countries of the world where there is Internet. The application interface is simple and concise. All the app asks you to do is fill out a short form, and then swipe left - you don’t like it, swipe right - you like it. If the swipes match, a chat will be available where you can talk about the weather, arrange coffee or just a date. The Tinder dating app is suitable for all those who prefer quick dating and location-based dating. For example, you went on a business trip and want to have a good time in the evening, be sure to install the Tinder application, meet people, have sex :).

Mail ru

Mail.Ru was previously actively used for dating and communication; now the popularity has subsided, but the older generation still makes friends or finds old ones through Mail.Ru. After all, this is not only a great way to work with several email accounts, but also the ability to create a profile, post photos, read friends’ news, look for interesting people through search, set filters, synchronize with other social networks and simply send short messages for communication. The good thing about the mail ru dating app is that you can search for the person you are interested in, weed out unknown people and exchange a variety of content. It's also free and available for Android and iPhone.


Chocolate is a dating app that has only gained popularity in recent years. Its peculiarity is complete anonymity, since users see only their profile photo. The application is used only by those who are interested in a personal meeting and a real relationship. If you want to leave the application, your profile will be deleted immediately. Chocolate is a dating app whose motto is “ Sweet meetings and tasty acquaintances”, so it is often referred to as an opportunity to make a sex acquaintance.

Download in the App Store and Google Play. Do you want to know what applications are used in Barnaul, Moscow, St. Petersburg or Omsk for dating? Then you need to note dawap ru, which allows you to conduct love correspondence, create a profile with photos and exchange letters with all the users you like. The peculiarity is that the dating application dawap ru is aimed at building a virtual chat and uploading private photos, often of an intimate nature.


According to the majority of user reviews, Mamba is considered the best dating application in Russia and Europe. Finding a partner in the Mamba application is done in a very unusual way - using an exciting game. All you need to do is create your profile, be online and pass a few tests that will pair you with the right person. You have access to general information from the user’s page, the ability to view fans, like, start a conversation, exchange photos and make a real date. It is also possible to filter the search and select specific candidates for communication.

If you use other dating apps, write about it in the comments.

17.02.2017 20:50:00

In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to enable GPS on Android.

Not so long ago, in order to meet someone, a man or woman had to go beyond their comfort zone: go to a club or cinema, come up with a reason to meet.

Nowadays, a variety of dating applications are available for free downloading, which allow you to find a match without leaving your home. Some apps can be used for communication, others are designed for speed dating, and there are others that can be used to move on to intimate relationships.

We have collected the most popular dating apps for Android. Any of them can be downloaded for free from the Google Play digital store.

AnastasiaDate: Date & Chat App

OS version: Android 2.3.3 or later
Size: 15.26 MB

A popular Android program for dating women in Russia and the CIS. To work with it, you need to register an account in the application, or log in through your Facebook account. You need to fill out your profile, add photos and contacts, and you can start searching for your soul mate. Among the main functions of the dating application are the following:

  • Sending emails with photos
  • Communication via text and video chat
  • Ability to make calls to mobile numbers

The creators of the application guarantee only verified and 100% accredited accounts and protection from scammers.

Communication, dating, chat nearby

OS version: Android 3.0 or later
Size: 10.95 MB

The capabilities of the Android dating app are not limited to just chat. For full communication, the user can use voice chat, as well as write a message in “Live” mode for application participants in his city. Online dating lovers can use the application to see who is nearby, leave them a note and schedule a meeting. In the profile questionnaire, you can indicate your mood, what you are thinking about and what you would like to do. You can quickly find someone to talk to based on your interests or character and, perhaps, create a reliable romantic relationship with him.

ParkFace - online dating

Size: 12.14 MB

It is impossible not to mention the ParkFace program. This is a mobile social network for dating and meetings based on interests, created for Android by the developers of the thematic site ParkSeason. The application is designed for those who are not used to spending a lot of time at home, but appreciate walks and romantic dates. Users can communicate based on interests and make appointments, choosing interesting vacation spots based on event posters.

The application database contains complete information about city parks, squares, museums, pedestrian streets, beaches, rental points, sports facilities, indicating promotions and discounts. Here you can choose an entertainment event, such as a festival or concert. You can even choose a dance studio or yoga center as a place for a first date - the main thing is to note common interests in your profile or chat. You can plot a convenient route on the map to any meeting point.

Other Fly smartphones
On our website you can find a catalog with other Fly smartphones on Android.

Mamba - online dating

OS version: Android 4.0.3 or later
Size: 30.00 MB

Mamba is considered one of the best and most popular. The program focuses on finding interlocutors and partners of similar interests. In the search, you can set several criteria:

  • Age
  • Region
  • Purpose of dating
  • Is the user in a relationship?
  • Type: height, weight, education, physique, zodiac sign, knowledge of languages
  • Bad habits and sexual preferences

The user can mark the people he likes in favorites, and, accordingly, send unwanted people to the ignore list. You can write to some interlocutors only by purchasing VIP status. The application can also point out users to whom it is no longer useful to write: such people have accumulated unread messages, which means that there is a possibility that they have stopped using the program. On the other hand, the app reports new users who are waiting to be introduced to them.

Badoo – Meet new people

OS version: Android 4.2 or later
Size: 29.11 MB

The application is a full-fledged mobile social network. After the user has gained access to the application through a Facebook, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki account, you can see which of the people who want to meet are currently nearby. Each user notes in his profile his interests, purpose of communication and status.

[email protected]

OS version: Android 4.0.3 or later
Size: 30 MB

One of the most popular dating apps on Android. After activating the program, you need to spend a few minutes filling out your application form. After which you can start searching for your soulmate, specifying certain parameters: age, height, weight, dating goals, location. You can choose a partner for ordinary friendly communication, for a serious relationship or for starting a family.

According to the application developer, almost 1.3 million people use the program every day, making about 50 million views. The designers did a good job on the interface, which turned out to be simple and intuitive. The main feed contains photographs of users indicating gender and age. Each photo contains a detailed questionnaire.

Photo Country: dating + communication

OS version: Android 4.0.3 or later
Size: 4.54 MB

A popular social network for dating, on the official website of which more than 22,000 people register every day. Using the application, the user can find friends with similar interests, exchange messages, and meet new love in their city. Communication partners can exchange photos, news and interesting events with each other. The application provides a notification system for new messages, users who want to meet, or those who have shown obvious sympathy.

KakaoTalk: Free Calls & Text

OS version: Android 4.0.3 or later
Size: 35.68 MB

KakaoTalk is a messenger app that allows you to send text messages, photos, videos, voice recordings and location data. Among the main characteristics of the application are the following:

  • Fast messaging
  • Free media sharing
  • Voice chats, one-on-one or group voice calls (1:1 or group) or a large selection of stickers and emoticons.
  • Promotions and coupons from application partners
  • Android Wear support.


OS version: Android 4.0.3 or later
Size: 36.66 MB

A special feature of the application is that you can communicate here only if users mutually like each other. The controls here are perfectly simple: to like, you need to swipe to the right, and to go to the next profile, you need to swipe to the left. Once a couple has been established, you can chat via text, exchange news and make dates. The application has several special modes:

  • Tinder Social - organizing meetings in a group chat.
  • “Passport” - for communicating with people around the world
  • “Rewind” - allows you to give another user the opportunity to express themselves
  • “Boost” - works once a week, brings the profile to the top for 30 minutes.

Chat alone

OS version: Android 4.1 or later
Size: 36.66 MB

The dating application, in its operating principle, is reminiscent of the service, popular in the West, and is designed for 100% privacy of communication. Chat participants are divided into pairs: one guy and one girl. The system randomly selects partners, and no one except them sees their correspondence. Message history is not saved. After one of the chat participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is deleted. The application even blocks the ability to take a screenshot from the screen and does not save photos, videos and audio recordings from the chat in the phone’s memory, instantly deleting them. The chat user is not tied to a mobile number, the application does not require registration.

We hope that the review in which we looked at the best dating apps will help you find not only a new boyfriend or girlfriend, but also establish strong, long-lasting and romantic relationships.