Who made Google. The history of Google (Google) is a world-famous company. Services we can't live without

Interesting facts about the creation and development of Google! Share with friends.

Find it on Google, Google it, Google will help you - these and many other modern catchphrases entered our lives thanks to the fact that almost 20 years ago two graduate students at Stanford University decided to defend a scientific project by creating a search engine.

The history of the creation of Google is truly unusual, but even more interesting are the fathers of this corporation, who brought their brainchild to the top.

Google or what happened before its birth?

Researchers believe that Google company began its rapid progress in 1995, when an American of Russian origin, Sergei Brin, a student at Stanford University, decided to give a tour of its territory for a group of students.

Another talented American, Larry Page, accidentally got into this group.

The dispute that began over a trifle turned first into a strong friendship, and then into fruitful cooperation.

A year later, two friends, and part-time young ambitious graduate students, decided to conquer the teachers with their research project - the PageRank search engine.

The search engines that existed before did an extremely poor job of bringing texts that contained the most keywords to first place.

Often, absolutely useless texts, thanks to spam (a bunch of keywords thrown in at the right place and out of place) were given out as the first number in the search engine...

P.S. I know that many will not understand what “keywords” are, so I strongly recommend opening a Google search engine and writing “what are keywords”! 🙂

Larry Page decided that he needed to act differently and took as an analogy the acquisition of authority in academia.

The better the scientist, the more unique scientific texts he has written, the more often his colleagues use his articles in their works, that is, they refer to them.

The search engine PageRank acted in the same way: ranking was done not due to the number of keywords, but due to the quality of the texts themselves and the number of links to them as the primary source.

This approach was a revolution: users could find information using a qualitative rather than quantitative algorithm.

Google Company - a brilliant history of creation

There was already an excellent search engine, but we needed to come up with a short and memorable name for it.

After going through about fifty options, Page and Brin chose the modified term “googol” (a huge number: 1 with a hundred zeros).

In 1997, all Stanford students and teachers already used the new search system, appreciating its convenience.

The original and so beloved design of the main page (multi-colored letters on a white background) is not the result of long work by a team of designers, but a product of the lack of money of future... 😎

They really didn’t have the money to hire even a bad designer, so they did it on their own, making it “simple and tasteful.”

The history of the creation of Google was coming to its logical conclusion.

But the newborn search engine’s ascent to the top was just beginning.

The further history of the development of Google...

1998 was a pretty good year for Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

They registered Google Inc., rented their first office (so what if it was a garage!), hired 3 employees and received a check for $100 thousand from Andy Bechtolsteim.

  • Winter 1999 - moving to Palo Alto and hiring 8 employees.
  • Fall 1999 – Purchase of our own office space in Mountain View.
  • 2000 – signing of an agreement with the largest American corporation specializing in Internet services Yahoo.
  • 2001 – conquest of South America.
  • 2002 – conquest of Sydney (I remind you for the poor students that this is Australia).
  • 2003 – acquisition of the well-known US publishing service Blogger.

But the most important year in the history of the creation of Google was 2004, when the shares of an actively developing company were floated on the stock market for the first time, making its creators billionaires.

How is Google doing today?

Despite the fact that Larry Page and Sergey Brin became billionaires in the early 2000s, they were not going to rest on their laurels.

The programmers decided not to limit the activities of their corporation to one search engine, introducing more and more new products.

Today we enjoy using such services as Gmail email, the Google+ social network, Google Docs (a program for convenient work with documents), Picasa, a service for processing and publishing photos on the Internet, and many others.

Google Company is an English-language service, however, thanks to specially written algorithms, it searches in living and living languages, and in dead ones (Latin), and in artificial ones (such as Esperanto).

This search engine is used by residents of all countries without exception.

His popularity breaks all records.

And on major national holidays and birthdays of famous personalities, the design of the Google logo is updated: pictures and animation appear.

And if you hover over the logo, you can read what date is celebrated today, and if you also click on it, the search will return links with information.

By the way, an excellent opportunity for self-education.

A few words about the creators of Google...

Sergey Brin (08/21/1973, Moscow, USSR) was born into a family of mathematicians of Jewish nationality.

His parents took him to the USA at the age of five, for which Sergei is very grateful to them (he said this in more than one interview).

He graduated from school, then entered Stanford, where he and Larry Page began creating their own.

In 2006, he married a talented scientist and biologist Anna Wojcicki, with whom he had two children: a boy and a girl.

Larry Page (03/26/1973, Lansing, Michigan, USA) was born into a family of programming teachers. He received his bachelor's degree from Michigan State University and his master's degree from Stanford.

One of (14th line on the Forbes list). Married to the smart (bioinformatics PhD student) and beautiful (gorgeous blonde) Lucy Southworth.

Both lead a fairly modest lifestyle, despite the billions in their accounts.

interesting facts about the creation and development of Google.

…feed our brain only with useful things!

As you can see, History of creation Google quite interesting and, like all unique discoveries, full of surprises.

We are certainly grateful to Larry Page and Sergey Brin for such a wonderful search engine.

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StoryGoogle began in 1996 as a research project by two Stanford students - Larry Page And Sergei Brin. Colleagues and friends at that moment were working on the SDPL project - the Stanford Digital Library. They developed the most convenient, universal digital library, which was supposed to be unified.

The official history of Google as a company began September 4, 1998, when Page and Brin officially registered their creation in their friend Susan Wojcicki's garage in California.

Brief background

In the 2 years since the start of joint activities at Stanford and before the registration of Google Inc. Larry and Sergey have done a lot of work in the IT industry. One more search engine was not enough, a breakthrough was needed, and friends did it.

In 1996, Larry Page was choosing a topic for his dissertation. His choice, on the advice of Professor Terry Winograd, fell on identifying and structuring the influence of external links on a particular resource. This became the prototype of Page Rank (PR), one of the factors thanks to which Google gained leadership in its field.


After Larry decided on a topic for his dissertation, he began a scientific project that went down in history as BackRub. It was at this moment that Sergey Brin joined him.

Page Rank

In March 1996, for the first time, a search engine began indexing pages on the World Wide Web from Larry's home page at Stanford.

In order to better display the results of this indexing, friends developed an algorithm Page Rank, which took into account the authority of the page under study based on the number and quality of external hyperlinks to it from other pages.

The beginning of a unique search engine

Realizing that they were getting better results than other search engines thanks to their algorithm, Page and Brin actually made a revolution in the history of search engines. This is what gave birth to Google, a world-famous company.

At the beginning of its work, the Google search engine was located on the Stanford University website at - google.stanford.edu

Domain name google. com was registered September 15, 1997. "Googol" is a number equal to one followed by one hundred zeros.

Attitude to advertising

Colleagues did not want to turn their brainchild into a billboard with all sorts of pop-up windows and graphic advertising banners. They even wrote a scientific paper on this topic in 1998.

Until now, Google's interface is the most simple and “easy”, allowing it to load faster in the user's browser. Among the advertisements in search results, you can currently only find text advertisements (contextual advertising based on keywords), which first appeared in the search engine in 2000.

The beginning of the history of Google Inc.

Having received the first funding from Andy Bechtolsteim at the rate of $100,000, Larry Page and Sergey Brin officially registered Google Inc. – the history of the beginning of the number 1 search engine in the world began on September 4, 1998 and continues to this day.

By the end of that year, Google's crawler had indexed more than 60 million pages on the Internet. Its advantage over analogues has become generally recognized. At the peak "dot-com bubble" In the stock market, Google already had a huge lead over its competitors, being a private company.

Sales attempt

In 1999, Larry and Sergei realized that the company had so absorbed them that it was clearly interfering with their studies at the university. It was decided to sell to Google for 1 million dollars. The offer was made George Bell, who runs Excite, but he backed out of the deal.

Public IPO of Google Inc.

One of the significant days in the history of Goggle Inc. became August 19, 2004, when the company entered the NASDAQ stock exchange and became public.

Google offered investors 19,605,052 shares at a price of $85 per share. The shares were sold through an online auction of a unique format, organized by the banks that underwrote the transaction. Morgan Stanley And Credit Suisse.

IPO proceeds of $1.67 billion meant Google's market capitalization was more than $23 billion. The vast majority of the shares remained in the company's control, and many of its employees instantly became millionaire stockholders. Yahoo!, a Google competitor, also benefited because it owned 8.4 million Google shares before the IPO. As of February 2014, the corporation's capitalization amounted to over 400 billion dollars!

In addition to being sold on the American market (NASDAQ stock exchange) under the ticker GOOG, the corporation is sold on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and has the ticker GGQ1 there.

Reorganization at Alphabet

After the Google Reorganization Alphabet in October 2015, all shares of the first were converted into shares of the second. They continue to trade on NASDAQ as GOOGL and GOOG ( class A- GOOGL, - with one vote, and class C- GOOG, - no voting rights).


There are also promotions class B, giving their owners 10 votes. The only holders of this class of shares are Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, as well as the former CEO of the company Eric Schmidt.

Google services and acquisitions

Over its history, Google has acquired many companies, some of which have become the basis of the corporation's modern services. Some of them became Google subsidiaries, and some of them became independent branches.

Here are some of them:

GooglePlanetEarth– a service based on the startup Keyhole, Inc., purchased in 2004, whose product was then called Earth Viewer. The service stores photographs of our planet taken from a satellite.

YouTube– the most popular video hosting and search engine No. 3 in the world, purchased by the corporation in 2006 for $1.65 billion.

GoogleVoice– made on the foundation of the purchased company GrandCentral. The transaction amount, which took place in 2007, was $50 million.

Other popular services and products

Among Google's many developments, the most popular are Gmail(Post service), Google Maps(the most recognized integrated application is Google Maps), GoogleDocs(a worthy cloud replacement for office programs from), browser GoogleChrome with a wonderful bookmark synchronization function, operating system Android for smartphones and many others.

Partnerships and sponsorships

In addition to its own developments and acquisitions of companies for its own needs, Google’s management is always open to cooperation and even sponsorship with other companies in a variety of fields of science and production: ecology, space exploration, medicine, IT, automobile production (), smartphones, etc.

Today, Google, under the wing of Alphabet, is one of the leading companies in the IT industry. The history of Google continues and many more useful services and products from this company may be waiting for us.

Which Google products and services do you like best and why? Write about it in the comments below. If you liked this article, share it on social media. networks with your friends and subscribers.

To secure their developments, Google founders L. Page and S. Brin created a new corporation, which, in turn, became the complete owner of all Google assets. Page and Brin continue to play the main role in the new holding.


In 2015, the founders of one of the most successful IT corporations in the world, Google, created a new holding company, Alphabet Inc. (USA), which is currently the sole owner of Google and one of the. The official goal of business transformation is to protect IT development data.

The Google segment includes: search engine, Android, Chrome, cloud storage, maps, games and various applications, YouTube, email service, social network and many other developments. The segment includes more than 50 projects, including operating systems.

Google shares were converted into shares of the new Alphabet Inc. project. and listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Corporate governance

The highest governing body of the holding - the owner of Google, Alphabet - is the Board of Directors. Their solution is of key importance when developing strategies for the further development of business segments and choosing the direction of the corporation’s activities.

In 2018, the Council consists of 11 people who will perform their management functions as general directors until the next annual or extraordinary meeting of shareholders. The CEO of the Google segment is Sundar Pichai.

It is simply impossible to be an Internet user and not know what this is, because this search engine is one of the most popular in the world. But not all users know that it grew out of an ordinary student project. It is interesting that those who created Google did not initially count on any kind of profit, but set up a kind of experiment, which then grew into a full-scale and very profitable project.

Who invented Google?

When it comes to who is the creator of the Google system, advanced users most often remember one name - Sergey Brin, completely forgetting about his partner Larry Page. Probably the reason for this neglect is the great media activity of Sergei, who appeared mostly on TV and in the media, trying to promote his brainchild, while his co-author delved into scientific research and study. But, be that as it may, the Google system was really created by two people, so when talking about the history of both the search engine itself and the company of the same name, the contribution of both partners to the common cause should be fairly highlighted.

It all started back in 1996, when both future billionaires studied at Stanford University and had to pass an annual scientific project. It became the Back Rub search engine, which a year later grew into the Google search engine itself, and a year later became the Google corporation. It is noteworthy that the birthday of the new system is celebrated on September 15, but sometimes it is celebrated a week earlier or later. The creators came up with a brand name for their product using a play on words: they took the English name 10 to the hundredth power, which is written as googol, and distorted it a little, making it unique and recognizable.

After receiving a patent for the Google.com domain, the partners thought about creating their own company in order to be able to develop their brainchild. To do this, we had to look for investors, and as soon as the first financial injection of $100 thousand was received, the new enterprise immediately received permanent residence and official registration in a garage in the town of Mento Park, which belonged to one of Sergei and Larry’s friends. However, a year later, the partners moved to Palo Alto to the Mountain Beau complex, and since then this place has been called nothing less than Googleplex. The head office of a world-famous corporation is still located here.

How do the creators of Google live today?

Currently, 43-year-old US citizen Sergei Brin lives in California, in the town of Los Altos. It is noteworthy that his homeland is the USSR, from where his parents took him at the age of 5. In 2006, he married Ana Wojcicki, a biologist by profession, they had a son and a daughter, but the couple divorced in 2013. In 2016, the authoritative Forbes magazine named Sergei 13 in the TOP of the richest people on the globe, but the young billionaire does not boast of his wealth and lives quite modestly, donating huge sums to charity and scientific projects. He actively publishes in American and foreign academic periodicals and willingly takes part in various scientific and technical forums, and also appears on television.

Another Google creator, Larry Page, also recently celebrated his 43rd birthday and was ranked by Forbes as the 14th richest person in the world. He is happily married to Lucy Southworth, has two children and lives in a large house in Palo Alto. He also actively spends money on charity and various research projects, for example, on developing a way to blow up asteroids approaching the Earth, and also finances the publication of books for children.

The mobile version of Google Docs has received a text editing function.

Company Google Inc. founded in 1998 (date of registration - September 4, 1998) by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Brin and Page met at Stanford University and began working together on a project that later became Google. According to the company's founders, "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone."

Today the company has more than ten thousand employees worldwide. Brin is President of Technology and Page is President of Products.

Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive officer, joined Google from Novell in 2001. Under his leadership, Google significantly expanded its infrastructure and product portfolio. His extensive work experience has prepared him well to lead the development of user-centric technology solutions. Together with the company's founders and other members of the management team, Schmidt is responsible for the company's technical and business strategies.

Google's headquarters are located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

One of the most important areas of the company’s activities is the delivery of search results (and other information) in real time.

In addition to the search engine, Google provides users with various online services. Among the most popular are Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps and others.

The company owns a popular video hosting service YouTube and the online photo editor Picasa, which allows you to process photos and create web albums from them.

Google's email service with virtually unlimited message storage, internal search, and smart anti-spam protection. It has a standard mode and a basic HTML version, which switches to automatically when logging into Gmail using a browser that is not fully supported.

Google Docs

Online application for remote collaboration on documents. Google Docs allows you to add Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or plain text files, create documents from scratch, and upload your own Internet documents; edit documents online simultaneously with any users you choose and invite other people to view those documents; publish documents on the Internet; Send documents via email as attachments.

Google Docs also allows you to work with tables, presentations and illustrations.

Google Maps

A Google service that offers user-friendly map search technology and local business information including address, contact information and driving directions. You can work with maps in three display options: satellite photographs, schematic maps, and a hybrid of the first two maps. Searching for a point by latitude and longitude is supported.

The service also includes the Google Traffic service, Google Places, mobile versions of maps, a custom map designer, etc. Using Google Street View, you can explore 3D panoramic images of various locations around the world.

Google Earth

Google Earth is a client installed on the user's computer. It lets you travel the world using a virtual globe and view satellite photos, maps, landscapes, 3D buildings and more. Google Earth also allows you to virtually explore the sky, dive into the ocean, walk on the Moon and fly to Mars.

What is Google?

A googol is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman.

The material was prepared based on information from the official website