How to delete a group or public page in a contact. How to create a public page and how to delete a VKontakte public How to delete a VKontakte publication

How to delete a public page in a contact if I am the creator? A number of users are asking this question. You should carefully study this situation in order to cope with the task.

  1. It is possible to easily disseminate various information with their help.
  2. Tell your opinion.
  3. Create a page for a company, a musical group.
  4. Manage your own community.
  5. You can use it to sell various products.
  6. There are other reasons for creating, in fact there are many, it all depends on the situation.

Why do you need to delete your public? Possible grounds:

  • The community has done its job.
  • You don't want to deal with it anymore.
  • Nobody wants to buy a group for further maintenance.
  • No one wants to continue the development of the community.
  • There is not enough time to manage it.
  • The owner has lost interest in this topic.
  • Want to get rid of the page completely.
  • The company it belonged to has ceased to exist.


How to delete a public VKontakte page that I created? At the moment, there is no such function in the social network. You can not destroy the existing community, it will continue to exist in any case.

It is not clear why the administration does not provide a button to delete the public page. Perhaps this is due to internal algorithms. Therefore, at this stage, we will have to look for another solution.

The only option is to clear the page as much as possible. You will have to do this manually. It is worth getting ready for an additional waste of time, the procedure can take up to 10-30 minutes.

Of course, it's not that easy. It will take a long time to clear the page from participants and information. But the owner does not currently have an alternative option, so there is no need to choose.

Removing admins and members

The first step is to remove the guide. Required:

  1. Open the page menu.
  2. Find a member section.
  3. Select the Leaders tab.
  4. Complain them.

Now there is only one administrator left in the community - the owner. You can continue destroying the page.

The second stage is the removal of participants. Need to:

  • Go to settings in the section with participants.
  • Delete all users by clicking on a special button next to the name.
  • Gradually clear the list.

In a similar way, you can remove 100-200 people from the community. But what if there are 10,000 or more? Then you should skip this step and do not waste time. After the death of the page, people will begin to unsubscribe from it on their own.

You can go to the contacts section and delete your name. So it is possible to completely hide the creator and exclude the receipt of messages in the future. We recommend that you follow this procedure.

Additionally, you can delete entries. To do this, open the post menu and select the appropriate item. But if there are a lot of records, then the procedure will take time.

The last step is leaving the community. You can leave it by clicking on the special button. It is worth forgetting about the page, in fact, it is already dead and will no longer be useful.

How to delete a public in VK? You can't get rid of it completely. It is only possible to clear all information and delete users. At present, this is the only option offered.

If the page has a lot of subscribers, then it is not necessary to destroy it. If you wish, you can sell the public. The cost depends on the number of participants and their activity. The new owner can keep the theme of the community or change it, it all depends on the wishes of the buyer.

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"? The fact is that there is no such function in the community settings, and many users are perplexed when they encounter a similar issue. In fact, deleting a page is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know how. We will talk about this in this article.

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"?

  • remove the manual;
  • clear the list of participants;
  • get rid of all the content that is present in the public;
  • eliminate all posts on the wall, documents, comments;
  • make the setting.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Clearing the user list

Let's start with the leaders (administrators) of the public page, if, of course, you have them. Please note that only the owners of the public, that is, the people who created it, can perform the above actions. So, we need to go to the "Page Management" section, and then go to the "Participants" tab. In it we will see two categories of users: managers and subscribers. We go into the first one and press the button "Degrading the head". It is located opposite each user image. We repeat these steps until all leaders are demoted. After that, we move to the "Members" tab and remove all subscribers from the community. You will have to spend a lot of time, especially when your page has accumulated quite a lot of fans. We recommend that you think carefully whether you are really ready to delete them all and abandon this public, since all actions are irreversible.

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"? Step 2

Now we need to get rid of all the content that the public page contains. It can be:

  • photographs (albums);
  • audio recordings;
  • documentation;
  • Topics.

To do this is quite simple. However, be prepared for the fact that this stage can take a long time. Try to delete all data completely.

Deleting posts on the wall

To delete the public page "VKontakte", you must definitely get rid of all the posts that are located on the wall. You will not be able to delete all records at the same time, since this is not provided by the site. Each post will have to be deleted manually.

Page Settings

At the end of the article on how to delete the VKontakte public page, we will tell you how to change the page settings. Despite the fact that there are no users and any content in the public, this must be done. We go to the "Page Management" section and delete all information. Namely: name, address, date of formation. Uncheck all items. In conclusion, go to the "Links" tab and erase all the addresses of sites and other groups that are located in it. This is how the public page "VKontakte" can be deleted. Once again, we remind you that it will be impossible to undo all the actions taken, and before deciding to take such a step, think several times.

Faced the problem of deleting a public page on VKontakte. It would seem that a simple action should be in sight, but no. In fact, everything is simple, although not obvious.

So, I answer the question: How to delete a public page on VKontakte?

To get started, go to the page of the public, of which you are the administrator.

A page with settings will open in front of you, scroll to the very bottom and look for the link “Assign administrators”. Go through it.

You are taken to a page with a list of leaders. In my case, there is only one leader. Click on the link "Delete" under the nickname.

And the final step. You will see a window asking you:

Are you sure you want to remove ___ from the list of leaders? Attention: deleting the page's main admin will result in deleting a page.

You will have to agree and click the "Delete" button. Your public page (public) VKontakte has been deleted!

Here is a small guide. I hope it will be useful. Good luck!

By analogy with its Western "big brother" Facebook social network In early January, VKontakte gave its users the opportunity to create public pages. This newly emerged advantage was immediately used by everyone who wanted and wants to promote a brand, website, or even a specific person.

Before the creation of publics, groups were the only possible PR option for VKontakte. However, statistics show that only social groups are successful, while commercial ones are practically doomed to failure. Well, the personal page does not include all the necessary functionality for communicating with the audience.

Public page of director Nikita Mikhalkov

You can create a public page in this way.

  • Go to your profile in the "My Groups" tab and click "Create Community". You will be given an offer to create a public page - "the ideal community for the dissemination of news and information."
  • Next, you will need to select one of the headings: “Place or small company”, “Company, organization or website”, “Work, product or product”, “Famous person or team”. You can also create a "Contacts" section.
  • Think carefully about the name of your public page, because you can only change it within a couple of days after creation - then it will remain unchanged.
  • The next step is settings. A window will appear in front of you in which you can specify the address of your company's website, give a description of the public, assign administrators, and edit the menu. Customizable options: contact information, events, links, discussions, photo albums, video, audio.
  • In the contact information, you can specify a link to the VKontakte profile, phone number, position. News can be published in the microblog format (this is available only to the public administrator).
  • Now get ready to receive subscribers.

How to delete a public VKontakte

If you see that the public page is ineffective, or you want to replace it with a new one, you need to do everything the other way around than when creating it.

  • First, remove the followers of your page.
  • Now go to the management section, remove contact information. Subscribe to news.
  • And most importantly - you need to remove all administrators from the list (if there are several), and the last to remove the main administrator - yourself. The problem of how to delete a public VKontakte is solved.

How to delete the public page "VKontakte" once and for all?

January 31, 2014

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"? The fact is that there is no such function in the community settings, and many users are perplexed when they encounter a similar issue. In fact, deleting a page is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know how. We will talk about this in this article.

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"?

  • remove the manual;
  • clear the list of participants;
  • get rid of all the content that is present in the public;
  • eliminate all posts on the wall, documents, comments;
  • make the setting.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Clearing the user list

Let's start with the leaders (administrators) of the public page, if, of course, you have them. Please note that only the owners of the public, that is, the people who created it, can perform the above actions. So, we need to go to the "Page Management" section, and then go to the "Participants" tab. In it we will see two categories of users: managers and subscribers. We go into the first one and press the button "Degrading the head". It is located opposite each user image. We repeat these steps until all leaders are demoted. After that, we move to the "Members" tab and remove all subscribers from the community. You will have to spend a lot of time, especially when your page has accumulated quite a lot of fans. We recommend that you think carefully whether you are really ready to delete them all and abandon this public, since all actions are irreversible.

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"? Step 2

Now we need to get rid of all the content that the public page contains. It can be:

  • photographs (albums);
  • audio recordings;
  • documentation;
  • Topics.

To do this is quite simple. However, be prepared for the fact that this stage can take a long time. Try to delete all data completely.

Deleting posts on the wall

To delete the public page "VKontakte", you must definitely get rid of all the posts that are located on the wall. You will not be able to delete all records at the same time, since this is not provided by the site. Each post will have to be deleted manually.

Page Settings

At the end of the article on how to delete the VKontakte public page, we will tell you how to change the page settings. Despite the fact that there are no users and any content in the public, this must be done. We go to the "Page Management" section and delete all information. Namely: name, address, date of formation. Uncheck all items. In conclusion, go to the "Links" tab and erase all the addresses of sites and other groups that are located in it. This is how the public page "VKontakte" can be deleted. Once again, we remind you that it will be impossible to undo all the actions taken, and before deciding to take such a step, think several times.