How to create an academy in lineage 2. How to launch your own online academy and what it is for. Let's talk about the example of WorkFusion. Basic principles for building a successful online academy

General information about clans

A clan consists of a Clan Leader and a number of clan members. New clans can accept up to 10 members. By developing and gaining levels, they can increase to 220 members.

clan levelMembersacademy1st Royal Guard2nd Royal Guard1st Knight Order2nd Knight Order3rd Knightly Order4th Knight OrderMax members
0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
2 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
4 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
5 40 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 60
6 40 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 100
7 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 140
8 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 140
9 40 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 200
10 40 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 200
11 40 20 30 30 25 25 25 25 220

Create a clan

Any character over level 10 can create a clan. Upon reaching level 10 or higher, he/she can go to the NPC responsible for creating the clan. The clan name can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters and cannot include spaces or special characters.

Leave the clan

A clan member can leave the clan, but will receive certain penalties:

  • If the clan leader wants to kick a player from the clan, he goes to the Clan Window, selects the Actions > Clan tab, selects the player's name and presses the "Dismiss" button. A player expelled from a clan must wait one calendar day before joining another clan, but may immediately create a new clan. After a clan member is expelled, the clan must wait one day before accepting new members.
  • If the player wants to leave the clan, he can go to the Clan Window, select the Actions > Clan tab and click the "Leave" button. After the player himself left the clan, he/she cannot join another clan for one calendar day, but can immediately create a new clan. The clan leader can accept new members without a time penalty.

If the clan leader leaves the clan, the clan is automatically disbanded and receives penalties.

Transfer of the rights of the Clan Leader

The clan leader can transfer rights to other clan members. The leader must leave a request for the transfer of rights with the NPC responsible for activities related to the clan. The new clan leader will begin to fulfill his new role within the set activation time. (The transfer of the rights of the clan leader must occur even if the connection with the server is unexpectedly interrupted). The transfer of rights can be canceled at any time before the expiration of the set activation time.

Clan Dissolution

The clan leader can dissolve the clan without the prior consent of the clan members. The dissolution of the clan is done in the same way as the creation, through the appropriate NPC.

The dissolution of the clan takes place within seven calendar days. The use of clan skills is limited during this period, but the clan's chat and bulletin board can still be used. A clan cannot be dissolved if it is involved in a clan war. Clan members leaving the clan during these seven days are also unable to join new clans for one calendar day, but as soon as the clan is dissolved, the remaining players can join clans immediately.

A clan leader who disbands his clan receives an experience penalty equal to the penalty from one death and cannot create a new clan for the next ten days. In addition, all the skills of the clan and the glory they deserve will be lost.

Clan levels

Clan levels are acquired in stages. If a clan gains a level, it also gains a new level of clan skills. With these skills, the clan gains various options for managing the clan and strengthening it, including registration of clan members, exclusion, dissolution, transfer of rights, and use of the warehouse. The higher the clan level, the stronger the clan becomes.

Here is a list of requirements for each clan level:

clan levelSPAdenaRequired ItemsReputation pointsMinimum number of clan members
1 20 000 650 000 - 0 1 or more
2 100 000 2 500 000 1 or more
3 350 000 0 Blood Mark 1 or more
4 1 000 000 0 Alliance Manifesto 1 or more
5 2 500 000 0 Seal of Aspiration 1 or more
6 0 0 - 10 000 30 or more
7 0 0 - 20 000 80 or more
8 0 0 - 40 000 120 or more
9 0 0 150 Blood Oaths 40 000 120 or more
10 0 0 5 Blood Pledges 40 000 140 or more
11 0 0 Territory ownership 75 000 170 or more

Talk to Sir Kristof Rodemai in the Town of Giran for information on the Alliance Manifesto and Sir Gustaf Athebaldt in the Town of Oren for more information on the Seal of Aspiration. Other clan quests also become available as the clan levels up.

The table shows the bonuses received by the clan at each level:

0 LevelLevel 1Level 2
Registration of clan members (10 members)
Exclusion of a clan member
Clan Dissolution
clan chat
Increasing the number of clan members (15 members)
Using the clan's warehouse
Manage the clan warehouse
Increasing the number of clan members (20 members)
Participation in auctions at Clanhalls
Clan Hall Management
Installing upgrades in clan halls
Using the Clan Notice Board
Level 3Level 4Level 5
Increasing the number of clan members (30 members)
Installing the clan emblem
Assigning titles to clan members
Declaration of war
clan announcements
Clan level 4 quest start
Increasing the number of clan members (40 members)
Participation in the siege
Setting up a camp during sieges (clan leader)
Skill Seal of Ruler (clan leader)
Lock control
Installation of improvements in the castle
Clan level 5 quest start
Increasing the number of clan members (60 members)
Creation and dissolution of the alliance
Creation of the Academy
Possibility to earn reputation points
Learning clan skills
Level 6Level 7Level 8
Increasing the number of clan members (100 members)
Creation of the Royal Guard
Learning clan skills
Increasing the number of clan members (140 members)
Creation of the Order of Knights
Learning clan skills
Learning clan skills

Royal Guard (Royal Guard) and Order of Knights (Knightly Order)

When a clan starts leveling up with reputation points, the clan leader can start creating sub-orders called Royal Guards and Orders of Knights.

Royal Guards

When the clan reaches level 6, you can create a Royal Guard. After creating the Royal Guard, one of the clan members must be appointed as an administrator. You can create up to two Royal Guard units. The maximum number of Royal Guard members is 30.

Order of Knights

When the clan reaches level 7, you can create Order of Knights. After creating the Order of Knights, one of the clan members must be appointed as an administrator. You can create up to two Order of Knights units with each Royal Guard. The maximum number of Order of Knights members is 10.


Created Royal Guard and Order of Knights cannot be disbanded until the clan itself is disbanded.

If the administrator of a squad leaves the clan, the squad itself remains, but the administrator's position becomes vacant. In this case, the clan leader must appoint a new administrator.

The reassignment of the squad administrator is carried out with the participation of the NPC responsible for activities related to the clan.

Organizational structure

The organizational structure of the units is as follows:

Royal Guard ARoyal Guard BAcademy
Order of Knights
Order of Knights
Order of Knights
Order of Knights

Rights within the clan

  • The name of the suborder must be the same as that of the clan.
  • The emblem and badge must be the same as the clan.
  • Sub-orders can use the same clan and alliance chats as the clan.
  • Sub-teams use the same clan hall, castle and notice board as the clan. (However, if the clan leader changes the rights, this right may be removed).

Sub-orders can participate in clan wars and sieges on the same conditions as the clan.


The Academy system makes the game easier for new players, in addition to providing a way to grow and strengthen the clan in the long term.

Clans of level 5 and above can create an Academy.

Any character of level 39 or below who has not yet joined a clan and has not received a second profession can join the Academy. The maximum number of members of the Academy is 20. The clan leader can create an Academy with the help of NPCs responsible for activities related to the clan (High Priest, Grand Master, etc.).

Bonuses and penalties for Academy members

When a member of the Academy completes the quest for a second profession, he receives a commemorative item. The senior class NPC of a member of the Academy will give a memorabilia automatically upon completion of the quest for the second profession.

The character is automatically excluded from the Academy and does not receive a penalty when joining the same clan.

Rights of Academy members

The clan name of a member of the Academy is the same as that of the main clan, but is displayed in yellow.

Academy members can use clan and alliance chats.

By default, members of the Academy can use the clan hall and castle owned by the clan, just like any other clan member. However, the clan leader can change this setting so that members of the Academy cannot use them.

Members of the Academy can use the clan's warehouse and the clan's bulletin board in the same way as other clan members. However, the clan leader can change this setting so that members of the Academy cannot use them.

The following rights are not available to members of the Academy:

  • Join a clan or be excluded from a clan
  • Managing and making changes to: the name and emblem of the clan, senior management, clan levels; message board administration
  • Clan war, the right to expel from the clan, distribute rights
  • Auction, tax management, siege/defense registration, mercenary management

During a clan war or siege, members of the Academy:

  • Subject to experience penalty even when killed by members of the opposing clan during a clan war
  • Cannot see enemy sign over hostile clan members' names
  • They have nothing to do with clan wars and sieges.


The names of Academy members who have sponsors are displayed in yellow, while the names of other Academy members who do not have sponsors are displayed in white.

Clan members with the rights of senior management can appoint other clan members as guarantors of Academy members.

Academy members and sponsors will see system messages when they log in to the game. Clan members with the rights of senior management can terminate the relationship between members of the Academy and their guarantors.

Quests related to the Academy

Academy members can get a set of D-class armor through a quest, which can be assisted by ordinary clan members.

Only members and graduates of the Academy can wear the armor set obtained through this quest.

If you are expelled from the Academy after receiving this armor set, it will not be automatically removed. However, once the set is removed, it cannot be put back on.

Player Ranks

The ranks of the players depend on the social status and activity of the clan.

  • Ranks are applied according to the character's clan status, clan level and position in the clan
  • Players can see their rank in the character status window. The player can see the rank of the selected character in the target window when another player is highlighted.
  • Heroes and Nobles can receive special ranks depending on the status of the clan.
Rank Level 5 clan or character without a clan Clan level 6 Clan level 7 Clan level 8 Clan level 9 Clan level 10 Clan level 11


Character without a clan - - - - - ?


clan memberAcademy memberAcademy memberAcademy memberAcademy memberAcademy member ?


clan memberMember of the Royal GuardsMember of Order of Knights - - - ?


Clan leader level 4Member of the main castMember of the Royal GuardsMember of Order of Knights - - ?
Elder (Wise Man)


Clan leader level 5Captain of the Royal GuardsMember of the main castMember of the Royal GuardsMember of Order of Knights - ?


Noblemanclan leader Member of the main castMember of the Royal GuardsMember of Order of Knights ?


- - Captain of the Royal GuardsCommander of the Order of KnightsMember of the main castMember of the Royal Guards ?


- - clan leaderCaptain of the Royal GuardsCommander of the Order of KnightsMember of the main cast ?


Hero - - clan leaderCaptain of the Royal GuardsCommander of the Order of Knights ?


- - - - clan leaderCaptain of the Royal Guards ?
Grand Duke

Grand Duke

- - - - - clan leader ?

A level 5 clan can organize an Academy. The Academy can accept characters under level 40. The Academy is designed to help new players get used to the game.

Creation of the Academy

  • Only a clan of level 5 and above can create an Academy.
  • The Academy is created at the same NPCs where the Clan is created.
  • Only characters who have not reached level 40 and have not passed the second change of profession can be accepted or transferred to the Academy from the main composition.
  • The maximum number of players in the Academy is 20.

Academy graduates

A member of the Academy who completed the second change of profession and received level 40 is automatically excluded from the Academy and the clan, and receives a reward for graduating from the Academy - Circlet of the Academy. Those who graduate from the Academy do not receive any penalties and can immediately join the clan.

The clan receives a reward in the form of clan reputation points for each character who graduates from the academy, the reward varies depending on the level at which the character joined the clan according to the following formula:

Clan reputation points = (41 - level at the time of joining) x 20 + 150, but the maximum is 650 clan reputation points.

For example, the character joined the academy at level 39, based on the formula, the clan will receive - 190 clan reputation points.

Lv. at the moment
Rep glasses.
Lv. at the moment
Rep glasses.
Lv. at the moment
Rep glasses.
Lv. at the moment
Rep glasses.
16 and
650 17 630 18 610 19 590
20 570 21 550 22 530 23 510
24 490 25 470 26 450 27 430
28 410 29 390 30 370 31 350
32 330 33 310 34 290 35 270
36 250 37 230 38 210 39 190

Rights of Academicians

Members of the Academy are limited in their rights relative to the main composition of the clan. They can be assigned the following rights:

  • view Clan Vault
  • entrance / exit (use of doors) to the Clan Hall and Castle
  • using the functions of the Clan Hall and the Castle (such as auxiliary magic and buying items).

Members of the Academy do not participate in clan wars and do not receive effects from learned clan skills.


Each member of the Academy can be assigned a mentor. The mentor is appointed only from the main composition of the clan. A mentor is needed to complete the quests for obtaining Oath Armor.

Name Pass conditions Reward
Lead and be led Oath Heavy Armor Set
Oath Light Armor Set
Oath Magic Armor Set
Leader and Follower Member of the Clan Academy level 19+ and Mentor

Oath Armor can only be worn by members of the Academy and graduates of the Academy. Characters not in the Academy or expelled before graduation will not be able to use this armor.

Affiliate material

More than 18 thousand users and over 16 thousand certificates - these are the results of the first year of the online academy, which was opened by WorkFusion. There were two educational courses in the starting program, today there are more than 30 of them. Here, mainly clients and partners of the company study: trainers help them understand the product and manage it on their own.

Anyone can get an education and understand the development of RPA (Robotic Process Automation). As an option - with an eye on coaching.

Why the American-Belarusian IT company needed its own online academy and how it was created, we learned from Andrey Gorgots, Partner Development Director at WorkFusion, and Yuri Shilyaev, Head of Automation Academy by WorkFusion.

Automation Academy: why, why and for whom

WorkFusion developers create robotic automation and machine learning systems - an interesting but difficult product.

From the very beginning, the company's goal was not just to provide a ready-made solution for automating business processes, but to share its experience and allow customers to manage automation on their own. It is impossible to make only a product, because the product is, first of all, the people who use it.

To achieve the result (and WorkFusion products are able to automate up to 90% of mechanical labor and increase the efficiency of the front office when working with clients by 5 times), you need to have experience and knowledge, including in the field of artificial intelligence.

Where can you get this experience and knowledge? How to teach clients and partners to implement your product faster and more efficiently? All paths led to the creation of an educational center for the development of a partner network and training of potential clients. It was only a matter of time and mechanics development.

Initially, training courses were organized offline. Andrey Gorgots conducted them on the client side, in India and the USA. The first trip to Sri Lanka and India took place two years ago - a large bank commissioned a team to train a large group of VROs. The catch is that from the materials at that time there were only articles on Knowledge Base, there was simply no time left to prepare everything else. A team of four employees went to do something that does not scale. We personally selected people into groups, showed the product through presentations, small sessions and working examples.

After doing three face-to-face sessions, we realized that it is simply unrealistic to quickly scale up training and pay attention to everyone in this format. It turned out to train hundreds of people a year, and thousands were required.

So within the walls of WorkFusion, an educational resource appeared - Automation Academy - with two main goals: helping existing partners and customers, as well as attracting new ones.

What tasks does the online academy solve:

  • Helps partners and clients to understand the product, to understand how to quickly and efficiently implement it into their work.
  • Supports the growth of companies that are fighting for RPA and AI market share and are actively developing. The Academy is growing along with the growth of its clients and partners.
  • Forms new knowledge and skills on the product.
  • Allows you to get feedback on the product, which helps to make it better.

At the initial stage, two people were involved in the development of the online academy, the CEO companies and the regional leader were also actively involved. The program included two general education courses. Now the team has five people and 11 training programs are open:

  • Three levels of courses for developers (RPA Specialist, RPA Developer, IA Architect).
  • Two levels for business users (Power User line).
  • Blocks for business analysts, machine learning engineers and data analysts.
  • A separate area for DevOps and solution consultants.

The Automation Academy program also includes several general education courses that anyone can take. These courses perform a marketing function: they help develop the market and talk about automation to potential WorkFusion customers. According to statistics, 70% of the audience takes general education courses "for everyone", 30% - partner courses for developers.

It is not uncommon for users to come up with offers to work together after completing the training - as partners or clients.

The most popular course - Automation Essentials - is aimed at a very wide audience. In it, we tell you what stages companies have historically gone through to increase their productivity and productivity. Automation is the new wave of productivity. Why is it needed and how does it work, what is machine learning - we convey all this to people through courses.

Results of the Automation Academy for the year

How to create your own online academy. Step-by-step instruction

When Automation Academy opened, there were no ready-made solutions, no examples, no instructions. Similar projects existed, but none of their creators told what and how - all this remained a mystery.

I had to do a lot intuitively: try and learn from my mistakes. Now that the hardest part is over, WorkFusion is ready to share its experience with those who are also planning to open their own online academy.

Step 1. Choose tools

The main thing here is not to get hung up on the tools, because the whole thing is not about them at all. Before opening their online platform, WorkFusion looked at how similar courses are organized by Cisco and Microsoft, studied the experience of large MOOC platforms.

Our first task was to create the mechanics of the platform: registration, the process of completing courses, checking assignments, issuing certificates. At the highest level - how to build curricula, break down training into roles and levels, organize the implementation of "course" assignments - we tried to do everything as standard as possible. It is important that users understand the platform intuitively, do not waste time analyzing its features.

As a result, Moodle, an open source virtual learning environment, was chosen as the main tool. The ready-made LMS (Learning Management System) system made it possible to start quickly. I didn't have to spend time on long development and launch - we quickly pulled on an acceptable design, added logos, the necessary links and started uploading content.

At first I was not enthusiastic about this system, but after four months of studying it and remaking it "for myself", I changed my mind, and now I think that Moodle is an excellent system for the Academy. And it's not about the tools at all, they can always be redone. Later, we found a company that helped us redesign and launch a new landing page. We have made dozens of improvements to Moodle - new reports, interfaces for checking assignments, a convenient dashboard and much more. But the true key to success is content.

Step 2. Create content

Automation Academy uses articles, video lectures (up to 10 minutes), surveys, mandatory and optional tasks as training material. It is this format that is most convenient and understandable in the online learning mode, and, as practice has shown, this is quite enough. Moreover, more video content is used for business users, and articles from the documentation are used for developers.

Video works the fastest, and this even applies to courses for programmers: when you see how an experienced friend writes code on the screen, you can learn a lot of good practices from him in a short time. But shooting a video for the content of the entire course is, of course, impractical. Firstly, the product changes, and making a new video for each version is expensive and time consuming. Secondly, there are always a lot of variations of the problem, and in any case it is impossible to cover everything in one video. It is necessary to explain the principles and examples so that the user can then build his own solutions along a logical chain.

To prepare the training material, the company had to build a content production factory - Digital Studio. Today, the Academy has about 1,000 modules, several hundred links to knowledge base articles, and more than 2 hundred videos. Product developers, analysts, and technical writers work on creating lessons and assignments. And there are two objective reasons for this. The online academy team (especially consisting of two people at the start of the project) simply cannot understand all the intricacies of both the product itself and its implementations. The task of the main team of the Academy is to organize people in the company and involve them in the work on the courses. And the second - who, if not a developer, knows better the result of his work and can teach how to work with it.

The release of a new version of a company's product is considered valid only when the documentation, the so-called Knowledge Base, is updated. After that, the first sketches for the training course are created. And before going online, the trainer must conduct his new course offline two or three times - on the board or with a presentation. The purpose of this approach is to create a solid course structure, select successful tasks and work out ways to test knowledge.

In the course of these "test runs" we develop successful examples for the documentation. More than half of the courses are technical, that is, within their framework, the student writes code. Code samples should vary in complexity and cover the main areas of application, sometimes step-by-step instructions are written for them.

Preparing a video lecture is a separate stage of work with your production instructions. It is impossible to entrust the creation of a turnkey video to a professional video studio: they do not know the company's technologies and products. But they can quickly and productively work with video and can voice videos in good English. Therefore, Automation Academy came to a kind of symbiosis. The author of the course, with the help of the team, makes a draft script, records the screencast himself, commenting on the video in his own words. Further, this “raw” video is transferred to partners from the video recording studio, and they do all the post-production: they use the script from the developer and, if necessary, correct it and re-voice it. The video sequence itself is improved with breaks, highlights, animation - at the output we get a finished video for the course.

When the documentation, examples, and videos are ready, we begin to compile them into a course. Our task is to tell a whole story, to detail it correctly, to organize the content in such a way as to lead the student from simple to complex. First, general concepts and simple examples are given, and then each topic goes in depth.

At the same stage, quiz questionnaires are added to the course to test theoretical knowledge and tasks (assignments), which users must solve on their own and upload for verification. A list of required resources is provided for each task: articles, videos, documentation sections.

Alas, we cannot give students tasks from real life. As a rule, automation is associated with the use of internal systems, sensitive data. Therefore, we simulate similar systems using publicly available programs. By the way, this is one of the most serious challenges in the organization of training in automation - to simulate machine learning on artificial data. Even if you know that it would be cool to learn from some client's data, you can't take it - you have to imitate similar ones. We have qualified trainers on staff to check assignments, but we also develop trainers on the side of partner companies. For example, EPAM and Cognizant have people who organize on-site trainings, review the work of all "students" from their company, and rate them using our guidelines. We also trained them in advance: for this we have a special course.

The tasks themselves need to be changed regularly and options introduced - this allows you to develop user-generated content and fight cheating.

Step 3. Issue certificates

All courses at Automation Academy, and even more so integral programs of several courses, end with the issuance of a certificate. With this, the Academy confirms that a particular participant has a certain level of knowledge. To manage certificates, a control system will be required: who and when received the document, for which version of the software product, possibly with what ratings.

To obtain a certificate, each course has its own minimum score. And if cheating does not play any role in open modules, then it needs to be combated in certification courses.

We understand that programmers are also put in certain limits. A person sits and studies for a whole week, and at this time a manager stands over him with a stick and demands a result. Stress, plugging - and now a person is walking and asking one of his colleagues: "Give me this code, I'll fill it in under my account and get an estimate." Collisions happen when five people upload the same code for verification! It's wrong to cut marks for everyone - after all, someone wrote this code first. He may not even be aware that five people copied everything from him, and not one.

The rules for using the resource clearly state: cheating is strictly suppressed. But in reality, this rigidity must still be applied reasonably. Sometimes Academy employees simply warn the management of a partner company about suspicions of cheating. Let them make their own decisions.

Step 4. Support students

The course is over. How to live on? Often, after receiving any education, yesterday's student does not know what to do and where to run if questions arise. Therefore, the creation of a learning platform does not end with the preparation of content. In order for students not to feel abandoned, it will be necessary to organize a community (usually a forum) and a support service. Community development, expansion of course offerings, and continuous improvement of content are essential components of a successful online academy.

Last year we made a course for our free product, RPA Express. And, perhaps, this course turned out to be one of the best - clients speak very well of it. RPA Express is great for automating your daily routine. And if a person makes the first decision and sees that it works well, he will definitely try to solve his other tasks, which means he will remain in our community. This involvement in the community is a very important task for us right now. We want people to not just come to us, read a course, complete their tasks and leave. Therefore, it is important to support them so that no student at any moment feels "abandoned".

Feedback from students and their leaders is collected here quickly - this is one of the principles of the Academy. Quick response helps listeners to maintain a sense of security, and the resource itself - to constantly develop and improve in the right direction.

When the Academy had just opened and the first registrations began, I wrote letters to all new students and asked them to talk personally. We talked with some of them about their experience with the Academy, which at that moment allowed us to focus on the right things: creating a help desk, links to forums, a simple dashboard and other organizational details.

We also hold the so-called RPA Challenge: we encourage the community to send us good tasks, choose the most interesting one and invite everyone to automate it. For example, people wrote tic-tac-toe robots on our RPA Express - the result was very interesting. We also go to other open sources. YouTube searches for "RPA Express" will turn up a lot of videos of people doing automation with our product.

These videos, created by people from the community, are very helpful in teaching. We initially design some courses in such a way that people create such videos and be sure to post them for everyone to see.

Step 5. Save offline learning

According to the creators of Automation Academy, it is impossible to completely transfer learning to the network. The offline component must be preserved, especially for the strongest students: they need to be mentored in small groups or even individually. Speaking at conferences alone will not be enough here, since the user must be able to communicate directly with the coach.

At the same time, offline learning is a huge challenge. WorkFusion partners and customers are located all over the world and it is necessary to travel to many countries and continents to teach the product to a wide variety of users. And this requires unique trainers: people with rich production experience in Java, with managerial skills, with a thorough knowledge of the product and a great desire to teach.

Each offline training is a new story and new surprises. Large partner companies always want to train as many people as possible in the shortest possible time. It happens that managers, architects, analysts come to technical training for programmers - and everyone wants to get maximum knowledge in a week. Often the key listeners at this training are not developers at all, but just managers and architects, those people who will then make global decisions in the company. As a result, it turns out that developers are not really needed at this first training. But you can't kick out half the audience! Everything must be brought to the end, everyone should be given the maximum amount of useful information, and no one should be left unsatisfied. This is not an easy task.

The Automation Academy team traveled with offline trainings to all conceivable locations in India, were in South Africa, Canada, the USA, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine and Sri Lanka. Well, difficulties always lie in wait where you do not expect them.

During such trips, I have already developed a gold reserve: all kinds of sim cards, wi-fi routers, adapters, which are always in short supply. In India, by the way, getting a SIM card is not so easy: there is an act to combat terrorism, and they will not officially sell a SIM card to a foreigner just like that.

But still, such trips bring much more inspiration than any difficulties. Seeing how customers master your product is what is valuable. Therefore, we learn from mistakes, gain ideas and make new courses.

Step 6: Building Team Spirit

So far, the Automation Academy team is small and consists of only 5 people. There is no opportunity to afford specialization, which means that each participant must keep a high pace. The principles of teamwork help to manage everything - and create courses, and develop the platform, and communicate with the community, and conduct offline trainings - the principles of teamwork help:

  1. Freedom. Take it and do whatever you can carry. The management will help, direct and explain - but for this work you will bear direct personal responsibility.
  2. Joint discussions. The generation of ideas and projects takes place with the participation of the entire team. Even what they decided to describe in this article was discussed by the whole team. The collective mind creates unique things.
  3. Process for the sake of the result, not process for the sake of the process. Development is in a sense agile, but without clear sprints. But there are retrospectives, demonstrations and constant communication, which ultimately leads to the finished result.
  4. Constant pace. If the leaders themselves keep a high pace, then the team reaches for them and moves forward.

WorkFusion is growing, our team is growing all over the world. Colleagues in the USA, Germany, India help us. But we start all educational projects in Minsk. The Academy is growing here, so we need trainers who will work online and offline, developers who will develop online products. We are always looking for people who combine the right set of skills and are able to deal with any problems. If you want new challenges, we always have them.

Basic principles for building a successful online academy

  1. Gather people who care. The team must love what they do and care about the educational process and the entire Academy.
  2. Keep focus. It is impossible to do all this at once - you need to focus and do only one thing at a time.
  3. To bring and twist everything to the end, until you yourself begin to like it.

And then you can move on to scaling. To do this, you will have to create training trainers, describe a grading system with checklists, select the first potential trainers from partners and conduct a simple system of their certification - confirmation that they own the content and are able to work independently.

At some point, you yourself will not believe how many tasks have already been completed.

During the update of the game, it is best to get acquainted with the new content and new features of Lineage 2: Revolution. Let's not beat around the bush - read below what awaits us in today's update:

1. Clan Academy

2. Equipment Collection

3. Tower of Insolence expansion

4. Game improvements

5. New events

6. New items in the donation store

[UPDATED] Update time: 05:00 to 13:30 Moscow time

clan academy

The clan academy is a clan that players from level 10 to 180 can freely join and check out the life in the clan. You can also leave it whenever you want.

1) Join/Leave Clan Academy

- Reach level 10 to join the Clan with the Training Quest.

- Players from level 10 to 180 can freely join or leave the Clan Academy using the Clan Menu.

2) Clan Academy graduation

If you have reached level 181 while in the Clan Academy, created or joined an Ordinary Clan, then you will be able to graduate from the Clan Academy and receive a graduation gift.

The issue gift is given only once per character and only if all conditions are met.

3) Activities of the Clan Academy

Check in: Rewards are given based on the number of Clan members who checked in the previous day .

Donation: Donate Adena, Blood Tokens and Red Star Stones to get Contribution Points and Clan Coins.

Greet Clan Members: Of the 15 Clan members shown, 10 people can be greeted daily. But you will not be able to receive greetings from members of the Clan Academy.

Shop: Depending on the level of the character, the Shop opens items that can be purchased with Clan Coins.

Clan buff: Depending on the level of the character, a higher level of clan buff can be purchased with Clan Coins.

Clan Leader Shop: Every day at a certain time, the positive effect of Lord's Grace will automatically affect all clan members who are in the game.

Clan Prize: Prizes will be given out every Monday based on the level, the score in the clan and the contribution points of the clan members.

Distribution time - Monday 15.00 Moscow time

Prizes are given only to those members of the Clan who have a record mark in the game based on the results of the previous week.

Clan Dungeon: From Monday to Friday, a special Clan Dungeon will be open every day for 4 hours and up to 50 people can join by sending a request to join.

  • Clan Dungeons rewards can only be earned once per difficulty level.
  • You will have to complete the previous difficulty level to unlock the next one.

clan hall

Market: Use the Prize Roulette in the Market every day to get rewards.

Fireplace: Every Sunday at 23.00 Moscow time, the Fireplace is automatically activated in the Clan Hall for 10 minutes.

2. Equipment Collection

Collect and upgrade your class's weapons and armor to get extra and .

1) How to check the Equipment Collection?

You will be able to check your progress and rewards via Menu - Challenges - Equipment Collection.

2) How to collect Equipment?

Example: By reaching level 15 in the rank of SR Weapons of Destruction - You can get a Level 1 Reward Collection.

3) Collection of Awards

Award for each category

Additional growth in weapon/armor stats with each category reached in the collection of targets.

Characteristics upon reaching each category are accumulated and saved.

Example: Gain an increase in P.Atk./M.Atk., an increase in P.Def./M.Def., and a rare skill damage reduction effect from the Title Master Attribute.

3. Tower of Insolence expansion

The Tower of Insolence will be expanded to 120 floors.

4. Game improvements

1) Chat Complaint Feature

  • You can now report ads, exposure of personal information, vulgar chat behavior, or any other activity that bothers you.
  • Click on the icon of the character you want to complain about and write your complaint in the pop-up window. Appropriate action will be taken after the content of the chat has been examined.

2) Clan Preferences

- The Clan Leader can select and customize preferences in the Clan
- Clan preferences include language, Clan play style, key play time, etc. So players can search for a clan with suitable preferences before joining.

3) In-game video/video skip function

  • Any player who finds it difficult to watch in-game videos/videos can automatically skip them with this feature.
  • The player can choose to watch in-game videos or videos by clicking on the popup before the video starts playing. When idle, the video is automatically skipped.
  • The skip function can be configured in Options - Section Game.

4) Increase the number of participants and HP at the World Boss Guillotine

  • Number of Participants: 100 > 200
  • HP: Doubled

5) New events

Events can be found at.

6) New items in the donation store

That's all! But do not forget that there is only one thing left before the end of the guide contest! You can check the conditions