Where is the battery located in the tablet. Batteries for tablets. Problems with battery availability

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Tablet batteries are the main source of power. The lifespan of a popular gadget depends on proper handling of them.

Lithium-ion batteries

  • Lithium-based batteries actively entered production in the 70s. But, due to their metallic nature, they were considered far from safe: they often caught fire due to overheating.
  • The use of lithium ions has made it possible to create a non-metallic lithium-ion battery. According to its parameters, it fits perfectly into a new computer product - a tablet.
  • The new power source compares favorably with its predecessors. With a small size and a voltage of 3.7 V, it has a large capacity of up to 7 ampere-hours.
  • With a resource of 1000 cycles, its losses per year are 20%. These batteries have no memory effect: they can be charged without waiting for complete discharge.

5 rules for charging batteries

The lifespan of the gadget depends on proper charging.
  • There is no need to allow it to completely discharge, which will negatively affect the tablet. Charging occurs when energy loss is 80%.
    It is not recommended to charge to 100%: the battery life is reduced. 60% is quite enough.
  • You should not stock them for future use, since the capacity when not in use decreases by 20% over two years.
  • It is advisable to completely discharge and recharge with a break of one month. This is necessary to calibrate the battery energy monitoring program.
  • It is recommended to store power supplies at 15? charged by 40%. At high ambient temperatures they discharge faster.
  • It doesn't matter if a complete discharge occurs. The main thing is that this does not become a permanent pattern. But if it fails, you can always make an easy replacement.
Lithium-ion batteries are not the limit of scientific achievements. The new generation of gadgets will have built-in elegant sources, characterized by high charging speed and capacity that is not lost over time.

Developed at the University of Illinois, they are currently in individual production.

As you know, many budget models of tablet computers run out of battery very quickly. This happens because they are equipped with a too weak battery. Why do you think manufacturers of budget models do not equip their devices with high-quality batteries?

Any person versed in the field of high technology can answer this question. A rechargeable battery with a large capacity is expensive and in order to reduce the cost of its development, the manufacturer has to use cheaper batteries. Many people are fooled by the fact that this tablet is cheap and buy it, and then realize that they have made a big mistake. But I personally do not advise you to be upset because of this, because you can replace the tablet’s battery yourself, and you will learn how to do this below.

Before making a replacement you need to know:

  1. What type of battery is used;
  2. The dimensions of the future battery, whether it will fit in your tablet;
  3. Polarity of wires and how to connect them correctly.

You can determine what type of battery is used by opening the tablet computer case (read how to do this below) and reading the labels on the battery. If it says Li-pol, then you will need to purchase a lithium-polymer battery, and if it says Li-ion, then a lithium-ion battery.

The new battery should not be different in type from the old one, otherwise it will not work correctly and your device will constantly turn off.

Also, when choosing a battery, you should pay attention to its size. Look how much space there is in your tablet, measure with a ruler and write down the dimensions on paper.

You can buy high-capacity batteries in specialized online stores, you can find them using Google search, and if you searched and didn’t find it, then contact me and I will help you, I’ll tell you which battery is suitable for your tablet and where to buy it.

Instructions for replacing the battery

1. So, you have a battery and all the necessary tools (screwdriver, old SIM card). Let's get started, disassemble the tablet, unscrew all the bolts and carefully use an old SIM card or any other thin plate to open the back cover.

2. Carefully peel off the old battery and cut the wires (separately) using scissors.

3. Next, take a new battery, put it in place of the old one (you can glue it with double-sided tape) and connect the wires. When connecting, do not confuse the plus and minus; we connect the red wire to the red one, and the black wire to the black one.

Now the tablet needs to be assembled and tested for functionality. If it turned on for you, then you did everything correctly and by the way, if the article helped you, then subscribe to updates on our site.

Tablet batteries are not replaced very often, and there are few reasons for this. In most cases, the owner changes the battery in order to increase the battery life of the device or due to a breakdown of the energy element itself.

Let's look at the most common reasons why users buy and exchange tablet batteries for new ones. We will talk about ordinary mobile gadgets, with the exception of newfangled iPads and other flagship devices that are difficult to open, which are serviced only in service workshops.

Reasons for replacing the tablet battery:

  • complete or partial failure of the battery (usually due to voltage surges);
  • mechanical damage to the element;
  • insufficient battery life;
  • natural wear and tear of the battery.

The most common reason is when an element partially or completely fails. It is then that the owner faces the question of replacing the battery. There are many types of batteries for a tablet, but the user does not need to have any specific mechanical or electronics skills to perform this procedure.

Checking the operation of the battery

The first step is to check that the element really does not work. The most accurate diagnosis in this case is a special tester, but if you don’t have one at hand, checking using conventional methods will do just fine.

Symptoms of battery failure:

  • the gadget does not charge even with a working charger and normal connectors (many tablets suffer from this);
  • Battery charging takes longer than usual;
  • the device charges too quickly and runs out just as quickly;
  • incorrect indication of remaining charge;
  • The gadget does not turn on.

Separately, it is worth mentioning one more symptom, which is very common in devices running the Android OS.

Problems with battery availability

There are often cases when the battery is not at all to blame for the tablet’s inoperability. Sometimes the gadget simply “does not see” the battery. This issue is especially relevant for the Nexus lines running the Android platform, although Apple devices sometimes suffer from this flaw.

This happens for one simple reason: the device went into sleep mode, and the tablet’s battery charge slowly melted while it was “sleeping.” And no matter how long the gadget takes to charge, it still won’t be able to turn on. This symptom is sometimes indicated by flickering pixels or the entire screen when the device is connected to the charger.

Solving the problem

In this case, of course, there is no need to buy new batteries for the tablet; it is enough to perform a “hard reset”. In almost any instruction manual you can find a key combination that is responsible for such a start of the gadget.

If such instructions are not found, you can look at the detailed manual on the device manufacturer’s website. As a rule, this is a simple combination: press the volume rocker up and hold the power key for 10-15 seconds. Next, after the start menu appears, you need to select the “Power off Device” item. Then you need to connect the gadget to the charger and after 5-10 minutes try to turn it on. Everything should work.

Battery Replacement

The main thing here is to figure out what kind of battery your tablet needs. It’s worth noting right away that prejudices like “the battery should be similar to the original one” are nonsense. You can install absolutely any element on your device, but of course, with certain reservations. The main parameters that must be strictly observed in our case are the voltage of the battery and sometimes its exact dimensions.

  • 3.7 V - for 5-volt network devices;
  • 7.4 V - for 9/12 volt devices.

It should also be noted that the higher the mAh (milliamp-hour) rating, the longer your device will work. Some manufacturers use a parallel connection of several batteries for higher autonomy (very common in Sony models).

What's under the lid

In almost all tablets, the display controller is built into the battery itself; with rare exceptions, it can be located on the device itself (in older models of gadgets). It is almost impossible to mix up the wires: black/white is “minus”, and red is “plus”. The blue or green branch is intended for exiting to the connector. In very rare cases, the device is equipped with two “pluses”, and this was noticed only in exclusive products from Apple and Sony.

Be that as it may, all the subtleties of pole distribution are indicated in the technical manual, which, as mentioned above, can be easily found on the official website of the manufacturer of your device, if it was not included in the kit.

As for dismantling the cover itself, in most cases both parts of the gadget are secured with double-sided tape, and only rare flagship models are equipped with ornate fasteners or special strips for disassembly.

The instructions are suitable for all brands, operating systems (Android, Windows, IOS) and models of tablets and smartphones that are less than five years old. This way you can charge both Chinese and branded tablets.

Algorithm for how to properly charge and discharge a tablet:

1. We charge at a level of 5-20% charge, do not allow complete discharge.
2. When it shows 100% satiety, keep it for another 1-2 hours.

How to properly charge a new tablet or smartphone for the first time?

The first time after purchase, we charge it to 100% so that the battery works at full capacity.
In the future, we charge as long and often as is convenient.
We use a charger of suitable voltage.

What myths are there about how to properly charge and discharge a tablet?

The battery must be discharged and charged to 100%

Discharge until the device turns off.
Charge until the charge indicator shows 100%.

This information has remained since the days of the first batteries.
They had a “memory effect.” If we charge it to 100%, then it will work for these 100. If we undercharge it, we keep it at 60-70%, after some time the battery “remembers” such incomplete power. And it keeps 60%, not 100.
This was the case 10 years ago. Not relevant now.

Note:“preservative chemicals” are added to batteries, which reduces capacity. Thanks to it, the battery is better stored. It breaks down after a few charging cycles.
Therefore, a new device should be fully charged and discharged for the first two or three cycles.

The battery should be kept between 50-90% charge

It should not sit down and should not be charged to the maximum.
Otherwise the battery will be stressed.

The battery must be discharged to zero

No. If you discharge the battery until the tablet is dead, you risk a drop in capacity.
The battery operates normally at 4.2 volts. Some models do not turn off even at 3.6 (this is the minimum limit)
This causes the battery to stop charging itself. And it needs to be “pushed” at the service center.
Start charging with 20% charge.

Once a month you need to “calibrate” the battery controller - fully charge and discharge

It won't hurt. It is worth doing 1-2 times a month.

You cannot “overexpose” a fully charged battery - turn it off immediately

In fact, when the battery shows 100% charge, it is not the end.
The battery consumes electricity for some time after.
Leave it calmly. Once the limit is reached, the tablet stops “eating too much.”
And it will hold the charge longer.

You only need to charge via a charger, via USB or from the cigarette lighter somehow wrong

It will take a long time to charge via a laptop or PC.

“Short” charging several times a day harms the battery

“Short and frequent” charging does not affect the quality and life of the battery: from charging 20%, 25% and 50%, the “brain” of the battery will “assemble” 100% - one cycle.
Charge as much and as often as you like.

For the first time (after being picked up from the store), the battery needs to be charged and discharged to the maximum so that it “remembers” the indicators

Yes, it's worth doing. See point 1.

You cannot use the tablet while charging!

Can. If you want, look at the pictures, if you want, play games. The only thing is that it will take longer to charge.

If you use a charger of a different brand, the battery will perform worse

It will work the same as on the “native” charger.

The tablet needs to be turned off at night every time / you can leave it on for at least months

The tablet can work well even if you leave it turned on for six months.
Or maybe not very much.
It is best to turn it off at night once or twice a week. This way it “rests”, and the battery works better and longer.

Heat and cold destroy the battery

Heat and cold both destroy the battery and reduce its capacity.
If you keep the tablet in the cold for several hours, the capacity drops by 20-40%.
And it is not restored.
Take care of your tablet: Carry it close to your body, in a case, bag, backpack.

The battery loses capacity during operation - this must be taken into account:
The battery heats up under load, which shortens its life and efficiency.

Conclusion: Properly charging your tablet battery extends its life and improves operating efficiency.

With many tablets, over time, the battery level quickly drops to zero, so every modern user should know how to properly replace the battery in a tablet on their own. To understand this issue, we have described all the important points and necessary actions given in this manual. After familiarizing yourself with them, you can easily and quickly change the battery of your gadget without harm to it.

Reasons for replacing the battery

The battery may fail due to regular voltage changes.

Because of this, the battery may not fail completely, that is, only occasionally malfunctioning. Disabling the battery itself, and therefore the device, at the most inopportune moment is what can happen due to constant voltage drops in the network.

Battery aging.

New models of lithium-ion batteries, unfortunately, are subject to aging. This is in no way affected by the user’s work, it just lasts much less over time, which can be the reason for changing the battery in your device.

Mechanical damage.

One of the most common reasons for replacing the battery. The mechanical damage itself represents an external breakdown of the battery itself. This can also include the incident if the user can, by using too powerful chargers, independently harm his device by giving it a large current load.

There are the most common reasons for replacing the battery of devices, but now one of the main questions arises:

How to choose the desired battery?

  • First, you will need to recognize which battery you previously installed. To do this, you need to look for the inscription on the battery itself. It could be li-ion or li-pol or some other of the same type. It will be difficult not to notice it; it will be located on the battery itself. This is a very important point, since if you choose a different type of battery, even if it is better in all respects, this can lead to unstable operation of the device, at least to fatal consequences, such as failure.
  • In addition, you need to know the dimensions of your previous battery in order to choose a new one that will fit. Logically, this serves to ensure that your new battery fits into the tablet. You can simply write down the measurements, or you can take the old battery with you and show it to the sellers at the place where you buy a new one.
  • The next step is to select a container. It is advisable to purchase the exact battery that was installed. If you cannot find such a battery, then it is worth purchasing one that is slightly larger in capacity, but the same in size. It may cost more, but its performance will be higher than that of the previous one. It is worth noting that such batteries can be found in online stores whose specialization is based on the sale of equipment of this type.

But what do you need to replace the battery yourself?

What tools and accessories are needed to replace the battery?

  • To begin with, you will need standard screwdrivers in order to easily remove your battery from the tablet yourself. Some devices are closed using small latches. In such cases, you may not need screwdrivers.
  • Soldering iron. It is needed to unsolder the power wires that are attached to your device.
  • Double-sided tape. A necessary thing that will need to be used to secure the battery to the motherboard itself (in the case of a Chinese tablet).
  • Tweezers with which you can carefully remove the battery from your tablet or disconnect cables that will interfere.
  • A special spatula is needed to carefully and safely remove the back cover from the device itself.

Replacing the battery on a Samsung Galaxy Tab GT tablet

The process of replacing the battery on Samsung devices is almost always very simple. Let's describe it step by step:

  • First you need to get to the battery itself. It will be incredibly simple to do this on our device: use a spatula to remove and open the display.
  • Using tweezers, remove the small stickers that protect access to the cable. After that, using the same tweezers, remove the cables from the latches and disconnect them.
  • After disconnecting the cable, you need to unscrew the eight small screws that are located around the perimeter of the battery. To do this you need a small Phillips screwdriver.
  • After this, using tweezers or a similar object, carefully remove the battery itself.
  • After this, you need to put a new battery in its place, secure it with screws, and also snap the cable back.

Replacing the battery on a Chinese tablet

The process of replacing the battery on Chinese devices is not as simple as on models like Samsung, Apple, and so on. Most gadgets of this type very carelessly arrange the components inside the tablet, which is why there is often confusion in wires, sensors and similar items. That is why you should be very careful when working with Chinese tablets and it is advisable to entrust the matter to a professional.

  • First you need to get to the battery itself. Latches, bolts - depending on your model, we open them and get to the battery. The most difficult question is how to get the battery out of a Chinese gadget.
  • Batteries in Chinese devices are attached with regular double-sided tape, and in some cases with hot-melt adhesive. Just peel off the contents and get to the battery itself.
  • The next step is to unsolder the wires from the motherboard itself. The process also requires special care, since both the motherboard and the wires themselves are very unreliable and flimsy.
  • Next, we change the battery itself. Everything is very simple here: we take out the old one, insert the new one, solder or simply snap the cables, and also put them back on the double-sided tape and snap the back cover.


As you can see, the replacement process itself is not that complicated. It will be very easy to do this yourself, the main thing is to carry out the whole process slowly to avoid mistakes. Choosing a battery and replacing it is something that almost everyone can handle, so don’t rush to pay money to those who offer to do simple work for money.