How to get points. How to earn points on GearBest and how to spend them? How to use points on Gearbest

The GearBest store does not always have coupons that can reduce the price of a product. In this case, points will help us!

  • 1 GB point is equivalent to $0.02
  • 50 GB points equivalent to 1$
  • 100 GB points equivalent to 2$

Since the GB store has imposed restrictions on the use of points, the simultaneous use of points and coupons (as was the case in DinoDirect) is impossible:

— Only 30% of the cost of goods can be redeemed with points
— You cannot use both points and coupons.

Points are awarded:

  1. for purchases.
  2. for leaving written reviews on the store’s website (10 GB points, if the product already has reviews, or 10GB*X, where X >1, if the product does not yet have reviews).
  3. for video reviews on the store website.
  4. for written reviews left on third party sites.

It is the last point that is most interesting. Below I will write instructions on how to get 500-1500 points or $30, spending only $0.10.

In order to receive the coveted $30, you need to write a review about any product purchased in the Gearbest store. There are two ways:

a) slow - you wait until the product reaches you, make a review of it and wait until the store offers (or may not offer...) you to write laudatory reviews on foreign sites.
b) fast - we ourselves ask the store to write reviews for points (Yes, this is terrible. Yes, this is bad. But what to do?)

Which method you choose is up to you. I don’t have time to wait for a “chain letter”, so the instructions will be based on the “quick method”.

  • 1. We buy the cheapest product for the store.

a) Flash Deals offer interesting products that you wouldn’t mind buying at low prices - . Sort by price!
b) buy a protective film for your phone from (clickable). Sort by price!

    • 2. After purchasing the product, we write a laudatory review about the product and the store (now you probably understand why all the reviews in the store are simply wonderful).
      As soon as your review passes censorship - yes, yes, it is here (negative reviews are not allowed through), you will receive 10GB of points or $0.2 if you convert points into currency.
    • 3. After a few days, we log into your account on the site.

    • 4. Select your order and click Send Message or immediately go to

    • 5. Select Website Feedback and fill it in according to the screenshot.
    • 6. We send and wait.

    • 7. After a while, usually within 24-48 hours, we receive a response from the store with instructions: where and what to leave.
      (usually these are 3 foreign sites: trustpilot, resellerratings and mywot (here commenting for GB is closed due to the influx of “honest” reviews)).

    • 10. Open the letter that came to your email and respond in the letter: add links and screenshots to your reviews.
    • 11. Within 24-48 hours you will receive a response about the accrual of points.

  • 12. We rejoice 😉

Sometimes there are glitches, and you can receive two requests to leave reviews and receive not 1500 GB points, but 3000 GB.

* The instructions for receiving points are the same for the store.

The GearBest online store has a bonus loyalty program that allows you to accumulate points (these are internal points, i.e. bonuses) for purchases and various actions. After which points (GB Points) can be spent on purchasing and paying for real orders.

Important! You can pay with GearBest points no more than 30% of the total order amount. When paying with points, it is prohibited to use promotional codes or pay for goods with a gift card.

Each point costs $0.02
  • 1 GB Point = $0.02
  • 50 GB Points = $1
  • 100 GB Points = $2

Ways to get points on GerBest.

Points can be obtained in several ways:

+10 GB Points pay for registration in the GearBest online store (one-time payment)

+50 GB Points they give for subscribing to GerBest news (you need to enter your email, the form is located at the bottom of the site, or a window periodically appears on the main page with an offer to subscribe to the newsletter)

+20 GB Ponits for adding a profile photo i.e. for uploading an avatar (section “My Profile” in the GerBest drop-down menu)

+10 GB Ponits

+20 GB Ponits for adding a photo of the received product to the review (2-3 photos are enough)

+10 GB Ponits for a text review about a product (3-5 words are enough)

+20 GB Ponits for adding a photo of the received product to the review (2-3 photos are enough)

from 50 to +250 GB Ponits for adding a video to a review (just insert a link to your video from YouTube, the duration of a review video or review video is suitable from 30 seconds)

How to spend points

There is a special field for writing off points, which is located after selecting the delivery method. In this field you need to enter the number of points that you want to spend on this product, but no more than 30% from the cost of the product, for convenience, above the points entry field it is written how many points you have and how much you can spend on this purchase.

The minimum for use must be 50 or more points; if there are less than 50 points, then there will be no field for entering points/you will not be able to spend them

Freeze points on GearBest

Points cannot be accumulated forever; they expire once a year, for example, on March 31, 2017, all GB points received before October 31, 2016 “burned out.”

If you haven’t had time to spend points or want to accumulate more, you can try the following “trick”

We add some expensive product to the cart, for example, a Xiaomi phone and increase the quantity to, say, ten pieces.

Then we proceed to checkout and see that we have added another payment method, namely Wire Transfer

It's a bank transfer, but that doesn't matter to us. There is no need to choose order insurance or use money from GB Wallet, just apply all available points or the maximum number of them (2500 GB points), select the “Wire Transfer” payment method and click the “Confirm your order” button. ) to confirm your order.

The order will be automatically canceled after 15 days and the points will be returned to your balance.

Thus, you need to determine the moment when the points will be written off (a notification is sent by email), freeze them in order to wait out the “X hour”, after which they can be used again.

There are no guarantees that this method will continue to work.

More details about receiving points -

The World Wide Web has entangled almost the entire planet. Now every third person learns about the latest news from the Internet. Sports events, weather forecasts, cocoa futures prices and other information are now available every second. And, of course, social networks stand on their own as a way to communicate without borders.
VKontakte can rightfully be called the most popular project on the Runet. Hundreds of thousands of users are immersed in this virtual world every day. Almost everything in it is like in real life, it even has its own currency - VK votes. With their help, you can give a gift to a friend or buy funny stickers. Voices are used for various flash games and much more. But how to get them?

VK Voices for free - work for VTope

The easiest and fastest way to get VK votes for free is the special VTope service. With its help you can get as many votes as you want. It's easy to do:
Register (create a VTope account).
Set the cheating parameters. We indicate a link to the page that needs votes and their number.
We pay for the order with points - the virtual currency of VTope.
After the payment is made, the promotion will begin in real time.
Without completing tasks.
No risk of ban or fine.
Without the threat of theft or hacking of your VK account.

VK voices for free, how to get points for them?

How to get votes on VK is already clear, but what about points? Everything is also easy and simple. You can buy them. This is the fastest way. You can also get points by inviting friends or using a special utility. VTope-bot is a convenient small program that will perform various tasks based on the principle of mutual exchange in VK. For this, points are awarded, which can be exchanged not only for votes, but also for likes, subscribers and reposts. You just need to give a command, VTope will do the rest.

Regular customers of the Gearbest store know that the Gearbest store has GB points ( in the Russian localized version they are called “points” ) by applying which you can significantly ( up to 30%) reduce the cost of the order. How to earn points in Gearbest is the topic of another article, but I will tell you how to save Gearbest points from burning out on March 31st.

But you won’t be able to accumulate points forever in the Gearbest store, because... On March 31, 2017, all GB points received before October 31, 2016 will expire.

We want to send an email to all our amazing customers about our GB Points policy: ALL UNUSED GB Points earned before OCT 31, 2016 will AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRE and reset to ZERO on MAR 31, 2017.

The same thing happened last year

how to save the points accumulated in Gearbest?

Option #0 - do nothing. Yes, this is exactly the zero option, suitable for those who do not mind losing accumulated points, or for those who have already spent points received before October 31, 2016.

Option #1 - Spend GB points. Those. We place orders and use points to receive a discount. You can buy for yourself and for relatives, for friends and acquaintances. Of course, it is better to choose those products that are currently in the store’s warehouse ( I have already published an article about), and better are those products that are currently on flash-sale. Unfortunately, flash sales are not displayed either on the search pages or on the section pages on the Gearbest store website, and to see them you need to go to the product page.

Yes, Often the most interesting prices in Gearbest are for those products that are currently in stock. It is on them that managers can provide a good coupon or arrange a flash sale with a good price. But, unfortunately, if you apply a discount coupon when placing an order, you will not be able to use the points.

Option No. 2 - Freeze existing points. How to do it? Yes, it’s actually very simple: We throw some expensive product into the cart, for example the same one, and increase the quantity to, say, ten pieces.

Then we proceed to checkout and see that we have added another payment method, namely Wire Transfer

It's a bank transfer, but that doesn't matter to us. There is no need to choose order insurance or use money from a GB wallet ( GB Wallet), simply apply all available points or the maximum number of them (2500 GB points), choose a payment method « Wire Transfer" and click the "Confirm your order" button to confirm the order.

On the next page you will see a message, one of the lines of which will be “payment for your order expires in 15 days” ( yes, yes, exactly like that, without the first letter) or “Your order expires within 15 days.” if you, like me, use the English version of the site.

And a new order will appear in your orders, and its status will be “Waiting for payment”.

Now all that remains is to wait for the time “H” to arrive, i.e. nights from March 31 to April 1, and cancel this order. All points will be automatically returned to you

Will this method work? I can’t give a 100% guarantee, but last year I did the exact same thing, threw it in the trash ( my video about this memory ), applied points and placed an order.

Well, a few days later, when the “H” time had passed, I canceled this order and received my GB points back.

As you can see, last year I had more GB points because the Gearbest store was previously more loyal to regular customers. And I already criticized Gearbest for this.

P.S. Well, you can additionally save on purchases using cashback services. I use ePN Cashback and Letyshops, depending on where the conditions are more favorable at the time of purchase; both of these services, in addition to constant cashback rates, often organize various promotions and allow you to apply promotional codes that increase the cashback percentage.

After all, as Scrooge McDuck, aka Uncle Scrooge, said:

« Money saved is money earned ».