Cpu fan error - what kind of error is this. How to get rid of the “Press F1 to Resume” error when loading

For stable operation of the computer, all components must interact correctly with the software shell. The BIOS provides a lot of diagnostic tools that allow you to identify faults in the component parts of the system unit and peripherals, and then notify the user of their presence. It is important to respond to such errors so that the computer can work for as long as possible without serious damage.

One of the errors that a PC user may encounter when booting the system is the message “CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume.” Similarly, the BIOS reports a fault found during diagnostic procedures when the computer is turned on. As you can guess from the message, the error is related to the cooler (fan) of the central processor. By pressing F1, you can ignore the error and start the operating system, but this is highly not recommended. If measures are not taken in time to correct “CPU Fan Error Press F1”, the central processor may overheat during operation, which will lead to its failure and the need for replacement.

Reason for the "CPU Fan Error" error appearing during boot

It is impossible to clearly name the reason why the CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume error appears when the computer boots. A problem with the CPU cooling system most often occurs in one of the following cases:

In most cases, the malfunction described in the article appears due to incorrect connection of the cooler. Below we will talk about how the CPU fan should be connected to the motherboard so that the CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume error does not occur.

How to properly connect a CPU cooler

To diagnose the CPU cooling system (which consists of a cooler and radiator), you will need to remove the cover of the system unit. Next, locate the unit with the CPU, cooler and radiator. Turn on your computer and see if the fan is spinning. After this, turn off the system unit, disconnect it from electricity and act based on the results obtained:

Important: System units for gaming computers can be equipped with a system for manually controlling the rotation speed of coolers. For their operation, the fan must be connected in a special way, and this point must be clarified in the instructions for the case.

If the above methods did not help fix the CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume error, you can disable this alert in the BIOS settings. It is recommended to do this only in cases where you are sure that the fan cools the central processor to the required temperature even in stressful situations, that is, when running games and productive applications for a long time.

Often, having assembled a new computer, users are often faced with the fact that after turning on the computer beeps and displays the message Cpu fan error Press F1. In addition, the Cpu fan error can also occur on computers that have been running for a long time. In this article, we will look at the main reasons that can lead to this error, and also tell you how to solve it.

Cpu fan error is a problem with the cooler on the . If you have a similar error, then you need to focus on troubleshooting problems related to the processor cooler. Below we present several possible scenarios.

In order to check whether the cable is blocking the rotation of the cooler, you need to remove the side cover of the system unit and turn on the computer. Observe the CPU cooler while the computer is running. Pay attention to the cooler's power cable, as well as other cables inside the system unit. If something is blocking the cooler's operation or preventing it from spinning at full power, then turn off the computer and secure the cables inside the system unit so that this does not happen.

The cooler is not directly connected to the motherboard. If you connect the processor cooler through any adapters, then do not be surprised if when you turn on the computer you see the message Cpu fan error Press F1.

There are often cases when the processor cooler is connected to a special information panel in the front of the system unit. This panel displays information about the speed of rotation of the cooler and other parameters of the computer. With such a connection, a wide variety of problems are possible, including the Cpu fan error.

The cooler is connected to the wrong connector on the motherboard. Modern motherboards have several connectors for connecting a cooler. For example, the connector for connecting a fan on a system unit case may be called Chassis Fan, and the connector for connecting a processor cooler Power Fan Speed. If these connectors are mixed up, the computer may report a Cpu fan error.

To exclude this possibility, carefully study the motherboard and its instructions. Make sure you have connected the CPU cooler to the correct connector.

The cooler is not working properly. A cooler malfunction is quite a rare occurrence, but, nevertheless, this option should not be completely ruled out. If you have tried everything, but cannot get rid of the Cpu fan error error, then you should go to the store and buy a new cooler.

If all else fails. As a temporary solution to the problem, you can disable this error in . To do this, find the processor cooler control functions in the settings and disable them.

You can also disable waiting for pressing the F1 button. In this case, all such errors will be ignored.

It should be noted that you should only disable notifications in the BIOS for a short time, since a malfunctioning cooler poses a potential threat to the processor.

And the most common messages from the POST self-test system. Now I want to continue a previously open topic.

So, after turning on the computer, the POST computer device self-test program starts. After its successful completion, the BIOS searches for the device from which the computer will boot. This device can be any storage medium - hard drive, flash drive, CD/DVD drive, etc.

How is this search carried out?

The fact is that the BIOS already has a list of devices from which it is possible to boot the computer and the search for a boot device is carried out in accordance with the order of devices in this list. The section of the BIOS that contains the list of boot devices is usually called Boot(loading) and the order of devices in this list can be changed if desired.

When the computer boots, the BIOS scans all devices from the list in order until it finds a device with boot files. At this point, the search for boot devices stops and computer boot control is transferred to the program whose boot files were found (in most cases, this program is the operating system Windows).

The order of devices in the BIOS boot list can be changed. This is usually done like this: immediately after turning on the computer (at the stage of passing the POST check), you need to press the key Delete.

In this note I am publishing photographs of the screen of my ASUS EEE PC 1000H netbook; the BIOS view in your case may be slightly different.

Sometimes the access key in the BIOS may be different and this needs to be clarified in the motherboard manual, but in most cases it will be Delete or, as in my case, F2.

Once in the BIOS, you need to find the section responsible for the boot order from devices. This section is usually called Boot.

To navigate through the BIOS menu, you usually use the cursor keys - up, down, right and left arrows. To enter the menu section, use the key Enter, and for exit – Esc.

On the menu Boot you will see this list:

So, after passing the POST check, the BIOS queries all the devices in the list in order until it finds an available boot device. The presence of a device in the download list does not mean its physical presence on the computer. So, in the boot list, a CD/DVD drive may be in first place, but at the time of boot, the drive will not have a disk installed and therefore the BIOS will move to the next device on the list.

Once a boot device is found, the computer boot process continues from there. A special active partition of the device is detected, in which boot information (files) is located and the operating system kernel is loaded, to which all control of the computer boot process is then transferred.

If such a device is not found, or there are no boot files on it, or the boot files are damaged, an error message is displayed and the boot process stops.

There may be several errors:

  • Non system disk
  • Invalid system disk
  • System disk error
  • NTLDR is missing

What should you do if you see one of these messages?

First of all, find out in the BIOS the boot order from computer devices. It is quite possible that your first drive is a CD/DVD drive and some disc was installed in it during booting.

If the message continues to appear, then system files are most likely damaged. There can be a lot of reasons for this - from computer infection with viruses to unreasonable actions of the user himself. In this case, you can try to restore Windows, but this is a very delicate matter and it is very difficult to recommend a clear algorithm of actions that would suit everyone in all cases.

If the cause of the failure is viruses or malware, you can try to restore the system using the Dr.Web LiveDisk program. This is a free program with which you can boot your computer not from a hard drive, but from a flash drive. You can then scan your computer for viruses and fix problems.

There are hundreds of other programs that help you restore your computer after a failure, but they are all built on the same principle as those mentioned above.

And one more piece of advice - if you didn’t have anything important on your computer, or rather on drive C (system drive), then the easiest solution to the problem would be to reinstall Windows .

If there is important information, then the matter becomes more complicated. I would recommend not trying to restore the operating system, but removing the hard drive from the computer, connecting it as a second drive to the working computer and moving the necessary information from drive C to another, for example, D. Then return the hard drive back and reinstall the operating system by formatting drive C .

Why I don't like to restore Windows? Yes, because, as my experience shows, this is a thankless and temporary task. As a rule, such errors occur in very “cluttered” operating systems and restoring several damaged files does not solve the problem globally - soon either the problem repeats itself or new errors appear. Therefore, I prefer, firstly, to keep my operating system clean, and secondly, I never bother with restoring damaged files, but reinstall the system from scratch.

Of course, reinstalling the operating system for a novice user is a murky task and is unlikely to be done without outside help, but it’s still worth learning. On my website I have all the necessary information for this - a video course “How to install Windows”.

Don't miss the opportunity to do a good deed:

I welcome everyone who is reading today's article. When you turn on your computer, the BIOS checks each device and later compares the results with the parameters entered into the system. He does an analysis, including the cooling system. This is an important system that allows your equipment to work properly and protects it from overheating.

If you receive an error when you turn on your computer CPU fan error press f1 , then this signals you that the computer has cooling problems.

CPU fan error Press F1

This warning occurs when the CPU heatsink cooler is simply not working. A cooler is, as you might have guessed, a fan whose task is to cool the equipment.

Is the cooler clogged or broken?

So, what to do if a similar problem arises? First you need to inspect the problem cooler and carry out a superficial diagnosis. This is done quite simply:

You need to open the wall of the system unit of your computer. Next, turn on the power and see if the cooler is working? So the cooler doesn't work. Don't rush to despair. It is quite possible that the whole thing is due to accumulated dust, which does not allow the device to work as it should. If you see that the fan is completely clogged with dust, then you should take the following steps:

Or rather, clean your computer, here’s an article for you:

1. With great care, open the latches of the cooling system (important: You need it to be disconnected from the connectors or the board)

2. Remove the cooling system. Again, with great care: do not damage anything there!

3. Unscrew or remove the fan itself.

4. Disconnect and bleed the radiator. In this case, it is best to use a special vacuum cleaner. You can do it without it, but it will be safer with it.

5. Clean thoroughly.

6. Assemble the fan by connecting it to the radiator. We attach the fan back to the cooling system.

8. Let’s see: did it help?

If it doesn’t help (even though you did everything correctly), then this means that your fan is broken. The most correct thing in this case would be to replace it with another one. Believe me, it will be better this way. I am attaching a video to this article in which you will clearly see how to properly remove and install the cooler from the processor.

By the way, the CPU fan error Press F1 warning may also appear because you connected your fan to the wrong connector. For example, you made a mistake and connected it not to the CPU Fan (as I advised you above), but to connectors such as Chassis Fan or Power Fan. As a result, the BIOS simply cannot “see” your cooler and throws an error.

Therefore, before you conclude that the fan is broken, check to see if the reason is your error?

System error

Another reason for CPU fan error is an error in the operation of the program that controls the fan speed. If it is configured incorrectly, the equipment may overheat and break down, or, at best, crash.

How can I check this? It’s not that difficult, I’ll tell you, dear friends.

2) We are looking for Hardware Monitor.

3) We look at the rotation/revolution indicators of the cooler. If it is very low, then the equipment may overheat before your fan even starts working.

Of course, you can always turn off BIOS control. Just turn on “ignore” (here: CPU Fan Speed/Hardware Monitor). Depending on the motherboard model. In my case, I go to the boot section (BOOT) and change Enabled to Disabled:

But keep in mind that then you will have to monitor your cooler and processor temperature yourself. This must be done at your own peril and risk, because keeping track of these indicators is not so easy and then there will always be a risk of equipment failure due to overheating.

Concluding today's post, I hope that the above tips will help you figure out: what's wrong with your equipment? However, if you doubt the results of your repair, it is better to entrust it to a specialist. Don't risk your hardware needlessly.

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Every owner of a personal computer and laptop, sooner or later, unfortunately, has various problems with their devices. Now we will completely put aside issues of programming, viruses and the like, and turn our attention to the technical side. Let's say you turn on your PC, and the screen says: CPU Fan Error! Press F1. Any user who is not particularly knowledgeable about computers will be confused. Now we will solve the problem of how to fix CPU Fan Error.

What does this inscription on the screen mean?

This message means that an error has occurred in the operation of the processor fan, and you are prompted to press the F1 key. As a result of pressing the key, the computer will continue to boot. But the whole point is that the problem that caused the error to appear will not go away on its own. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to think about how to fix CPU Fan Error.

In fact, any PC is configured in such a way that when it starts, the internal program polls all devices and necessarily checks all their parameters. If errors are detected, the user receives a corresponding message accompanied by sound. With some of them, as in our case, further work is possible, with others - not. But the user must remember that by continuing to work on the device, he is taking a risk, since if the cooler is really faulty, then this can lead to overheating of the processor.

What problems could happen with the cooler with this message?

When the message “CPU Fan Error” appears on the computer screen, this does not guarantee that the cooler has completely failed. It is quite possible that it simply does not work as a result of problems that have nothing to do with it. It is these faults that we will deal with today.

You will be very surprised at the main reason for the message popping up during boot - CPU Fan Error. This is dust, just ordinary dust. This is the factor that blocks the fan. In the system unit, to be fair, there is a lot of it, as well as dirt and hair. Wires hanging inside the unit can also interfere with the cooler's operation.

How to fix these problems

There are no problems eliminating this. A little work and everything will be fine. But, of course, you will have to disassemble it. We do this only when the power is completely turned off. Having disassembled the system unit, we look, first of all, at the cooler. If the whole point is the presence of a large amount of dust, then you need to get rid of it. We do this using a regular vacuum cleaner. If the inspection reveals hanging wires, we tie them up or secure them so that they do not interfere with the operation of the cooler.

Often, when solving the problem of how to fix a CPU Fan Error, users ask whether it is necessary to remove the fan itself. We do not recommend doing this. After all, when installing it back, you will need thermal paste, and you may simply not have it on hand. In addition, some do not even know about its presence and the need to use it.

Other problems and solutions

There are also cases when the cooler of a would-be master is simply connected to the wrong connector. But there is nothing strange about this, since motherboards, especially modern ones, have several connectors that are identical in appearance. And if the system unit is assembled by a not particularly qualified specialist, without instructions, this may well happen.

The computer writes "Error" even when the fan is not connected to the motherboard at all. This, however, happens very rarely, but the facts do occur, for example, with a completely new system unit. Most likely, the workers simply forgot to do this. In these cases In both options, you need to take the instructions with the circuit and check the correctness of all connections. Although very rarely, sometimes the cooler completely fails. Try to revive it by all known methods, if this does not work, then there is only one way out - replacement.

How to fix CPU Fan Error if the cause of the error is unknown

Yes, that happens. The cooler functions normally, the processor is cooled, which can be easily checked using special software that shows the temperature of the PC components. And the reason for the error that pops up is still unknown. What to do in this case? It is advisable to get rid of the error. This can be done through the BIOS. We load it and look for CPU Fan Speed, after which we set it to Ignored. That's it, the error will disappear. But we still recommend that you contact a specialist, since the problem may exist and you simply do not know about it. In this case, the processor may burn out.

Let's hope that the computer will turn off or reboot on its own in case of danger. You can also disable the need to press the F1 key. That is, the problem will not disappear, but you will not need to click the F1 key every time you start your PC. This issue is also resolved in the BIOS. Go there, look for Wait For ‘F1′ If Error and set the following value - Disabled.