What do emojis really mean. Emoji guide: how to understand them and not get into an awkward position How to make it easier to access notifications on iPhone X

The history of the smiley - yellow-faced smile has been around for half a century and has accompanied the operation of the Internet from the very moment of its inception. Being invented by a good-natured optimistic artist, a cheerful face has become an indispensable attribute of communication in ICQ, chats and throughout the World Wide Web, making it impossible for people to express emotions without using them.

When typing a post somewhere on a forum or blog, you can of course easily “build” an emotional physiognomy using elementary punctuation marks, brackets and other special characters, but the finished face will look much more interesting.

Much brighter and more fun look animated emoticons, which in a ridiculous form personify countless different emotions of network users. They are very different and can serve different purposes. You can easily decorate a friend's birthday greeting card with a solemn card in honor of his birthday. You can safely prank your friends and are not afraid of retribution by sending an animated postcard in honor of the April Fools' Day.

Also, cheerful koloboks are widely used on the network for congratulations on February 23, New Year, Easter, March 8, May 1 and 9, as well as many other holidays and significant dates.

Along with fun, a face is able to express your sadness, fatigue, excitement, or silently and colorfully demonstrate your attitude to the side of the dialogue. In search of a bright and stylish signature for messages, you should pay attention to iridescent sparkles, which captivate the eye with their spectacle and sophistication.

Of course, much can be expressed in words, but often words alone are not enough, and a long wish on a card makes you sleepy by the end of reading it, because you forget where you started. Nothing pleases the eyes of the birthday man so much as an outstanding congratulatory picture on his page, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow and giving all the warmth that the congratulator put into this message.

Here you can find a huge number of different types of animations, emoticons, as well as brilliant pictures. Rare and original, they will always distinguish you in the crowd of Internet resource users and emphasize your impeccable style and subtle humor.

On our site you can easily find a smiley or an animation for any occasion, securing the status of a witty participant in forums and chats. A collection of the most successful and popular GIFs and postcards on the web will become a real treasure trove for you in the process of virtual communication with old acquaintances and future friends.

Do not miss the opportunity to color your life and the everyday life of others with a variety of bright animated images and cheerful holiday attributes, because we only live once and a little holiday with a positive mood never hurts.

Sincerely, Congratulation!

Emoticons have become such an integral part of our lives that without them the alphabet looks incomplete, and messages seem dry and detached. But even in such a frivolous and childishly simple matter as emoji arrangement, there are subtleties.

What do different emoticons mean

With emoticons-objects, everything is simple: they mean what they depict. A ball is a ball, an alarm clock is an alarm clock, and there is nothing to think about. But with emoticons-faces, the task becomes more complicated. We are not always able to correctly guess the emotions on the faces of living people, to say nothing about the physiognomy of koloboks. There are emoticons whose meaning is obvious:

Fun, laughter, joy, jubilation.

Sorrow, sadness, melancholy, discontent.

Playful mood, teasing.

Surprise, amazement, shock, fear.

Anger, resentment, rage.

And a few more like this - all possible options for families and romantic unions.

But there are emoticons among those whose meaning can be interpreted ambiguously, or even completely confusing:

This emoticon depicts a person crying in three - well, in two - streams, however, in the version for Apple devices, due to raised eyebrows and a mouth that is not twisted from sobs, it is often perceived as laughing to tears. Careful with him: you want to designate grief for them, but you will be misunderstood.

As planned, this emoticon should depict silence. Instead, he just scares you to death.

If everything is more or less clear with the evil devil (“angry as hell”), then the cheerful demon is somewhat puzzling. Most likely, he is not only furious, but also looking forward to how he will dance on the grave of your opponent. And you, maybe, just wanted to show originality and an unusual smile.

Despite the fact that the three wise monkeys did not see, hear or speak anything precisely because of their wisdom, these muzzles close their eyes, mouth and ears from shame, confusion and shock.

A set of cat emoticons for those who think ordinary koloboks are not expressive enough and want to add cuteness to their emotions.

Instead of "hello" and "bye" you can wave your hand.

Raised hands, a gesture of joyful greeting or jubilation.

Applause both sincere and sarcastic.

If in this picture you see hands folded in a prayer gesture, then for you, emoji can mean “thank you” or “I beg”. Well, if you see the high-five here, it means that you are a very cheerful person.

A raised index finger can emphasize the importance of the message or express a request to interrupt the interlocutor with a question, or it can simply point to the previous message in the chat.

Fingers crossed for good luck.

For some it's "stop", but for someone "high five!".

No, it's not a truffle. Not even a truffle at all.

Ogre and Japanese Goblin. It looks like someone is missing the usual devils.

Liar. His nose grows like Pinocchio's every time he lies.

This is wide-eyed with amazement, and shifty eyes of a swindler, and even a lustful look. If someone sends you such an emoji in a comment on a photo, you can be sure that the photo is successful.

And it's just an eye, and it's watching you.

Young moon and full moon. It seems to be nothing special, but these smileys have their own fans who appreciate them for their creepy facial expressions.

A very common girl in purple. Her gestures mean OK (hands above head), "no" (crossed arms), "hello" or "I know the answer" (raised hand). This character has another pose that baffles many -. According to the official version, it symbolizes a help desk worker. Apparently, with her hand she shows how to get to the city library.

Do you also see two tense faces here, presumably unfriendly? But they didn’t guess: according to Apple’s tips, this is an embarrassed face and a stubborn face. Who would have thought!

By the way, hints for emoticons can be viewed in the message window on if you open an emoji and hover over the emoticon you are interested in. Like this:

Another way to find out the meaning of an emoticon is to ask emojipedia.org for help. On it you will find not only detailed interpretations of emoticons, but you can also see how the same emoticon looks on different platforms. Many unexpected discoveries await you.

Where emoticons fit

1. In informal friendly correspondence

Funny yellow faces are appropriate in a personal chat where you share not so much information as your mood. With the help of emoticons, you will laugh at a joke, sympathize, build faces at each other. This is where emotions come in.

2. When emotions splash over the edge and there are not enough words

Sometimes, when something very important happens in our life, feelings overwhelm us so much that we are about to burst. Then we write an emotional post on Facebook or post a dazzling photo on Instagram and decorate it with a generous scattering of emojis. Of course, someone will not like this, but what now, to stifle all the vivid sensations in yourself? The main thing is not to abuse such a public display of violent emotions: this will alienate subscribers and call into question your adequacy.

3. By agreement to highlight the message in the working correspondence

This is a very simple and convenient way to make important messages that require urgent response visible. For example, great for these purposes. But you need to agree in advance which cases in your company are considered urgent and which emoticon you will use for this.

It is important not to overdo it: if you have one emoticon for messages about emergencies, the second for urgent questions, the third for important news, then soon all work correspondence will turn into a New Year's garland that no one is looking at.

When is the best time to avoid emoticons?

1. In business correspondence

Work is not a place for emotions. Here you need calmness, concentration and professionalism. Even if you want to emphasize your goodwill or express concern about the situation, use for these purposes, not emoticons.

2. When communicating with foreigners

This is especially true for emoji gestures. For example, to whom you wanted to express approval will put an end to your good relationship with a person from Greece or Thailand. Still, because with this gesture you sent him to hell.

Therefore, if you are not sure of your deep knowledge of the peculiarities of the national culture of your interlocutor, do not risk it.

3. Oddly enough, when you discuss feelings and emotions

Feelings are serious business. If you are not just chatting, but revealing your soul or sharing something important, words will convey your feelings and experiences much more accurately than emoticons. “You are dearer to me than anyone in the world” means much more than ten hearts in a row. In the end, you have only one heart, so give it.

Remember that emoji are the seasoning, not the main ingredient. To give expressiveness to your message, you need very few of them.

Emoji language

Judging by the fact that today almost no personal correspondence can do without emoticons, we can safely say that emoji have become an independent section of the language. Sometimes they even pretend to replace the language: you can write a whole message using only emoticons. The popular American TV show Ellen DeGeneres even has a special section in which guests are invited to read a phrase where some of the words are replaced with emoji:

And here the name of the film is encrypted, which we invite you to guess.

You may be using emoji incorrectly. Many of them do not mean at all what we are accustomed to imagine.

A small lyrical digression. I think everyone remembers the wonderful ICQ client for Windows QIP. Perhaps someone even uses it until now (although, hardly). In addition to a user-friendly interface and advanced functionality, it also had a wonderful set of emoticons.

Yellow koloboks with excellent animation offered emotions for any occasion. With their help, you could quite clearly make it clear to the interlocutor that at the moment you are in high spirits (*YAHOO*) or, conversely, suffering from hopelessness (*WALL*).

Of the more modern methods of non-verbal communication in the Russian-speaking segment of the network, it is worth noting the now very popular stickers on the VKontakte social network.

Here, too, everything is clear: each picture very clearly conveys a specific emotion, and the general love for cats obviously dooms such stickers to success.

But back to emoji. This graphic language, where combinations of pictures are used instead of words, originally appeared in Japan. It gained worldwide popularity largely thanks to Apple, which drew the corresponding symbols in the best possible way and added them to their devices (previously, to use emoji, you had to dance with a tambourine, enabling this function in the Japanese keyboard on iOS. Now there is a separate keyboard for this) . Some symbols have specific meanings in Japanese culture: for example, a bowing businessman, a face wearing a surgical mask, a white flower representing "brilliant homework" or a group of symbols for popular foods: ramen, dango, onigiri, and sushi.

With the spread of emoji in Western culture, many symbols have lost their original meaning. This is due to the lack of knowledge of Europeans and Americans about Japanese traditions. As a result, we have many different icons that we use at our own discretion (often not in the way it was intended).

Meanwhile, at a non-profit organization "Unicode Consortium" there is a department that deals with the standardization of emoticons. On their official website, these guys posted a large table that contains suggestions for improving and correcting existing icons in order to return them to their original meaning.

Here are some examples. In the following pictures, the emoticons are listed in this order: Unicode 7.0, New "Correct", Apple, Android, Windows.

sleepy face

Let's take a sad face with a drop in the nose area. Most users believe that this is a tear, or, at worst, snot, and use an emoji to indicate crying or a cold. But that's not the case at all. Such a "bubble" is used in anime/manga and means drowsiness. In order not to mislead people, Unicode proposes to remove this element altogether in the new version.

Face With Look Of Triumph

You use this emoji to represent anger or rage, don't you? You are not alone in this regard. The association with an angry bull with steam coming out of its nose is quite understandable. However, the consortium insists that this person " winner" or " victorious". To avoid misunderstanding, they also want to remove the cloud of steam.

Frowning Face With Open Mouth

Most likely, you thought that this pictogram symbolized shock or, perhaps, sadness. Wrong again. Actually it is " frown". In the new version, to give even more severity, they want to reduce the mouth and add shifted eyebrows. To be honest, it doesn't make much of a difference.

Weary Cat Face

Usually this cat face is used to express shock or fear. But, as the Unicode description says, it is fatigue. In my opinion, the new version of the cat will bring even more confusion.

Person With Folded Hands

This icon, according to the description of the developers, has many meanings, such as: sadness, regret, supplication, bow And Gratitude. A common misuse is "high five!". No new option is offered.

For a complete list of controversial emojis with correct interpretations and suggestions for improvement, see wired]

Emoji have become one of the pillars of modern Internet communication, and it is already difficult to imagine email correspondence without the use of emoticons. New images appear every few months, and the first set of emoji even entered the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. But it turned out that most of us use them incorrectly.

Difficulties in translation

A study by e2save and published by The Daily Mail found that only one in five people can interpret emoji correctly. At the same time, most people find it difficult to verbally describe emoticons and the emotions they convey.

About 82% of Britons use emoji regularly, according to the study, with 44% doing so to clarify the meaning of a message. Respondents were asked to explain the meaning of the 20 most "confusing" emojis. Only 19% of the respondents managed to do this. And only 44% of respondents managed to correctly explain the meaning of emoticons.

There are five emojis that confuse people the most.

Most people (69%) believe that a face with smoke coming out of the nostrils expresses anger or irritation. In fact, this emoticon symbolizes a sigh of relief after an upset.

A face with wide eyes, an open mouth and raised eyebrows is often used to show surprise (at least 66% of respondents do so). However, according to the original idea, it depicts a silent person.

Another 62% believe that a frowning face with a drop means frustration. But it's not. Its original meaning is to show "relief after disappointment".

And while 57% of people believe that folded hands mean prayer or supplication, the emoji was created to express gratitude.

The image of a woman with her hands above her head is also confusing. Most people (55%) think she's surprised, but it actually means "okay".

Other emojis also cause difficulties with identification - a cat's face, a horn, a devil's mask, and so on.

Emoticons in the top row mean (from left to right): yawn, surprised cat, devil. Middle row: high five, message delivery, drowsiness, feeling unwell. In the bottom row: rush to something, dizziness, impudence, decoration of pastries.

“With such an interest in icons, it is surprising that many of us misunderstand their meaning. It looks like we need to be more careful with our emoji selection before sending them,” said e2save marketer Andy Cartledge.

New collection

Recently, the Unicode Consortium announced that in 2017 humanity will receive a new set of 51 emoji. Among them will appear a vampire, a pretzel, a sandwich, a gesture "I love you", a flying saucer, broccoli, coconut and others. A complete list can be found

Apparently, the creators of emoji are trying to bring them closer to a variety of social and national groups of people. So, the new set includes a woman in a hijab, a man with a very long beard and a mother breastfeeding her child.

On the other hand, there are many mythical characters on the list - in addition to those mentioned, these are fairies, mermaids of both sexes, genies and zombies.

And of course, not without food and animals. Giraffe, zebra, hedgehog, tyrannosaurus, canned food and a cup with a straw are already waiting for their finest hour. As for the emoji faces themselves, the new set could bring even more confusion to the ranks of users.

people shared an article

Religious Reading: Smiley Hand Prayer to Help Our Readers.

Emoji have become one of the pillars of modern Internet communication, and it is already difficult to imagine email correspondence without the use of emoticons. New images appear every few months, and the first set of emoji even entered the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. But it turned out that most of us use them incorrectly.

A study by e2save and published by The Daily Mail found that only one in five people can interpret emoji correctly. At the same time, most people find it difficult to verbally describe emoticons and the emotions they convey.

About 82% of Britons use emoji regularly, according to the study, with 44% doing so to clarify the meaning of a message. Respondents were asked to explain the meaning of the 20 most "confusing" emojis. Only 19% of the respondents managed to do this. And only 44% of respondents managed to correctly explain the meaning of emoticons.

There are five emojis that confuse people the most.

Most people (69%) believe that a face with smoke coming out of the nostrils expresses anger or irritation. In fact, this emoticon symbolizes a sigh of relief after an upset.

A face with wide eyes, an open mouth and raised eyebrows is often used to show surprise (at least 66% of respondents do so). However, according to the original idea, it depicts a silent person.

Another 62% believe that a frowning face with a drop means frustration. But it's not. Its original meaning is to show "relief after disappointment".

And while 57% of people believe that folded hands mean prayer or supplication, the emoji was created to express gratitude.

The image of a woman with her hands above her head is also confusing. Most people (55%) think she's surprised, but it actually means "okay".

Other emojis also cause difficulties with identification - a cat's face, a horn, a devil's mask, and so on.

Emoticons in the top row mean (from left to right): yawn, surprised cat, devil. Middle row: high five, message delivery, drowsiness, feeling unwell. In the bottom row: rush to something, dizziness, impudence, decoration of pastries.

“With such an interest in icons, it is surprising that many of us misunderstand their meaning. It looks like we need to be more careful with our emoji selection before sending them,” said e2save marketer Andy Cartledge.

Recently, the Unicode Consortium announced that in 2017 humanity will receive a new set of 51 emoji. Among them will appear a vampire, a pretzel, a sandwich, a gesture "I love you", a flying saucer, broccoli, coconut and others. The full list can be found here.

Apparently, the creators of emoji are trying to bring them closer to a variety of social and national groups of people. So, the new set includes a woman in a hijab, a man with a very long beard and a mother breastfeeding her child.

On the other hand, there are many mythical characters on the list - in addition to those mentioned, these are fairies, mermaids of both sexes, genies and zombies.

And of course, not without food and animals. Giraffe, zebra, hedgehog, tyrannosaurus, canned food and a cup with a straw are already waiting for their finest hour. As for the emoji faces themselves, the new set could bring even more confusion to the ranks of users.

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Emoticons pray

If during a conversation you received a message in which emoticons pray, then you need to think about why you received it, and what was your behavior on the forum in this topic. Sometimes this emoticon is used to hint to a person that he is behaving too well or wants to seem like that.



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How to find out what this or that emoji means

What does this or that emoji emoticon mean? Many people ask this question, because it is not always clear what the emoticon means. Emoji with two hands together, for example. What does this smiley mean? Are these two people giving each other high fives? Or is it someone praying? If you sometimes doubt what some Emoji emoticon means, then we have prepared some tips to help you get the answer to this question.

How to find out what an emoji means on your Mac

There are several ways to find out the meaning of an emoji on your Mac.

The first way is pretty simple:

Step 1: In the Messages app on your Mac, click on an emoji to open the emoji keyboard.

Step 2: Find the emoji you want to know the meaning of.

Step 3: Hover over the Emoji and after a couple of seconds, you will see a tooltip with a description of this emoticon.

Step 1: In any application, go to menu bar > Edit > "Emoji Icons & Symbols" (or "Special Characters" in some versions of OS X). This will bring up a window with all the symbols present on your computer.

Step 2: Select Emoji from the left sidebar.

Step 3: Select the emoji you want to know the meaning of and click on it.

Step 4: On the right side, you will be presented with the meaning of this Emoji.

Find out what emoji means with iPhone

If on a Mac you can easily find out what an emoji smiley means, then on an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch it is more difficult to do this. We're going to use the emoji name-speak feature.

Please note that for some reason this feature is not available on iOS 9, but it still works on older versions of iOS. It is not known why Apple removed this feature, it may have happened by mistake and they will bring it back in the future.

Step 1: On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, go to the menu Settings > General > Accessibility > Speech and turn on pronunciation.

Step 2: Create a new email or note and paste the emoji you want to know the meaning of.

Step 3: Highlight the emoticon and select “Speak” from the menu. Siri will announce the name and designation of the emoji.

Use the Emoji Dictionary App

There are many apps in the App Store that have emoji descriptions, but one of the simplest and free apps is Emoji Dictionary. Download the app and see the meaning of your favorite emoji. Unfortunately, this app hasn't been updated since January 2015, so the emoji list is a little outdated. For example, it does not include the most recent emoji found in iOS 9.1.

Learn About Emoji Symbols at Emojipedia

Emojipedia is the Wikipedia of the emoji world. The site contains all the emoji emoticons and detailed information about each of them. This is by far the most detailed information about Emoji characters.

Do you know other ways to find out the meaning of a certain Emoji? If you know, then share them in the comments.

Emoji emoji dictionary, or how to find out the meaning of emoji on Mac, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Sometimes words alone are not enough to express feelings. In such cases, when communicating on social networks, we turn to emoji. Winking "emoticons" and other symbols appeared back in 1999, but they won great love from users only recently. Despite the fact that almost everyone uses them, the meanings of some pictures are not entirely clear.

For example, two palms folded together can be interpreted in different ways - perhaps they symbolize a prayer, but it is also possible that these two people greet each other with the words "High five." How to understand the meaning of certain emoji? We bring to your attention a few tips that will help you independently understand the meaning of emoji on iPhone, iPad and macOS.

Emoji Meaning Examples

Many users mistake this picture for a crying face. In fact, a drop is not a tear, but sweat, which means relief after the excitement experienced.

Don't be fooled, it's not a nut at all, it's a roasted sweet potato.

What at first glance appears to be a pyramid of ping-pong balls is actually a “harvest festival card” symbolizing the traditional Japanese ceremony that takes place during the Tsukimi festival.

If you think that this is an acorn, you are mistaken. It's actually a chestnut.

You should not use this picture as a greeting card, as it is nothing more than a bookmark.

This gesture means "OK" and says that you are doing well.

Raised palms do not mean an appeal to higher powers, but symbolize joy.

This "smiley" means strong irritation and a nervous state. Many users mistakenly use it to express contempt.

What looks like a black cube actually symbolizes the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba located in Mecca.

No, this girl does not have deer antlers growing on her head. She's just getting a facial massage.

Often users resort to this picture when they want to express the denial of something, but in fact it symbolizes the person at the information board.

This is not a dance movement at all, as it may seem, but open arms.

This boy did not hide and did not think. Believe it or not, he bows.

A "smiley" without a mouth symbolizes silence. However, it is often used to express confusion, even fear, and is sometimes used as the character "Gingerbread Man".

It may seem to you that it is a fire, but in fact it is a name badge.

This sign is not at all a fancy image of a house, but a symbol of anger.

The picture below appeared with the release of iOS 10.2. Someone might see a glass of whiskey here, but it's really just a glass.

This symbol means not ordinary laughter, but hysterical laughter, when the laughing one literally rolls on the floor.

This image can be interpreted as both a jellyfish and an umbrella, but Apple believes that it looks like an oriental furin bell ringing in the wind.

Do not confuse this symbol with the panic button. Actually, it's a trackball.

You should not look for a hidden meaning in this sign, because it is just a hole.

It may seem that this guy is none other than the legendary Ziggy Stardust, performed by British artist David Bowie. Despite the similar make-up, this is just a symbol of any singer.

How to independently find out the meaning (determine the meaning) of emoji on iPhone

Finding out the meaning of an emoji on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch is easy. Using the function pronunciation you can "force" iOS to explain aloud what this or that picture means.

1 . Go to iPhone, iPad or iPod touch in " Settings”, select “About main» -> « Universal access» -> Speech -> pronunciation).

2 . Write a message and insert an emoji.

3 . Place the cursor next to the Emoji emoticon whose meaning you want to know and click on the screen until a menu with actions appears.

Click " Choose”, after which the emoticon will be highlighted, and then select the option “ speak” and the voice assistant in Russian will read aloud the meaning of the emoticon.

How to independently find out the meaning (determine the meaning) of emoji emoticons on Mac

There are several ways to determine the meaning of an emoji on a Mac.

The first way is very simple:

1. Open the application on your computer Messages” and click on the smiley face icon to open the emoji keyboard.

2. Select the picture you want to know the meaning of.

3. Hover your mouse over the picture you are interested in, and after a few seconds a pop-up window will appear with a description of its meaning.

The second method is suitable for those who want to thoroughly study the meaning of emoji.

1. Click on the icon with the country flag indicating the system language.

2. Select " Show panel Emoji and Symbols". A window with emoticons will open.

3. Select the emoji section in the sidebar on the left.

4. Select the picture you are interested in and click on it.

5. A description of the meaning of the selected symbol will appear on the right.

Learn emoji with Emojipedia

Emojipedia is an emoji-only version of Wikipedia. The site provides a catalog of all existing symbols, which explains the meaning of each of them.

A girl in VK sent me a smiley: * what does it mean?)

(^o^) dying of laughter

(*_*) admired, adored, fanatic

(^_____^) your joy simply knows no bounds!

(^_^)/ waving hand in greeting

waving goodbye

(-_-) sour mine, sadness, sadness; mysterious smile

(O_O) very surprised

(o_o) very big surprise, awesome

(V_v) unpleasant surprise.

(;_;) tears, crying (T_T)

(^_^;;;) embarrassment (in a cold sweat)

(^^') is what is shown in the anime and manga as a drop (embarrassment)

(^^;) variation on the theme of the drop

(?_?) misunderstanding, confusion, question

(%_%) after a night at the computer

(^_^)(^_)(^)()(^)(_^)(@) twirled ad nauseam

(=_=) did not sleep at night

(^0_0^) snorting pig

(^_^?) - did not understand / did you understand?

W(`0`)W - scream in anger

(¬_¬) - yes, that's right *skeptically*

D_D - surprised, looks to the right

^^(^_^)^^ bat

@>, a dead vampire in headphones, died from a well-aimed blow to the eye)))

O_p - mascara flowed, a tear from the eye

(^o)(/o^)/ more dances

o(_)o honestly no idea... . possibly joy