What to do with the hamachi tunnel problem. Fixing a tunnel problem in Hamachi Why does Hamachi throw a vpn error in windows 7

Online games have firmly won a leading place among the most popular entertainment. But it’s not always comfortable to play alone. In order for players to unite into teams, the Hamachi program was created, which allows you to create local networks on the Internet. This utility does its job perfectly in most cases, but sometimes it crashes. The most common Hamachi error is a tunnel problem. How to fix such an error is described in this article.

Error appears

Usually a connection bug occurs in the middle of the game. A message appears on the screen: there is a problem connecting the peer angle. Along with the message, the same problem is indicated by an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle that appears in the control window.

Call your provider

The first thing that always comes to mind when a connection is lost is the instability of the Internet connection. This problem can be solved by contacting the provider’s technical service. If the interruption occurred due to poor-quality communication, then the best solution is a different tariff or another provider.

System operation

Sometimes beginners get upset because the installed program does not start. Yes, automatic switching is not provided here - hamachi must be switched on manually. To do this, you need to go to network connections and check the status.

Often the problem is solved by simply connecting an adapter.

Incorrect settings

If there are no other complaints about the Internet connection, you should look further for the reasons for the interruption. Incorrect settings are another reason for connection failure. For a correct connection, you need to reconfigure the connection parameters. They allow you to disable digital signature checking and completely disable network policy checking. The second option is to install an outdated version of the program, and only then gradually update it to the current one. If you decide to take the second path, then save Hamachi version 220328, first deleting the current version of the program. After installation the program works quite correctly.

And there are no triangles near the players' nicknames.

The reconfiguration option is a little more complicated. But if all else fails, let's try a number of simple steps.

We launch the program and go to the “Options” menu, look for the “advanced options” option there. After this, we reconfigure the connection:

  • disable encryption;
  • Set the value next to the “compression” item – any;
  • next to the traffic filtering option, set “Allow all”;
  • in the “connecting to the server” section, disable the ability to use a proxy;
  • enable online presence.

Sometimes you need to do one more thing: change the IP protocol mode. This should be done through the “Properties” menu.

Hamachi is a special program for creating a local network over the Internet, very popular among gamers. One of the most common mistakes in Hamachi - tunnel problem. An exclamation mark and a message appear in the program window: there is a problem connecting the peer. Very often this happens when problems arise with Internet access on one of the parties to the VPN channel and can be solved by checking the router settings or calling the provider’s technical support.
But there are cases when the telecom operator has nothing to do with it, but the cause of the problem with the tunnel through Hamachi was incorrect settings. Yes, despite the fact that this is an “install and use” program, there are still cases when it is necessary to make additional settings for the program.

Launch Hamachi and first go to “Options”, and from there follow the “Advanced options” link. Here you need to change the following settings:

1. Disable encryption:

2. Disable Traffic Filtering - set the value to “Allow all”.

3. In the “Connect to server” section, set the “Use proxy server” parameter to “No”.

4. We try to enable name resolution using the mDNS protocol - set the value to “Yes”.

5. Online presence - “Enable” and set to “Yes”.

After additional settings, the program must be restarted. After this, the problem with the Hamachi tunnel should no longer appear.

If suddenly, after the above steps, this error appears again, try setting the IP protocol mode parameter to “IPv4 only”.

Hello, I came across a situation - when I connect LogMeIn Hamachi, which is installed on Windows 7, to the network, the computers on the network are not accessible, and a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark is drawn against them. I want to show how you can fix this error.

If you go into the node connection details, an error will be written next to the VPN status parameter.

If you go to the settings, in the VPN domain the status information says an error - Failed to connect to the network adapter. The peer is not reachable via VPN.

In my case, the problem was with the installation of the Hamachi network driver. If you go to the device manager (computer properties - device manager), you can see an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle for the Hamachi Network Interface driver. If you go to the properties of this driver it will be written that the driver does not have a digital signature.

Because of this, the system does not have a Hamachi network interface, and Hamachi cannot connect to computers on the network.
To fix this, you can take a difficult and simple route.

The difficult one is to put the system into test mode and disable mandatory verification of driver digital signatures in group policies. But I didn’t do that, and I don’t advise you to.

Simple - download Hamachi version - Hamachi

After Hamachi is downloaded, you need to remove the version that you have installed. And just install the version that was downloaded. In this version, everything is fine with the digital signature of the driver, and after installing it, everything worked for me.

After starting the program, you can update it from the program itself (for help - check for updates), or you can download the latest version from the developers website. When you run the installer, the program will be updated. And there should be no problems with the driver and connecting to computers.

By the way, I installed the latest version of the program on Windows 10, it worked fine for me, but if suddenly you have the same problem that I wrote about above, then you can try installing version

With it, I had a situation where the driver in the device manager works fine, there are no exclamation marks, but there is no network interface in the network and sharing center. A simple reinstallation of LogMeIn Hamachi helped, meaning this version needs to be installed 2 times. After which everything works fine.

Hamachi is a program that specializes in building private virtual networks (VPNs). The utility provides the ability to create a personal, secure network of personal computers (PCs) and laptops connected via the Internet. At the same time, it is possible to emulate a physical local network.

You can download it from the official website - www.vpn.net.

Tunnel problems in Hamachi are one of the most common problems with this application. Errors of this type promise unpleasant consequences for users, due to which it is impossible to communicate with other participants in the virtual local network - the ping may increase, up to the loss of packets with the message “Timeout interval exceeded.” Moreover, this problem may arise due to various factors: incorrect settings, conflicts with security programs, etc.

How to remove the yellow triangle

Configuring network parameters

Before looking for the “VPN Status” error in the Hamachi program (similar to the “VPN domain tap device is disabled” error), you need to do some preliminary PC setup:

Using these manipulations, the user is likely to remove the yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in Hamachi. If the problem does not go away and the yellow triangle still appears, this indicates that the problem is most likely located on the side of other users connected network. If the yellow triangle error occurs for all participants, then a number of additional actions will have to be taken.

Changing Hamachi settings

The problem with the tunnel in Hamachi can be resolved by changing the settings:

note! Additionally, these settings will help fix the peer connection problem.

Other solutions

To obtain more detailed information regarding the yellow triangle, you can right-click on the problematic connection and select the option “ Intelligence».

In the " Summary» users will be able to find detailed information about the connection type, encryption method used, etc. If there is a reason found within Hamachi, the conflicting parameter will be marked with a yellow triangle and the text will be written in red.

For example, if problems are detected in a private virtual network " VPN status", then users need to check that the Internet connection is working correctly, and that the Hamachi utility is configured correctly.

Sometimes it will help to remove the yellow triangle error in Hamachi restarting the system and program. If the problem cannot be solved either in the Hamachi program or in the Windows Control Panel, then you should pay attention to your antivirus or firewall. As a solution, try adding the utility to exceptions or temporarily disabling system protection

Blue circle in Hamachi

Now let's consider another situation, when the tunnel through the repeater begins to work incorrectly.

Checking network blocking

The lion's share of problems associated with blocking networks comes down to banal internal OS protection. Very often, Hamachi is interfered with by standard Windows protection. Try adding Hamachi to exceptions, as well as disabling other security tools when running the utility.

To disable Windows system protection, you need to go to " Control Panel" and go to " Windows Firewall" Open the firewall and allow the operating system to communicate with the Hamachi application.

Checking the IP address

There are such concepts as “white” and “gray” IP addresses. To use the Hamachi program for the user required "white"IP address. Most providers immediately issue a “white address” to clients, but there are also companies that save on the address. In return NAT subnet is provided using internal (gray) IP. It does not allow a single PC to fully access the World Wide Web. In such situations, you have to change your tariff plan or order a white address connection from your provider. Information about the type of IP address You can find out by reading the tariff plan agreement or by calling the provider’s technical support service.

Port check

If you use a Wi-Fi router to connect to the Internet, then you need to look for an error in port routing. The user needs to check what is in the router options function"UPnP" enabled. In turn, in Hamachi it is worth prohibiting the disabling of “UPnP”.

Proxy settings

To disable proxying, go to the Hamachi program. In the utility, find the tab “ System» – « Options" In the parameters column, select "". In the window that opens, in the attribute “ use a proxy server» Select the “no” option.

Hamachi does not start, but self-diagnosis appears

The problem with self-diagnosis is that instead of the normal launch of the utility, Hamachi starts a continuous self-diagnosis. Despite the prevalence of this error, the problem can be solved in three simple steps:

Hamachi was unable to connect to the network adapter

If Hamachi was unable to connect to the network adapter, then most likely the problem lies in connection settings. To fix the problem you need:

Sometimes users are faced with the need to create their own secure virtual network, which would include several computers. Such a connection can only be organized using special software. One of the most common problems that arise when trying to establish a connection via Hamachi is accompanied by a notification "The Tunnel Problem" and indicates that the VPN connection cannot be established.

There are several factors that cause this problem. In most cases, they consist of incorrect settings for the virtual Ethernet connection or the configuration of Hamachi itself. In this case, the user will need to manually check all parameters, change their values ​​and ensure that the problem has been successfully resolved.

Method 1: Checking Hamachi Settings

First you need to go to the menu "Options" in the program you are using, because by default some settings do not meet the requirements for a successful connection, which on certain computers leads to problems with the tunnel. You will need to perform the following steps one by one:

  1. Launch Hamachi and through the tab "System" go to section "Hamachi".
  2. Here, in the left panel, expand the category "Options".
  3. Click on the link "Additional settings".
  4. Start looking through the list of descriptions and meanings. Find it there "Encryption" and set it to state "Disabled".
  5. In point "Traffic filtering" set the value "Allow everything".
  6. Disable the use of a proxy server by checking the appropriate box.
  7. Enable name resolution using mDNS protocol.
  8. Go down to category "Online presence" and turn it on, also placing a dot next to the word "Yes".
  9. The above parameters are enough to fix possible problems with the tunnel, but if this does not help, additionally set the value "IP protocol mode" in a state "IPv4 only".
  10. Apply all changes and then restart the program for them to take effect.

This method will be most effective in a situation where the correct virtual network connection settings are set in the operating system itself. If it suddenly turns out that this is not the case, you will need to additionally use the following method.

Method 2: Configure virtual adapter settings

As you know, during installation Hamachi adds a separate driver to the OS, which is identified as an Ethernet connection. It is used to establish further connections. When some settings are lost or were initially set incorrectly, the problem in question may occur.

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Options" by clicking on the corresponding gear icon.
  2. Move to section "Network and Internet" by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.
  3. Through the panel on the left, go to "Ethernet".
  4. In category "Related Options" click on the inscription "Configuring adapter settings".
  5. Find it there "Hamachi", right-click on this connection and select "Properties".
  6. Here in the section "Net" highlight "IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click on the button "Properties".
  7. Go to menu "Additionally".
  8. If there is a default gateway, remove it by first selecting it.
  9. Set the interface metric to state "10".

After this, you again need to restart Hamachi or, better yet, the entire operating system for the changes to take effect. It is advisable to update the software service:

If this option does not bring any results, most likely the problem is not in the settings.

Method 3: Add Hamachi to Firewall and Antivirus Exceptions

Hamachi is considered friendly software, but some antiviruses and the standard Windows firewall may quarantine this software. This is most often associated with banal failures and improper functioning of protective tools, which leads to problems with the tunnel. The problem can be solved quite simply - you add Hamachi to the exceptions of the installed antivirus and standard firewall. You will find all the necessary instructions on this topic in our other materials by clicking on the links below.

Method 4: Reinstall the program

Before performing this method, be sure to check the effectiveness of the first three, since this one is quite radical. Hamachi, by its nature, is quite complex software that installs many additional files and registry settings into the operating system. Sometimes this operation is not entirely successful, which leads to problems with the operation of the software. This can only be solved by complete removal and re-installation. In most cases, standard uninstallation will not help here; you will need to additionally clean up all existing “tails”. Read more about this in the article below.

After this, download the latest version of the software from the official website and install it in the standard way, following the instructions that will be displayed in the wizard. In critical situations, we can additionally recommend restoring the OS and system files, since this also causes problems with the stable operation of the software.

This brings our article to its logical conclusion. The above guides should help you resolve any difficulty you may have when trying to interact with Hamachi. After successfully resuming the software, you can safely begin using it. If you are just planning to master Hamachi, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the corresponding lessons, which explain the basic principles of controlling the tools present.