What to do if the track number, consisting of only numbers, is not readable for a long time? Why does a parcel from Aliexpress have a track number without letters? 11 digit tracking number

Let's consider a situation where the seller from Aliexpress, after sending the parcel, provided you with a track number without letters, that is, he gave you an incomprehensible track number consisting only of numbers.

Naturally, having bought a product on Aliexpress and immediately paid money for it, you want to see what stage your parcel is at, but such a tracking number will not give you complete information.

Why do sellers do this, giving us a simple tracking number?

There are several reasons for this:

First reason They do this in order to save on postage. Most often, this method of saving is beneficial to both him and you. Because the price of the product includes the cost of delivery, and if the parcel is trackless, then the cost of delivery is quite low.

So it turns out that inexpensive goods are usually sent without a track. After all, it would not be reasonable to buy an item for a couple of dollars and also pay 1-2 dollars for the parcel to come with an international tracking number.

Why is the parcel considered trackless if there is still some number? Yes, because Ali’s site requires issuing a number and the seller indicates the track number from the ceiling. Such a parcel will not be tracked at all and you will learn about its arrival at your post office from the notification.

But again, if you want such a package to be tracked, choose a paid delivery method with tracking information.

The second reason – the seller, wanting to save money, chooses one of the cheap international transport companies, for example SF Economic Air Mail, this service assigns your parcel a track number from numbers and safely sends the parcel to your country.

But the problem is that such a parcel number will only be tracked within China. Once the parcel leaves the country of departure, it will no longer be tracked. And then your parcel goes either by the state postal service (without tracking), or by another courier company, which will assign it its own track number - for example, Nova Poshta, if it happens in Ukraine. More details in the article - delivery.

Third reason – the seller may try to deceive you by giving you a “left” tracking number made up of numbers and indicating a “left” website for tracking. A very rare case, but it happens.

In this case, by monitoring your shipment, you can see that your package is being safely tracked along the entire route. Even after leaving the territory of the Celestial Empire, information about its movement continues to arrive (this should not happen in the case of a track number made only of numbers!).

Therefore, be careful, follow the deadline and if problems arise, open a dispute. Read about opening a dispute -

How to track a parcel with a track number without letters

You can track parcels whose numbers consist of numbers in the same place as parcels with an international track number - in “My Orders” in “Details”, or click the “Check tracking” button

In a new window you will have access to information about the movement of the parcel within China, or if there is no information, you need to go to the website specified by the seller

And finally

If you received a simple tracking number, don’t worry, the parcel will reach you in 95% of cases. You risk nothing, and if the delivery is lost somewhere and the protection period is coming to an end, just open a dispute and get your money back.

All you have to do is monitor Buyer Protection and open a dispute at the right time.

There are several resources on the network that allow sellers to generate false tracking numbers and, most importantly, the buyer can track them on the website of such a false service. That is, the illusion is created that your package is on the way. These tracks, like real ones, begin to be read after a few days, then you see the status of the parcel (only they are also generated automatically and have nothing to do with your parcel).

Why does the seller send you a false tracking number?

It is a common practice that sellers on Aliexpress earn high status and good reviews by selling very cheap goods. Moreover, the price of this product can be much less than the cost of sending a parcel with a tracking number. Therefore, in order to reduce the price as much as possible and reduce postage costs, they send the package without the ability to track it. But the Aliexpress system necessarily requires a tracking number from the seller.
Therefore, they are forced to dodge as best they can, filling out the required field with the tracking number with fake information. But the buyer, in turn, hopes that this track is real and he will be able to control the path of the parcel. Therefore, he quickly sees through the deception if the seller gives the tracking number completely out of the blue. Let's say we check it for validity.
But fake services are rushing to the seller’s rescue, whose track number will be valid for all checks and will even create the appearance of tracking (though only on their official website). And the buyer, if he does not go into too much detail, will be calm - after all, he sees how his parcel is coming to him.
As a result, the seller saved money, the goods are sold at a favorable price, and the buyer calmly waits for his parcel, without panic or opening disputes.
This is the first reason why the seller may give you a false tracking number. Well, the second one is fraud. The advice here is standard - choose a seller with a good rating and reviews and monitor the protection timer.

List of services with fake track numbers.

If the seller sends you the following tracking numbers and links to websites for tracking them that are indicated in the list, then this means that your parcel is not being tracked.

Track number: RT….FI (RT123456789FI)
Website: hongkongexpresspost.com

17 Post Service
Track number consists of 12 digits: 123456789012
Website: 17postservice.com

WeDo Logistics
Track number: WD….CN (WD123456789CN)
Website: wedoexpress.com

Track number: RS….CN (RS123456789CN)
Website: faspeed.com

The seller sent a false tracking number. Should I worry?

If the seller sent you a fake tracking number, but your purchase costs less than $10 and the seller has a good rating and reviews, then there is a high probability that he saved money and sent it by standard mail without a tracking number. Such a package usually reaches the addressee; tracking it is useless. You just need to monitor the timer and wait a reasonable amount of time (30-60 days), checking your mailbox for notifications.
It’s also worth once again carefully checking recent reviews to see if the product actually reaches the buyer. If it turns out that you have contacted a clearly conscientious seller who has not been sending parcels recently, then it is better to immediately open a dispute. Since if he didn’t send the goods to other buyers, then most likely he didn’t send them to you either.
If you ordered a product that costs more than $10 and the seller gave you a fake tracking number, then this is a very serious reason to think about it, since usually they don’t save on expensive goods and always pay for the track so that they can track the parcel. Therefore, there is a high probability that your seller is a scammer.

Recently, it is not uncommon for sellers on Aliexpress to give buyers unusual tracking numbers consisting only of numbers. In most cases, a track number without letters means that your package was sent through a small logistics company. Although sometimes even China Post issues such numbers for small packages and packages, this is rare.

Don't be scared when you receive such a tracking number. Yes, digital numbers are not tracked by most services. However, on your order page, the seller must provide a link to the website of the postal or transport service to which he sent the goods. And on this site you can easily track your parcel using the digital tracking number.

What to do if the track number without letters is not tracked?

It happens that track numbers, and not only those consisting solely of numbers, but also ordinary ones, cannot be tracked. What to do in this case?

You should write to the seller and ask him to send the correct tracking number, because most likely he simply made a mistake when entering the number. You can also ask him for a link to the website of the transport company whose services he used when sending the goods.

In 90 percent of cases, communication with the seller will help you solve almost any problem related to your order.

What to do if the numerical track number is not tracked at all?

In this case, you should not start to panic. Even if your order is not tracked by any means, this does not mean that the seller did not send it to you. Be patient and just wait, most likely your package will arrive at its destination without any problems. After all, it is unknown what cunning methods Chinese sellers use to save on the delivery of your order, and it is quite possible that this is why your goods are not tracked.

In the worst case, a couple of days before the end « » boldly. If the goods are not delivered on time, you will receive a refund without any problems.

The track number is an individual postal code (identifier, number) of the postal item, thanks to it you can control the movement of the parcel at any time. Postal tracking is a mechanism that allows you to find a parcel and subsequently track it. You should know an important nuance - in order for your shipment to be tracked, the track number must be of an international standard.

What does the parcel track number look like?

The parcel track number, according to the international standard, is always presented as a combination of Latin numbers and letters. The international parcel tracking number includes a total of four capital Latin letters and nine numbers, for example: RA125854782CN. Similar numbers are assigned to shipments coming from abroad or abroad. This is what, for example, the track number of a parcel from China should look like.

You can find out where the tracking number of your parcel is located in various ways, it depends on who sent it to you. If this is a parcel with goods from an online store, such as Aliexpress, then the seller must, after sending the parcel, indicate its track number in your order menu on the website. If a parcel is sent to you by a specific person or you are sending it to someone abroad, the tracking number will be indicated in the delivery note (declaration, receipt) that the shipping service will issue to you.

When your parcel has a track number, you can track its movement at any time. And if the parcel is lost or if any unforeseen circumstances arise, you can talk to the seller about sending the goods again, or demand a full refund.

Parcels from China without tracking numbers

The Aliexpress website sells many different necessary and interesting products at relatively low prices that you want to buy. When purchasing a product, the buyer often finds himself in a situation where he is sent a package without a track number. In this case, you just need to wait for the postman to bring a notification to the mailbox that the parcel has already arrived at the post office. All you have to do is go to the post office and receive your long-awaited order.

A parcel from Aliexpress without a track number is sent if the purchased product is very cheap, and it makes no sense for the seller to pay for a real tracked track number. It is more profitable for the seller to simply not spend extra money and send the parcel without a track number, and provide you with an empty (non-existent) track. This is often practiced when shopping on foreign websites. But it is worth considering that if such a package does not arrive, then you will never know for what reason - either the post office lost it along the way, or it was not even sent. This is the main risk that a parcel from China will not arrive without a track number.

However, if the seller is conscientious, he will definitely warn his buyer that he sent him a parcel without a tracking number. And due to such inconveniences, it can provide additional guarantees in case of loss of the parcel by postal services. But in this case, the buyer also needs to be vigilant and make sure that the buyer protection period does not expire, and you manage to open a dispute to get a refund for the lost goods.