What to do if GTA IV does not start. What to do if GTA IV does not start GTA 4 crashes and writes a critical error

Question: Why does the game display a "WS10 Critical Error" message in GTA 4?

Answer: The easiest way to fix the WS10 error is to reinstall or update the Games for Windows Live service manually without being in the game. Please note that the latest version of GFWL will likely be different from the installed or updated version in the game, or from the version we have posted on www.rockstargames.com

The latest version of Microsoft's Games for Windows Live client can be downloaded from this link:

This error can occur for a number of reasons. The problem may have occurred while installing the game, WindowsLive, or the .Net Framework. Try the following:

1) Reinstall the game, install the latest update posted on our website, and launch it again: https://support.rockstargames.com/hc/ru/articles/200145406-Grand-Theft-Auto-IV-Update-7-version -1-0-7-0-English-1-0-6-1-Russian-1-0-5-2-Japanese-

2) Completely remove all Games for Windows Live and/or Live Marketplace items from Programs in Control Panel. Then open the following folder:

C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\RockstarGames\GTAIV

Delete the Xlive.dll file there (if it exists). It may be better to move it to the desktop rather than permanently deleting it or renaming it so that the program doesn't recognize it. If you move the file, you will have a backup copy in case new problems arise.

After that, launch the game again. You may be prompted to update Games for Windows. Install the update and launch the game again.

3) The problem may be related to the .net Framework version. Open the list of programs and make sure that .Net Framework 3.5.1 or later is installed.

Alternatively, you can install an independent version of 4.0 (in some cases this helps fix the problem):

These versions do not differ in content, only in the delivery method.

If the WS10 error message appears regularly, try opening the standalone Microsoft Games for Windows – LIVE application again (installation path may vary).

If it still doesn't open and you see the message below on your screen, then certain DLLs may not be registered correctly and you need to register the two .dll files using regsvr32 (follow the instructions below): Microsoft.Gfwl.Client.Framework .XLiveServices.LiveIdWrapper.IDCRLException If you see this message, select START -> RUN and type 'regsvr32 msxml.dll' (without quotes).

Click on the “Run” button, and if the launch is successful, a corresponding message will appear in the window.

To learn more about registering .dll files, visit the Microsoft Support page:

If after registering the dll files you still cannot run GTAIV on your PC, uninstall and reinstall the application.

If you need help with MicrosoftGamesforWindowsLive, please visit

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GTA 4 is rightfully the most problematic and poorly optimized in the Grand Theft Auto series. It is with GTA IV that people most often receive unexpected errors when starting up and in the game itself, after which they begin to look for what the problem is by asking a bunch of questions on Google. There are quite a lot of errors and we have tried to collect the main and most popular ones here.

Important! To avoid possible problems, you must have GTA IV correctly installed with all the additional software included for its proper operation.

Also, your computer must meet the minimum requirements of the game!

How to fix an error in GTA 4 at startup?

And so the game requires:

1. Library

2. Library

3. Application Games For Windows Live

After installing these components, most of the errors in GTA 4 will disappear!

Now let's go through the main mistakes:

– Everything that relates to “d3dx9****” is the result of the lack of the necessary DirectX package (link above, install for yourself)

– “Microsoft Visual C++” – incorrectly installed Microsoft Visual library. Download it (step 2), install it, restart the PC and try to launch the game.

– FATAL ERROR: RESC10 and similar ones – lack of video memory, which is actively used in the game. First, try lowering your graphics settings, this should help. If the problem persists, then your video card does not meet the minimum requirements of the game and then you need to create a commandline.txt file and assign commands there to further reduce the quality of the graphics.

In GTA 4, critical errors of various kinds can occur at the most inopportune moment. This happens at startup, the second time you enter the game, or even after opening the shortcut. This is a big disappointment for players, because they cannot plunge into their favorite game world when they have free time.

To understand the most common critical errors and find a solution for yourself, you should read this material. Most of the ways to fix problems are described here in order to be able to enjoy virtual Liberty City.

Most common option

Users often do not know what to do if GTA 4 does not start, they are confused or abandon the game. You shouldn’t do this, because a solution can always be found. For example, an error often occurs that some files from .dll libraries are incorrectly registered in the system. This is written in the error message with the text “Client. Framework. XLiveServices".

XLiveServices error

This means nothing to the average user, but there is a solution. The player simply needs to find the “Run” console through “Start” and enter two commands there. The first is regsvr32 msxml.dll, and the second is regsvr32 msxml3.dl. Each command is registered separately; after pressing the “execute” key, a message indicating successful registration should appear. If, after launching GTA 4, it writes an error, but in a different format, then you should continue to search for a solution.

D3D format problems

Every user should come to terms with the fact that it is not uncommon for a critical error to occur in GTA 4. Owners of a pirated version, which is often incompatible with some system parameters, especially need to know what to do in this case. Among all the problems, we should separately highlight those that have a D3D ending. They arise for various reasons, and each option should be considered separately.

For example, in GTA 4, the critical D3D error DD3D10 can be solved by simply restarting the computer, but to solve DD3D20 you will first have to reinstall the software, and then the game client itself. Owners of older computers may receive a message that says DD3D60.

This means there is no support for Shader Model version 3.0. This can only be solved by upgrading your own PC. In GTA 4, a D3D error is not a death sentence. The most common solution is to restart the computer, install new drivers and update. This solves about 90% of all problems that are associated specifically with this area. If this does not help, then you should try to reinstall the game client. In fact, D3D format errors only help to fix problems that would also be visible in other games, and therefore they do more good than harm.

Errors with additional applications

It is often difficult to figure out what to do if a window with a critical error appears when starting GTA 4. The easiest way to avoid most problems is to purchase a licensed version, but even with it, sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise, and therefore you should keep this material on hand. Firstly, in addition to all the steps described above, the player should, when faced with a problem, check whether the latest version of the Rockstar Social Club service is installed.

It often happens that the GTA 4 launcher version does not match the one in the application. Because of this, a failure occurs and startup becomes impossible. Secondly, owners of old pirated clients should definitely check the availability of all Game for Windows Live libraries. Previously, this utility provided correct communication with Xbox Live. If the game does not work without this application, then you should uninstall the software and install the latest version again.

It is best for players with a pirated version to look for a client where support for this utility is not required. It was abandoned quite a long time ago, and therefore finding such a release will not be difficult. With this you can protect yourself from one potential option why a critical error appears on the screen when starting GTA 4.

Variations with software

If GTA 4 writes a critical error with a further code, then it will take a long time to find a solution. The solutions described above are only part of all possible variations. It's not uncommon for problems to arise due to the . It’s hard to say for sure, but it’s better to protect yourself. If there is a problem at startup, you should close all programs and then restart your device.

Next, the user must go to the official Microsoft website, where he needs to download the latest version of the utility. The last step will be installation and another attempt to launch the game; it is always recommended to do this as an administrator. If after this a critical error continues to appear in GTA 4, the user will understand what to do as the material continues.

Run as administrator GTA 4

The next option would be to remove all Xlive.dll libraries. They are located in the operating system folder, the System32 directory. Owners of the 64-bit version will have to completely clear the files at SysWOW64. Next, you need to empty the trash so that the files are not automatically installed. Then the player must download the version of DirectX that the personal computer can handle.

A number of more options

It happens that when you first launch GTA 4, a critical error is written and you need to look for a solution, but it is often hidden in the already mentioned .dll libraries. To protect yourself from such problems once and for all, the player can download the XNetStartup module, which contains problematic files, from a reliable source. They must be replaced at the EFLC address in the folder with the installed client.

After this, clean the OS, and especially the registry. Only after this should you click on the shortcut, but this is not a guarantee that when you launch GTA 4, a critical error of another kind will not occur. For example, the AE10 code reports that there is currently not enough virtual memory on the computer. The user must close other applications and then restart the client.

It often happens that GTA 4 writes an error, and sometimes you can find out about problems already inside the game. This happens with modification protection, which is present in some versions. To fix it, the player should download patches and update the client. Here you should be careful and use only trusted sources. Otherwise, the user risks searching for what to do if GTA 4 fails to move on to the problem of viruses inside the operating system.

Final instructions

To avoid questions like “what to do if GTA 4 crashes”, “won’t start” or “lags”, it’s better to buy a licensed version. There are frequent discounts on it due to the enormous popularity of its older brother in the fifth part. Having official content will help avoid most problems. Owners of the pirated version should carefully read the authorship, relevance of the tablet, and be sure to read other people’s comments before searching for the release. You should also first familiarize yourself with the system requirements and update your computer if necessary.

Optimization in GTA 4 is far from the best. The developers, especially when it was released in 2008, tried in every possible way to combat this. Now for many people the issue of hardware for a ten-year-old project is not an issue, but online messages like what to do if GTA 4 lags continue to appear. In fact, all the above tips cover 90% of the reasons why critical errors appear. Users, in turn, should not forget to regularly check for viruses, clean and correct errors in the registry, defragment disks, as well as other standard procedures.

Computer games, unfortunately, are not ideal - they remain programs that are created by humans. Moreover, the programs are incredibly complex, multi-level, so that an error can occur for absolutely every gamer, regardless of the computer configuration or installed software. Accordingly, you need to be able to solve such situations, and not panic or complain about developers who have not fixed all the errors. The fact is that in most cases the cause of the error lies precisely in your computer, so there is no point in blaming anyone - it is better to understand everything in detail. In GTA 4, a critical error, for example, appears very often for many gamers. It may contain different text, depending on which you will need different actions. It’s worth noting right away that most of these problems can be solved by restarting the game, restarting the computer, or reinstalling the game. Such cases will not be touched upon in the article - here you can only read about those errors that can be solved in other ways.

RMN error

If you have a critical error in GTA 4 containing the text RMN followed by the value 20, 30 or 40, then you will have to reinstall the system. The fact is that these errors mean that the wrong OS is installed for your version of the game. In case of an error with value 20, you need to install the first service pack - this error occurs on Windows Vista. The remaining two options appear on XP - the first means that you need a second service pack, and the second, accordingly, means that you need to update the OS to the third service pack. If you have a later version of the operating system installed and a similar error occurs, then you can solve it very simply - with the help of But, as mentioned earlier, in GTA 4 a critical error of this kind occurs mainly only on Vista and XP systems.

Problems with the video card

The most famous and common critical error in GTA 4 contains the following text - DD3D50 D3D. This is exactly what many gamers have, and they just can’t cope with it, no matter how much they reinstall the game. In fact, reinstalling will not help here, since the essence of the problem lies in your video card. This error only occurs on very old computers, because it means that the video card installed on the PC does not support the DirectX 9 distribution. The fact is that today many new projects do not support the ninth version, since the eleventh is the most common. However, please note that this problem may occur if you do not have the drivers installed on your video card or if you have an outdated version installed. You need to update your drivers and then the error may go away. Many people believe that the critical error WS10 in GTA 4 is related to the video card, but in fact this is not the case - this problem can be solved by simply restarting the computer.


It is also worth paying attention to the fact that a similar error - DD3D60 D3D - occurs if your video card does not support shader version 3.0; accordingly, you will have to change the video card. Naturally, this is not very good news, but it is unlikely to take anyone by surprise, because most modern video cards already support version 5.0 of shaders. Thus, if you get this error, then your video card is seriously outdated, and you need to change it anyway. However, before doing this, check all the same drivers for the video card, because their absence can also cause a similar reaction in the game.

Error AE10

As you already understood, most of the errors that cannot be resolved by restarting or rebooting relate to the video card. In GTA 4, the critical error RMN60 is one of the most common, not related to the video card. These errors also include AE10, which tells you that your computer does not have enough memory to start. To solve this problem, you just need to close unnecessary applications.