GTA V cheat codes. GTA V cheat codes How to lower the wanted level in GTA 5

Wanted in GTA 5: with one star, the police will simply chase you. Two stars - they will already open fire to kill. At three stars, a helicopter will be sent after you, and the police will begin to use more advanced strategies in attempts to stop you. Four stars means that SWAT teams are targeting your soul. Finally, with a five-star wanted rating, the streets become literally overrun with cops who are out to stop you at any cost.

What will happen with six stars? Well, unfortunately, there is no six-star wanted level, at least in GTA 5. In previous games in the series, the search system included 6 stars, but in the new part the developers decided to eliminate one point, settling on 5 stars. In principle, this has never been a secret - since the release of GTA 5, players have been well aware that the game has a scale of 5 stars.

Most players reacted well to this. But towards the end of 2014, some hardcore fans dug into the game code and found, in their own words, evidence of a hidden wanted level. Inside the game code, one Reddit user saw dozens of cases where the code referenced the sixth wanted level. For example, this way: PLAYER::SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL(6) and so on.

Of course, the question became - what could this mean? Was it all just a piece of unused code? Maybe people just didn't understand what was written in the code? Is it possible to somehow enable the “sixth star”? Or perhaps this is something that is planned to be implemented in future versions of the game? Could this be due to the big unsolved mystery that players swear is hiding somewhere inside GTA 5?

This may seem funny, but here's the thing - people knew very well that the previous games in the series had a six-star wanted rating and then, unexpectedly, the new game does not have it. Agree, in the eyes of the player this looks somewhat suspicious. The absence of a sixth star means that in GTA 5 they won't send tanks after your head, which, according to some players, is an omission. After all, there are tanks in GTA 5. Why not set several of them on the player, like in the old parts of the series?

In general, for the time being this topic died down, but quite recently they started talking about it again. In principle, this was to be expected, because GTA 5 was recently released on PC. This means that players can finally delve into game files almost freely, something that couldn't be done on consoles. It's very important to see what GTA 5 might be hiding, isn't it?

A certain ClicheUsername, a member of the “r/chiliadmystery” community, also rummaged through the files. He downloaded a program called "" and used it to set the wanted level to "6". And it worked. Six filled wanted stars have appeared in the game. The video below shows in detail what happened:

Immediately after setting 6 stars, several police cars headed towards him, and a helicopter arrived. In general, nothing new. Activating six stars, according to ClicheUsername, is what he did immediately after the release of GTA 5 on PC. According to the pioneer, he was surprised that this did not lead to a crash of the game.

« I don't think any extra cops show up and start chasing you,- says ClicheUsername. - The cops who attacked me first in that video were already at the airport." It’s interesting that when I set 7 stars, I was thrown out of the game altogether.

ClicheUsername is convinced that the sixth wanted level is not just a code that was not actually used in the game. He is convinced, or at least hopes, that there is more to the wanted levels than people have been able to discover to date.

« I can't be sure of this yet, and the only way to know the whole truth is to look at this code in its entirety and how it works" said ClicheUsername.

All this takes us back to the heart of GTA V's big mystery.

« If you've seen the copy of the blue map of Los Santos and Blaine County that comes with the GTA 5 Collector's Edition, there are some interesting messages that can only be seen in ultraviolet light" said ClicheUsername. More specifically, he said this:

The words appear on the map where Fort Zancudo, a military base in GTA 5, is located. Remember how people discovered that the wanted level of GTA 5 did not include the involvement of the military, including tanks? This is where legs come from.

« I think that if the sixth star on the wanted scale actually activates, the military man from Fort Zancudo will very likely have to do something about it. And, probably, this will be the next step"ClicheUsername stated.

The speculation is that maybe players haven't yet found a way to activate the sixth star. At least a few people in the r/chiliadmystery community are hoping they'll find answers after testing out things in Zancudo. Perhaps they will find something that will allow the six stars of the wanted rating to be fully activated, involving tanks and everything else in the big hunt for the player. Well, maybe they won't succeed.

Theories about the secrets hidden in GTA abound, and any player who has played GTA 5 long enough can probably tell a story or two that confirms one rumor or another. As a rule, such guesses are not justified. Most of the “evidence” that supposedly points to a mystical big secret leads to a dead end.

This mystery, the mystery of the sixth star on the wanted list, stands out from the crowd. Perhaps there really is a sixth star in the game, or perhaps it’s just an unused code that doesn’t answer anything (maybe it just doesn’t answer yet?). However, the story does not end there yet.

I'll start with the most memorable character - Patricia Madrazo. The role of this aunt, so beloved by Trevor, was played by Olivia Negron film actress known for television series. She also performs on Broadway in theater performances.

Another colorful character in the game Grand Theft Auto 5 is the Translator of Mr. Chen, who planned to do business with “Trevor Phillips,” but at the last moment changed his mind because he found more suitable partners. The translator was voiced and endowed with his appearance by a Chinese actor-comedian Phil Nee.

Stretch, the partner of Franklin and Lamar Davis from GTA 5, was voiced by this guy on the right - Hassan Johnson, famous producer, actor and model. And the appearance of the character was given by that nigga - standing behind Hassan - also an actor. Both starred in the series Entourage 3.

The sexist and yoga instructor of Amanda de Santa - whose name is Fabien Larouche - took away the voice and face of the aspiring actor Michael Giss. Michael is almost unknown.

One of the workers at the Trevor Phillips Industries plant spotted in Blaine County, who apparently is Trevor's Chief, painfully reminded me of the famous actor Brian Cranston. The same one from which the look for Gordon Freeman from the Half Life series was supposedly taken. By the way, Walter White from Pulp Fiction, played by Brian, had exactly the same glasses as this character from the game GTA 5. Which, in general, played a role in my casting.

16217 2015-09-20 at 20:45

Police and wanted level in GTA 5

Almost any illegal act, especially if committed in front of witnesses or, especially, in front of the police, makes you a criminal. Now you will be pursued by law enforcement officers. Their task is to arrest you, and, depending on the severity of your crimes, they will do this more or less persistently.

Below are all five(and not six, as it was before) levels of wanted, the crimes that cause them and the corresponding actions of law enforcement officers. It also provides useful information for those who prefer to confront the law fully armed.

Wanted Levels
Wanted Level varies from one “star” (smallest) to five (largest) and is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Serious offenses and resisting arrest gradually raise him, forcing the police to use increasingly aggressive measures.
One star

How to get Police actions
  • Damage to property;
  • Attack and murder of passers-by;
  • Assault on medics and firefighters (in the presence of police gives 2 stars);
  • Drunk driving;
  • Attempt to rob a passerby;
  • Arson;
  • Theft (of transport, goods in a store);
  • Insulting police officers (damaging their car, trying to take a photo, pestering them with questions, etc.);
  • Killing some animals.
  • Arrest on the spot with threat of using a weapon;
  • Pursuit, both on foot and in vehicles (up to 2 “attached” cars + random ones).

Two stars

How to get Police actions
  • Resisting arrest with one star;
  • Assault on police officers;
  • Threat with a weapon and shooting in the presence of police;
  • Murder of several passers-by;
  • Destroying several cars in a short time;
  • Attack on armored van ;
  • Robbery of a store and attempt to escape;
  • Vehicle theft for Seeds.
  • Use of weapons;
  • Aggressive driving techniques and road ambushes (up to 3 “attached” cars).

Four stars

How to get Police actions
  • Destruction police helicopter actively wanted;
  • Robbery of several stores in a row with murder;
  • Continuing to resist arrest and causing damage.
  • Involvement of special forces with special, including armored, transport (up to 4 “riveted” cars and 3 helicopters);
  • Application shotguns , carbines And tear gas.

Restricted areas
Once you enter the territory of the so-called restricted zone, you automatically you get a certain wanted level, which cannot be reset otherwise (even using codes) except by leaving this area. Note that most of these areas are not prohibited in GTA Online.
Zone Number of stars Only in story mode? Notes
Human Labs 4 Yes
Backlot City 2 Yes Until the mission is completed " Mr Richards ».
Golf Club 2 Yes Only if you fly over it or enter the territory at transport without being owner.
Los Santos International Airport 3 Yes In case of leaving the runway, if you do not have a personal hangar there (Michael and Franklin can purchase one).
Los Santos seaport 4 Yes When entering military territory.
Mission Row Police Station (partial) 3 Yes In case of penetration into service areas - behind the table in the reception area, onto the stairs or the roof.
Bolingbroke Prison 4 No When flying over the territory by plane - initially two stars; if you do not leave the territory - up to four.
Fort Zancudo 4
Kortz Center 1 No If you are found on the premises by security guards when the center is closed.

As in GTA 4, you have to deal with the military you won't have to- except in the territory and vicinity of Fort Zancudo. Outside the borders of the base they will try to arrest you, but on its territory do not expect any concessions - the soldiers are ordered immediately shoot to kill, even from tanks.

Avoiding the police
The principle is simple: you need some time stay out of sight police officers - the higher the level, the longer (when you are lost sight of, the radar stops flashing red and blue, and the stars begin to blink). If you are spotted again, the time will be reset.

Among other ways:

  • Change of appearance - for example, you can wear glasses or a mask;
  • Change of transport;
  • Use of salons Los Santos Customs(on transport);
  • Call Lester (only in GTA Online after reaching rank 21);
  • Use of shelter or apartment/garage(in GTA Online);
  • Usage cheat codes.
They may start looking for you, even if a crime has been committed out of sight police officers. So, passers-by can “snitch” on you, calling the squad using

After reading this article, you will learn codes for GTA 5 for the most popular gaming platform - the personal computer!

We bring to your attention all GTA 5 cheats on PC!

This article presents all currently existing GTA 5 codes on PC. You can enter cheats in two ways: either by dialing the number on your character’s mobile phone, or directly from the keyboard using the “tilde” (~) key.

Before you type one of the codes, think about the fact that after using it, all achievements and trophies in the game will no longer be available to you! For this reason, you should never save after using codes, otherwise you will be doomed to go through the rest of the story without being able to get trophies. Use cheats when you get tired of trying your best during a mission. Then no one will forbid you to turn on immortality, arm yourself with a grenade launcher and destroy all living things within a radius of several hundred meters.
As for GTA 5 Online, fans of “unfair play” will have a difficult time here - cheat codes are not provided for by the developers at all! For those who experience difficulties online, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the tips in GTA Online that will help you not become an outsider in a strong company.

Character codes (immortality, weapons, health, body armor, super abilities)

Invulnerability. Gives immortality to the hero, but only for 5 minutes. After this, the code must be entered again.

From keyboard:PAINKILLER

From mobile:1-999-724-654-5537

Health and body armor. The code will restore the life scale and the integrity of the body armor to 100%.

From keyboard: TURTLE

From mobile:1-999-887-853

Maximum ammunition load. The code will give you a pistol, machine gun, sniper and assault rifles, grenades, shotgun and grenade launcher.

From the keyboard: TOOLUP

From mobile:1-999-8665-87

Super jump. The cheat will make you feel almost like a superman: holding the button for a long time will make the hero rise higher into the air.

From keyboard: HOPTOIT

From mobile:1-999-467-86-48

The “half a liter” effect :). Enter the code and you will feel dizzy, like after a good glass of liquor :)

From keyboard: LIQUOR

From mobile: 1-999-547-867

Super punches. Type this code, and all the people you hit or kick will explode. It doesn’t smell like realism, but it looks cool :)

From keyboard: HOTHANDS

From mobile:1-999-4684-2637

Super sprint. The character will run several times faster.

From keyboard: CATCHME

From mobile:1-999-228-8463

Super swimming. When typing the code, the character will demonstrate simply fantastic swimming speed.

From keyboard: GOTGILLS

From mobile:1-999-468-44557

Special ability. This code will instantly fill your hero's special ability gauge.

From keyboard: POWERUP

From mobile:1-999-769-3787

Slow-motion when aiming. A cool cheat that allows you to “stretch” time while aiming the sight. It's a pity that this feature is not available in normal mode. The cheat can be entered four times, and after each of them the time will stretch out more. After the 5th entry, the code will disappear.

From keyboard:DEADEYE

From mobile:1-999-332-3393

Rise and fall. After typing this code, your hero will instantly ascend to the heavens and immediately fall back to earth. The parachute cannot be used, so death is inevitable. The only point of all this is to take a good look at the game world from the height of a bird's flight (relevant if you just started playing).

From keyboard: SKYFALL

From mobile:1-999-759-3255

Codes for cars, planes and other vehicles

Codes for GTA 5 from this category give the player some unique car or other type of transport

Helicopter "Vulture".

From keyboard: BUZZOFF

From mobile:1-999-289-9633

Motorcycle Sanchez.

From keyboard: OFFROAD

From mobile:1-999-633-7623

Garbage truck.

From keyboard: TRASHED

From mobile:1-999-872-7433

Comet racing car.

From keyboard:COMET

From mobile:1-999-266-38

Duster plane.

From keyboard: FLYSPRAY

From mobile: 1-999-359-77729

Limo Limousine.

From keyboard: VINEWOOD

From mobile:1-999-846-39663

Rapid GT racing car.

From keyboard: RAPIDGT

From mobile:1-999-727-4348

Universal bike PCJ-600.

From keyboard: ROCKET

From mobile:1-999-762-538

BMX bike.

From keyboard: BANDIT

From mobile:1-999-226-348

Airplane for aerial stunts.

From keyboard: BARNSTORM

From mobile: 1-999-2276-78676

Parachute. The player has a parachute.

From keyboard: SKYDIVE

From mobile:1-999-759-3483

Weather and time codes

Codes for GTA 5 from this category will make you feel like God: you will be able to change the weather and even the speed of time.

Changes in weather conditions. Each set of code allows you to change the weather. The order is as follows: clear, partly cloudy, fog, cloudy, light rain, thunderstorm, snow.

From keyboard: MAKEITRAIN

From mobile:1-999-625-348-7246

Slowing down the speed of time. The action is very similar to the code that affects the aiming process. The first 4 times you enter this combination, time will gradually slow down. And the fifth input completely cancels its effect.