Bonus codes for wot grand final. The bonus code is reusable in World of Tanks. What are these bonuses?

We continue to post free bonus codes for World of Tanks valid for August. The distribution of the code for gold has just ended and we immediately planned to publish the next bonus code for wot.

The next gold code distribution will take place on Friday, August 5, 2016, as always, after 17:00 Moscow time.

Please unsubscribe in advance and attach a screenshot after activation or a screenshot of your World of Tanks game account with the gold that appears in it for the person who receives this wargaming code. In the previous distribution I took the bonus code Derzkiy_86rus with game nickname Za_Stalina_86rus. In that distribution, he was the first to enter , unsubscribe and post a screenshot of the hangar with the gold that appeared on his account. Congratulations to the winner and good luck to everyone in this giveaway (don't forget - Friday the 5th!).

And here is a new receipt with a code by which you will receive wot gold if you activate it first. We are waiting for you on Friday evening on our website. Then we will open this code.

Bonus for 100 gold wot

An additional 100 gold to anyone who guesses what the code in the photo is closed with. The first one to write the correct answer in the comments and indicate his World of Tanks game nickname will receive a gift worth 100 gold from the website portal.

UPD: Vasily Mineev with the nickname in the game jkgli receives 100 gold. He was the first to correctly answer that it is the construction part that closes the bonus code in the photo above. The gold has already been sent as a gift to his World of Tanks game account. Congratulations to the winner!

Answer to the bonus task

I couldn’t find that red part of the designer to take a photo for the answer - it got touched somewhere =)

See you on Friday for this code giveaway.

Bonus code wot

Here it is Friday! Time to post some more code. We wish everyone who participates in the giveaway good luck! Let the fastest one take the code! Here's yours bonus code wot.

Updated (3-08-2019, 21:22): Sochi

Every player in World of Tanks wants to receive premium, as well as credits. The game developers provide this opportunity to all players by announcing promotions, updates and bonus codes in the news.

Bonus code in World of Tanks is a combination of letters and numbers that you can enter in your profile on the official WOT website and get free gold or a premium account or even a tank. Developers distribute bonus codes only on major holidays, such as Easter, New Year and others.

New bonus code 3.08.19

What gives?

  • 3 personal reserves: +300% free experience for 1 hour;
  • Combat mission: Be in the TOP 5 players by experience on your team twice.

What can you get in the bonus code?

  • premium account (most often this is it);
  • premium equipment;
  • gold (goldu).

How to activate a bonus code on the World of Tanks website?

To activate the bonus code, you need to log in to the game's premium store. After this, you can follow the bonus code activation link.

Next, we just need to enter the treasured code into the form and go to the game and receive gifts.

What do you need to know when activating a bonus code?

  • Any code can be activated only 1 time;
  • Some bonus codes can be activated a limited number of times, so sometimes you have to hurry to grab the gifts;
  • Each code has a validity period after which it becomes invalid;
  • The bonus code is tied to a specific country. For example, there is one that can only be used on the Russian server;
  • The bonus code differs from the one that is activated on an already registered account.

Where else can you get a bonus code?

A special code can be obtained not only on our website, but when purchasing a licensed World of Tanks disc or when purchasing branded products, as well as by participating in various promotions and competitions on the site.

Generate yourself on our website

Our website has a free online bonus code generator that you can use right now.

They offer me to buy a VKontakte bonus

If suddenly you are offered to buy a unique bonus code for the Type 59 tank on VKontakte, then we advise you to refuse this offer, because As practice shows, in most cases you will simply waste time and money.

Check the latest comments on this article

Sometimes kind site users write real working bonus codes in the comments and share them with all site visitors!

Dear tankers! Each of you knows that in World of Tank there are two types of activation codes:

  • Bonus codes (for professionals);
  • Invite codes (for beginners).

To understand in detail which of them you need, remember. Invite codes are an invitation to the game and can only be used to create a new tanker. And bonus codes provide additional opportunities for existing accounts. This is what makes bonuses more valuable compared to invites. After all, we use the latter once and only at the very beginning of our journey to World of Tanks.

All codes credit your World of Tanks account with a certain amount of game resources. These resources include:

  • Gold
  • Premium account
  • Loans
  • Consumables
  • Premium tanks

Distribution of bonus codes for WoT

As you already know, the site periodically offers free bonus codes for World of Tanks on the tankers forum. Absolutely all cards with codes that come to us are distributed there or on our social networks Google+ And Twitter, where we also recommend that you track them. Our Wargaming distributes bonus codes for tanks, which you can pick up during various promotional events. But some, such as reusable bonus codes for World of Tanks, can only be obtained from us.

As you understand, Wargaming will not publish them openly. Some free codes for premium tanks are so great that finding them takes a lot of effort. However, we do not divide bonus codes into less valuable and more valuable ones. All their photographs are posted with us in a general manner.

Bonus codes for World of Tanks 2018

In fact, free, free, valid bonus codes on WoT are mostly one-time use. The number of codes created for distribution to Wargaming players is amazing. Many tankers are wondering where to get a card with a bonus code for free. In fact, there are a lot of places from where they come to us. The constant audience of our readers, players loyal to our portal, the audience of groups on social networks and direct connections not only with World of Tanks, but also in Wargaming itself, allow the site not to worry about the sources of valid bonus and invite codes for tanks, which we are happy to share with you on the pages of our website.

All our bonus codes for World of Tanks are posted as valid. If you cannot activate the card, it means someone took it before you. Just try to be a little faster than our other readers.

In addition to our main sources, there are many open ones, for example, the most massive distribution of bonus codes from this year alone brought us about 200 free cards with codes, which we have generously shared with you in recent months and continue to share now. The same YouTube conducts live broadcasts, streams and most importantly closed online broadcasts where bonus codes for World of Tanks for 2018 are displayed in whole lists. We have also shown you screenshots of such lists more than once.

Traditional bonus code for the main holiday of the year!

Every new year, World of Tanks developers give all players a bonus code. For example, last time on , the bonus codes were:

  • 2014: WGNY2014
  • 2015: 2015WGNY

A pattern or trend can be seen without the naked eye. The mandatory criteria for a New Year's bonus code are a number symbolizing the coming year and a combination of the letters WGNY, which means Wargaming New Year.

That is, for the 2016 New Year, you most likely need to wait for one of these bonus codes:

  • WGNY2016
  • 2016WGNY

But the developers are guys with humor, so they can write a completely different code, not similar to the others, in order to make everyone a surprise. On the other hand, everyone is already waiting for the bonus and knows that it will come, so try introducing different variations closer to the 31st number.

For example, last year, a bonus code was released on December 24 in a special New Year’s video greeting tank crews (at 13 seconds a sticker with the code appears in the frame):

What does the bonus code give for New Year 2016?

Most likely it will be from 1 to 3 days of a premium account, if, again, we draw analogies with previous years. Considering the crisis of the Russian economy, fluctuations in exchange rates and the decline in the company's profits as a whole, I do not think that Victor Kisly and Co. They will be very generous this time.

It is also worth noting that the New Year's promotion will last a maximum of two weeks, and after this period, it will no longer be possible to activate the code.

But there is a possibility that there will be no bonus code at all, since a gift in the form of a tank has already been announced. Log in to the game between December 24, 9:00 (Moscow time) and January 19, 8:30 (Moscow time) and receive a holiday gift - a tank 43 M. Toldi III.