Beautiful drawings of geometric shapes animals. Pictures of animals from geometric shapes

Identification of individual typological differences.

Instructions for the test

“You need to draw a human figure, made up of 10 elements, among which there may be triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, overlay each other as needed. It is important that all these three elements are present in the image of a person, and the sum of the total number of figures used is equal to ten. If when drawing you used more figures, then you need to cross out the excess, but if you used less than ten figures, you need to finish the missing ones. Draw according to these instructions.

Material: the subjects are offered three sheets of paper measuring 10 × 10 cm, each sheet is numbered and signed. On sheet No. 1, the first test drawing is performed; further, respectively, on sheet No. 2 - the second, on sheet No. 3 - the third. After completing the three drawings, the data is processed. If the instructions are violated, the material is not processed.

Handling test results

Data processing is carried out as follows: the number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image of a little man is counted (for each drawing separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where

  • hundreds denote quantity triangles,
  • dozens- amount circles,
  • units-amount squares.

These three-digit numbers make up the so-called "drawing formula", according to which the drawings are assigned to the corresponding types and subtypes, which are presented in the table.

Interpretation of test results

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. Triangle usually referred to as a "sharp", "offensive" figure associated with the masculine principle. A circle- the figure is streamlined, more in tune with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. It is easier to build something from square-shaped elements than from others, therefore square, the rectangle is interpreted as a specifically technical constructive figure, a "technical module".

Personality types

I type - " supervisor". Usually these are people who have a penchant for leadership and organizational activities. Focused on socially significant norms of behavior, they may have the gift of good storytellers, based on a high level of speech development. They have good adaptation in the social sphere, dominance over others is kept within certain boundaries.

Drawing formulas: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

  • Most tough dominance over others expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820;
  • situationally-at 703, 712, 721, 730;
  • when influencing people with speech - verbal head or "teaching subtype" - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. At a high level of development, individual traits are developed, realizable, quite well understood. At a low level of development, they may not be detected in professional activities, but be present situationally, worse, if inadequate to situations. This applies to all features.

II type - " responsible executor"has many traits of the "leader" type, but there are often hesitation in making responsible decisions.

This type of people is more focused on “the ability to do business”, high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demands on themselves and others, highly appreciates being right, i.e. characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often they suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overexertion.

Drawing formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

III type - " anxious and suspicious"-characterized by a variety of abilities and talents - from fine manual skills to literary talent. Usually people of this type closely within the same profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected one, also have a hobby, which is essentially a second profession. Physically do not tolerate mess and dirt. Usually conflict because of this with other people. They are highly vulnerable and often doubt themselves. They need gentle encouragement.

Drawing formulas: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460.

  • 415 - "poetic subtype" - usually people with such a drawing formula have poetic talent;
  • 424 is a subtype of people recognizable by the phrase: “How can this work badly? I can't imagine how bad it can be." People of this type are distinguished by special care in their work.

IV type - " scientist". These people easily abstract from reality, have a “conceptual mind”, and are distinguished by the ability to develop their theories “for everything”. Usually they have peace of mind and rationally think through their behavior.

Drawing formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

  • 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mostly global ones, or to carry out large and complex coordination work;
  • 325 - a subtype characterized by a great enthusiasm for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theater and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

V type - " intuitive". People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high exhaustibility.

It is easier to work on switching from one activity to another, they usually act as “minority lawyers”, behind which there are new opportunities. They are highly sensitive to novelty. They are altruistic, often show concern for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical forms of creativity.

Usually they develop their own moral standards, have internal self-control, i.e. prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments on their freedom.

Drawing formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

  • 235 - often found among professional psychologists or people with an increased interest in the psychology of people;
  • 244 - has the ability of literary creativity,
  • 217 - has the ability to inventive activity;
  • 226 - a great need for novelty, usually sets very high criteria for achievement for oneself.

VI type - " inventor, designer, artist". Often found among people with a "technical vein". These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often they are introverted, just like the intuitive type, they live by their own moral standards, do not accept any outside influences, except for self-control.

Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Drawing formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

  • 019 - found among people who have a good command of the audience;
  • 118 - the type with the most pronounced design capabilities and the ability to invent.

VII type - " emotive". They have increased empathy towards other people, they are hard pressed by the cruel scenes of the film, they can be unsettled for a long time and be shocked by violent events. The pains and concerns of other people find in them participation, empathy and sympathy, for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Drawing formulas: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

VIII type - " insensitive to the feelings of others". It has the opposite tendency to the emotive type. Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention and even increases the pressure on people.

If this is a good specialist, then he can force others to do what he sees fit. Sometimes it is characterized by "calling", which occurs situationally, when, for some reason, a person closes in a circle of his own problems.

Drawing formulas: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.

When needed: to identify types of personalities: manager, performer, scientist, inventor, etc.

"Constructive drawing of a man from geometric shapes»


Draw, please, a figure of a person, made up of 10 elements, among which there may be triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, overlay each other as needed.

It is important that all these three elements are present in the image of a person, and the sum of the total number of figures used is equal to 10. If you used more figures when drawing, then you need to cross out the extra ones, but if you used less than 10 figures, you need to finish the missing ones.

The key to the test "Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes"


The test "Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes" is designed to identify individual typological differences.

The employee is offered three sheets of paper measuring 10 × 10 cm. Each sheet is numbered and signed. On the first sheet, the first test drawing is performed, then, respectively, on the second sheet - the second, on the third sheet - the third.

The employee needs to draw a human figure on each sheet, made up of 10 elements, among which there may be triangles, circles, squares. The employee can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, overlay each other as needed. It is important that all these three elements are present in the image of a person, and the sum of the total number of figures used is 10.

If, when drawing, the employee used more figures, then he needs to cross out the extra ones, but if he used less than 10 figures, he needs to finish the missing ones.

If the instruction is violated, the data is not processed.

An example of drawings made by three graded

Result processing

Count the number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image of a little man (for each drawing separately). Write the result as three-digit numbers, where:

  • hundreds indicate the number of triangles;
  • tens - the number of circles;
  • units - the number of squares.

These three-digit numbers make up the so-called drawing formula, according to which the drawings are assigned to the corresponding types and subtypes.

Result interpretation

Own empirical research, in which more than 2000 drawings were received and analyzed, showed that the ratio of various elements in constructive drawings is not accidental. The analysis allows us to identify eight main types, which correspond to certain typological characteristics.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics:

  • the triangle is usually referred to as a sharp, offensive figure associated with the masculine;
  • circle - a streamlined figure, more in tune with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity;
  • square, rectangle are interpreted as a specific technical constructive figure, a technical module.

A typology based on the preference for geometric shapes allows one to form a kind of system of individual typological differences.


Type I - leader

Drawing formulas: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640. Subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820 are most severely dominated over others; situationally - in 703, 712, 721, 730; when exposed to speech on people - verbal leader or teaching subtype - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

Usually these are people who have a penchant for leadership and organizational activities, focused on socially significant norms of behavior, may have the gift of good storytellers, based on a high level of speech development. They have good adaptation in the social sphere, dominance over others is kept within certain boundaries.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. At a high level of development, individual features of development are realizable, quite well understood.

At a low level, they may not be detected in professional activities, but they may be present situationally, worse, if inadequate to situations. This applies to all features.

II type - responsible executor

Drawing formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

This type of people has many features of the "leader" type, being disposed towards him, however, there are often hesitation in making responsible decisions. Such a person is focused on the ability to do business, high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and exactingness to himself and others, highly appreciates being right, that is, he is characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often he suffers from somatic diseases of nervous origin due to overexertion.

Type III - anxious and suspicious

Drawing formulas: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460.

This type of people is characterized by a variety of abilities and talents - from fine manual skills to literary talent. Usually these people are closely within the framework of one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected one, they can also have a hobby, which is essentially a second profession. Physically do not tolerate disorder and dirt. Usually conflict because of this with other people. They are highly vulnerable and often doubt themselves. They need encouragement.

In addition, 415 - "poetic subtype" - usually people with such a drawing formula have poetic talent; 424 is a subtype of people recognizable by the phrase “How can this work badly? I can't imagine how bad it can be." People of this type are distinguished by special care in their work.

IV type - scientist

Drawing formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

These people easily abstract from reality, have a conceptual mind, and are distinguished by the ability to develop all their theories. Usually they have peace of mind and rationally think through their behavior.

Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mostly global ones, or to carry out large and complex coordination work.

325 - a subtype characterized by a great enthusiasm for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine. Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theater and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

Type V - intuitive

Drawing formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high exhaustibility. It is easier to work on switching from one activity to another, they usually act as lawyers for the minority. They are highly sensitive to novelty. They are altruistic, often show concern for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which gives them the opportunity to engage in technical forms of creativity. Usually they develop their own moral standards, have internal self-control, that is, they prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments concerning their freedom.

235 - often found among professional psychologists or people with an increased interest in psychology;

244 - has the ability for literary creativity;

217 - has the ability to inventive activity;

226 - has a great need for novelty, usually sets very high criteria for achievement for himself.

VI type - inventor, designer, artist

Pattern formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

Often found among individuals with a technical vein. These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often they are introverted, just like the intuitive type, they live by their own moral standards, do not accept any outside influences, except for self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Also distinguish the features of the following subtypes:

019 - found among people who have a good command of the audience;

118 - the type with the most pronounced design capabilities and the ability to invent.

VII type - emotive

Pattern formulas: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

They have heightened empathy for others, are hard pressed by violent scenes in the film, can be unsettled for a long time and be shocked by violent events. The pains and concerns of other people find in them participation, empathy and sympathy, for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Type VIII - the opposite of emotive

Drawing formulas: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.

This type of people has the opposite tendency to the emotive type. Usually does not feel the experiences of other people, or treats them with inattention, or even increases the pressure on people. If this is a good specialist, then he can force others to do what he sees fit. Sometimes it is characterized by callousness, which occurs situationally, when, for some reason, a person closes in a circle of his own problems.

Can you compose animals from geometric shapes?

Never tried?

Then you should look at the pictures on the site, where various animals are made up of geometric shapes. Offer these drawings to your children: they will surely appreciate their originality.

How to use pictures with children

It is quite understandable that the question arises: artists are one thing, but why do children need such a vision of the world?

Of course, pictures with animals from geometric shapes do not aim to impose on the baby an extraordinary vision of the world. However, why not show that such an interpretation of everything that surrounds us is possible.

The pictures can be interesting and exciting to study the names of geometric shapes. From a simple display and repetition, the child quickly gets tired and begins to refuse classes, even if their mother conducts them at home. Another thing is if the figures need to be found in animals. There is genuine curiosity here.

When you have fully studied with your child the names of the figures and their appearance, ask the child to show his vision of the world. Let an animal or any object be taken as an example.

Ask: what geometric figure does it look like.

Such exercises:

  1. - develop observation skills;
  2. - improve logical and spatial thinking;
  3. - contribute to the vision of an object hidden behind the outer shell.

The kid learns to see and observe what others cannot or cannot see. Is this not the education of an artist and a creative person?

And you can play the reverse game. Imagine that you are an abstract artist. Let one of you draw something consisting of geometric shapes, and the other will try to guess what is drawn. Postmodern painters often encoded their drawings on a canvas filled with squares, rectangles, trapezoids… the same kind of puzzles were offered earlier by children's magazines.

You yourself can create such a puzzle: you just need a little imagination and a look at the world through the prism of geometry.

Examples of notebook pages with applications for children from 1 to 3 years old.