Presentation on the topic "computer modeling". Computer simulation Application of computer simulation in the learning process presentation

Computer modeling According to the method of implementation, information sign models are divided into computer and non-computer. A computer model is a model implemented by means of a software environment. Stages of modeling 1. Statement of the problem. 2. Model development. 3. Computer experiment. 4. Analysis of simulation results. Stage 1. Problem statement Description of the problem Purpose of modeling Object analysis Stage 2. Development of the model Information model Sign model Computer model Stage 3. Computer experiment Modeling plan Modeling technology Stage 4. Analysis of simulation results The results correspond to the goal The results do not correspond to the goal or problem) is formulated in plain language and the description should be understandable. The main thing at this stage is to determine the object of modeling and understand. What should be the result. Formulation of the goal of modeling The goals of modeling can be: knowledge of the surrounding world, creation of objects with specified properties (“how to do so that ...”), determining the consequences of the impact on the object and making the right decision (“what will happen if ...”), the effectiveness of object management ( process), etc. Analysis of the object At this stage, based on the general formulation of the problem, the modeled object and its main properties are clearly distinguished. Since in most cases the original object is a whole set of smaller components that are in some relationship, the analysis of the object will imply the decomposition (dismemberment) of the object in order to identify the components and the nature of the relationships between them. Model development At this stage, properties, states and other characteristics of elementary objects are revealed, an idea is formed about the elementary objects that make up the original object, i.e. information model. Information model Sign model An information model, as a rule, is represented in one or another sign form, which can be either computer or non-computer. Computer model There are a large number of software systems that allow you to study (simulate) information models. Each environment has its own tools and allows you to work with certain types of information objects, which causes the problem of choosing the most convenient and efficient environment for solving the task. Computer experiment Simulation plan The simulation plan should reflect the sequence of work with the model. The first points in such a plan should be the development of a test and testing the model. Testing is the process of checking the correctness of the model. A test is a set of initial data for which the result is known in advance. If the test values ​​do not match, it is necessary to look for and eliminate the cause. Modeling technology Modeling technology is a set of purposeful user actions on a computer model. Analysis of simulation results. The results correspond to the goal The results do not correspond to the goal In this case, the model itself is analyzed, modeling errors are searched for and corrected.

1. Models of objects and processes

2. Classification of models

3. Main stages of modeling

Model- a simplified representation of a real object, process or phenomenon.

Modeling- building models for the study and study of objects, processes, phenomena.

Question: Why create a model, why not explore the original itself?

Firstly, in real time, the original (prototype) may no longer exist or it does not exist in reality.

Secondly, the original can have many properties and relationships. In order to deeply study some particular property that interests us, it is sometimes useful to abandon the less significant ones, not taking them into account at all.

Amenable to modeling

For the same object (process, phenomenon), an innumerable number of models can be created

Features of the classification of models:

  • Scope of use
  • Accounting for the time factor
  • branch of knowledge
  • Presentation method



















An information model is a set of information that characterizes the properties and states of an object, process, phenomenon, as well as the relationship with the outside world.


iconic model


Verbal (lat. "verbalis" - oral) model - an information model in a mental or conversational form.

Types of information models according to the form of presentation





brain teaser




geometric model

geometric model

Geometric computer model

verbal model

verbal model

Mathematical model

Mathematical model

Drawing up a mathematical model in many modeling problems is a very essential stage.

To design formulas, a special application is used - Formula Editor Microsoft Equation.

structural model

structural model



Logic Model

Logic Model

Special Models

Special Models

computer model

A computer model is a model implemented by means of a software environment.

Computer modeling tools are technical (Handware) and software (Software) software.

I STAGE. Formulation of the problem

Task Description

The purpose of the simulation

Object Analysis

II STAGE. Model development

information model

iconic model

computer model

STAGE III. computer experiment

STAGE IV. Analysis of simulation results

Simulation Plan

Simulation Technology

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Computer information modeling. Completed by: 10th grade student of secondary school No. 14 of the Chekunda rural settlement. Zhuravleva Larisa.

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What is a model. A model is a substitute object that, under certain conditions, can replace the original object. The model reproduces some of the properties and characteristics of the original that are of interest to us.

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What can be the object of information modeling. Anything can be an object of information modeling: separate objects (tree, table); physical, chemical, biological processes (water flow in a pipe, production of sulfuric acid, etc.) meteorological processes (thunderstorm, tornado).

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What does informatics do. Computer science deals with the general methods and means of creating and using information models.

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Stages of development. Stages of development of a computer information model. Simulation object ( real system) System analysis Theoretical information model. Development of a computer model Computer information model

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Building an information model. The construction of a computer information model begins with a system analysis of the modeling object. The result is a theoretical information model.

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Questions and tasks 1. What is a model? 2. What is an information model? 3. Why can a lot of scientific knowledge be classified as information models? 4. What is the role of computer science in information modeling? 5. What are the models? 6. What can be the object of information modeling? 7. What does computer science do?

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Briefly about the main thing A model is an object-substitute for a real object. Models are material and informational. The properties of the model are determined by the purpose for which it is created. The information model reflects the knowledge of a person about the object of modeling. A model implemented on a computer is called a computer information model. The development of a computer model is carried out using a special software or through programming in high-level languages.

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The presentation on the topic "Computer modeling" (Grade 10) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Informatics. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 7 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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GOU secondary school of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg No. 212 Informatics teacher Selezneva R.S.

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Object and process models

A model is a simplified representation of a real object, process or phenomenon. Modeling - building models for the study and study of objects, processes, phenomena. Models of objects can be reduced copies of architectural structures or works of art, as well as visual aids in a school office, etc. A model can reflect something that really exists, say, a hydrogen atom. Solar system, lightning discharge. Classification of models Models are classified according to the following criteria: Area of ​​use Consideration of the time factor (dynamics) in the model Branch of knowledge Method of representation of models

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Classification by area of ​​use

Models Training Experienced

Scientific and technical

Game Simulation

Training models - visual aids, various simulators, training programs. Experimental models are reduced or enlarged copies of the designed object. For example, a model ship is tested in a pool to determine the ship's roll stability. Scientific and technical models - for the study of processes and phenomena. An example is a device that simulates a lightning discharge. Game models are military, economic, sports, business games. They seem to rehearse the behavior of the object in various situations. Simulation models are an experiment that mimics reality. For example, suppose a school wants to introduce a new subject. A number of schools are selected for the experiment, and then the results are checked.

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MODELS Static Dynamic

A static model is a one-time slice of information on an object. For example, a survey of schoolchildren in a dental clinic gives a picture of the state of their oral cavity at a given point in time. Dynamic model - allows you to see changes in an object over time. Example. A student card from a dental clinic for many years.

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Classification by way of presentation

Material Information Sign Verbal Computer Non-computer

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Material models - reproduce the geometric and physical properties of the original and always have a real embodiment. Example. Children's toys, stuffed birds, maps on history, geography, rocket model, etc. Information models - they cannot be seen with your own eyes and touched, they do not have a material embodiment. They are based on information. An information model is a set of information that characterizes the properties and states of an object, process, or phenomenon. Verbal model - an information model in a mental or conversational form. Example, human behavior when crossing the street. The person analyzes the situation and then takes action. A sign model is an information model expressed by special signs, i.e. by means of any formal language. Example, drawings, texts, graphs and diagrams. A computer model is a model implemented by means of a software environment. Example, computer program(music editor), which allows you to type musical text, print it, make an arrangement.

  • No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • Computer modeling According to the method of implementation, information sign models are divided into computer and non-computer. A computer model is a model implemented by means of a software environment. Stages of modeling 1. Statement of the problem. 2. Model development. 3. Computer experiment. 4. Analysis of simulation results. Stage 1. Problem statement Description of the problem Purpose of modeling Object analysis Stage 2. Development of the model Information model Sign model Computer model Stage 3. Computer experiment Modeling plan Modeling technology Stage 4. Analysis of simulation results The results correspond to the goal The results do not correspond to the goal or problem) is formulated in plain language and the description should be understandable. The main thing at this stage is to determine the object of modeling and understand. What should be the result. Formulation of the goal of modeling The goals of modeling can be: knowledge of the surrounding world, creation of objects with specified properties (“how to do so that ...”), determining the consequences of the impact on the object and making the right decision (“what will happen if ...”), the effectiveness of object management ( process), etc. Analysis of the object At this stage, based on the general formulation of the problem, the modeled object and its main properties are clearly distinguished. Since in most cases the original object is a whole set of smaller components that are in some relationship, the analysis of the object will imply the decomposition (dismemberment) of the object in order to identify the components and the nature of the relationships between them. Model development At this stage, properties, states and other characteristics of elementary objects are revealed, an idea is formed about the elementary objects that make up the original object, i.e. information model. Information model Sign model An information model, as a rule, is represented in one or another sign form, which can be either computer or non-computer. Computer model There are a large number of software systems that allow you to study (simulate) information models. Each environment has its own tools and allows you to work with certain types of information objects, which causes the problem of choosing the most convenient and efficient environment for solving the task. Computer experiment Simulation plan The simulation plan should reflect the sequence of work with the model. The first points in such a plan should be the development of a test and testing the model. Testing is the process of checking the correctness of the model. A test is a set of initial data for which the result is known in advance. If the test values ​​do not match, it is necessary to look for and eliminate the cause. Modeling technology Modeling technology is a set of purposeful user actions on a computer model. Analysis of simulation results. The results correspond to the goal The results do not correspond to the goal In this case, the model itself is analyzed, modeling errors are searched for and corrected.