Mos state portal electronic diary. How to enter the electronic diary through public services. How EZD works

With the introduction of new technologies in our lives, people are increasingly abandoning pieces of paper in favor of electronic analogues of documentation. The student's diary was no exception.

Benefits of an electronic diary

If you have access to the Internet, then there will be access to an electronic diary. Thus, you can monitor the progress of your own child while at work, or on a business trip, or even on the way home. The data is available at any time of the day or night.

Performance monitoring is easy to use and automated. Once logged into your personal account, you will not see the requirement to enter any more data. The diary is visible immediately, all the information in it is also visible.

There is an attendance schedule in the electronic diary. If a child missed school for some reason, this will be visible on the online page. The reason for the absence is also indicated - if, for example, the student missed classes not on his own initiative, but due to illness or important family circumstances.

In general, the electronic diary helps to establish a closer relationship between teachers and parents of schoolchildren. If earlier, in order to find out the full picture of a child’s progress, it was necessary to allocate time (often working time), come to school, look for a teacher (and more than one), talk with him about the passes and grades of the child, today all this can be seen leaving the house.

The use of electronic diaries will help each school to be on the crest of a wave of progress, and to meet the requirements for the modernization of the information and communication technologies used in the educational process.

Why an electronic diary is convenient for a parent

1. You can clearly see how many grades were given to the offspring today and in what subjects. All data, without exception, is entered into the electronic diary, and not only for individual disciplines.

2. Also, an electronic diary is a good control of homework. Now the child will not be able to hide any task in a subject that he really doesn’t like, simply by not writing it down. All tasks are duplicated in electronic diaries, where parents can also see them and control their implementation.

Important: teachers also use technology, so it may be that some electronic file will be attached to the diary. This is not a malicious program or a personal account hack: the teacher just wanted to provide additional materials (for example, a video) in such a way that it would be easier for children to do their homework. You can safely upload a file: all incoming electronic documents are checked for viruses.

3. Comments from teachers regarding behavior in the classroom, as well as the observance of general discipline, are also in the electronic diary. It will not work to conduct a full-fledged correspondence with the teacher using the diary; on the other hand, the parent will be aware of the state of affairs, and if the opportunity arises, he will be able to either call the teacher, or write to him in the messenger, or immediately go to an educational conversation with the student.

4. It is also possible to notify parents via an electronic diary of events planned for the school, schedule changes, unplanned cancellations of lessons or even teacher replacements.

6. If a student falls ill, it will not be necessary to call every teacher or classmate to find out what topics he missed. Even if the child did not show up for class, homework will still appear in the electronic diary. In this way, parents will know exactly what topics he missed and what he needs to prepare hard for before returning to school.

7. Parents themselves can also see when the next parent meetings are scheduled. If they have already missed one of these, a notification will be sent to their personal account.

Why an electronic diary is important for students

Children themselves often need additional motivation to study. For them, the argument “you are working for your future” is unlikely to be effective, because at their age there is still no formed “adult” idea of ​​the future as something inevitable.

Therefore, the most effective is small motivation, step by step. A good method in this case is for the child to keep track of their own average grade. If he sees positive dynamics, it motivates him to try even harder. If the student notices a sharp decline, he is unlikely to like it.

In addition, the students themselves can also have a separate personal account, and watch homework and grades without having to ask the parent to give their username and password (by the rules of safe behavior on the Internet, by the way, it is forbidden to provide your personal data from the account to anyone).

How to register an electronic diary

The portal will help with this simple task. This is the easiest and most convenient way to start an online student diary. This is done in several steps.

1. We go to the main page of the site. Our goal is the "Education" section in the left column:

2. The menu "Education" gives us a lot of options for children of all ages. But at the moment, what we need most is the menu about "Secondary General" education, located in the middle column:

3. The third paragraph of the right column will direct us to instructions on how to register a student's electronic diary:

4. Click on it, and we get a redirect to a separate page dedicated to electronic diaries:

Important: do not be afraid of the line "Cost of services and payment procedure"! The service is completely free, and the pop-up menu will notify you when you click on this line:

5. So, when you click on the big red button called "Get a service" you will be redirected to your personal account.

There it will be enough just to enter the correct data, and then contact the class teacher - and now you are already connected to the service. But a page like this might open:

In addition to the possibility of using electronic diaries, a personal account will open access to more than two hundred different services, from online payment of utility bills to filing an application for marriage registration.

The modern school differs in its capabilities from those in which the mothers and fathers of today's children studied. Interactive whiteboards, computers, the Internet, media resources, electronic diaries have become part of the practice of most Russian schools. The latter will be discussed here.

On the territory of Russia there are several functional services that provide this service to schools and schoolchildren. In Moscow and the Moscow region, there is an electronic diary of MRKO (Moscow Register of Education Quality) on the portal pgu, since 2015 all schools in Moscow and most of the region have been connected to it.

In other regions of Russia, they use the service. and Elzhur ( There is some difference between these services in design, the number of functions available to users, but they all have common features:

  • Their use is free.
  • It does not require the provision of certificates or other documents.
  • Valid for the duration of the school year.
  • Owned by one child, records his grades, class attendance, etc.
  • Access to it is provided only to the student and his parents (legal representatives of the child). No one else sees the grades and notes of the teacher in this diary. The child's personal data is protected.

Access to the electronic diary is provided by an individual login and a temporary password, which are given to parents by the class teacher. But in Moscow and the Moscow Region, in order to use it, parents need to be registered on the PSU portal, where they need to enter the “Education, Study” service and then to the desired service.

Residents of the Tambov region can enter through the public services portal. For all other schoolchildren in Russia, this service does not yet have a connection with the public service portal.

Residents of Moscow, Moscow and Tambov regions need:

  • When registering on the State Services Portal, enter your personal data, including passport data, SNILS number. The introduction of the SNILS number should be taken especially carefully, since it will become your main identifier on this portal.
  • After registration, log in and find the desired service, enter it. For, your profile must already be activated there. For the MRKO diary, the system will automatically redirect it to the authorization page.

After registering and creating your personal account on the portal, you will be able to enter the electronic diary through it.

How to enter an electronic diary, step by step instructions

Here we will consider how to go to parents in the electronic diary of a student, regardless of whether this happens through pg, or directly in Diary RU. Although there are certain differences, the general principles of the steps are the same.

  • Enter in the appropriate fields Login and Password the login and password given by the class teacher.

  • Entering and/or verifying personal data. Click "Finish" (Next). For Moscow, this is where it all ends and you get into the parent's personal account.

  • In, you will have to fill in the “Security Settings”, where you indicate your email and mobile phone number, which will allow you to recover your password in case of loss and provide better protection.

  • After the first entry to the pages of, you get the opportunity to change the password given at school to another one of your choice.
  • Both in the MRKO diary and in, it is possible for a parent in their parent account to link the accounts of several children to one of their profiles in order to see information for each child, even if they study in different classes and schools.

Features of the electronic diary

Why should parents and students master this electronic resource? Parents and students who already use electronic diaries are convinced that it is really noticeably more convenient and has additional useful qualities that the traditional one does not have.

  • Today, a parent anywhere (at home, at work, on a business trip) and at any time of the day, having access to the Internet, can find out how things are going with his children's studies, their grades and attending classes.
  • Grades appear on the electronic pages on the same day as they are posted by the teacher. In addition, progress can be tracked by subject, by quarter and by school year, and the constant derivation of average grades helps to assess the weaknesses in the child's studies that require special attention. This opportunity makes the child more aware of the effectiveness of his work in the classroom, giving an additional incentive to learning activity.
  • Sometimes a student forgets to write down or writes down inaccurate homework, an electronic diary where the teacher enters them himself, allows the student and his parents to know exactly what needs to be done. This helps to keep abreast of the topics being studied even if the child is absent from school due to illness or other reasons.
  • Here we see information about changes in the schedule, the introduction of quarantine, competitions, comments from the teacher and other important news.

If you can't access your email

If you can’t enter the electronic diary, then this usually happens due to the fact that you forgot the correct username or password. In this case, you do not have the opportunity to register again, as the system stores your personal data in memory and does not allow you to create another profile with the same information. To recover a forgotten login or password, a parent of a Moscow student must contact the class teacher to restore them. users have the opportunity to deal with this problem themselves. Specify your problem at the entrance - “I don’t remember my login” / “I don’t remember my password” and then follow the instructions. Since you indicated your contacts during registration, you will receive links to them to restore the forgotten ones.

If the entrance is complicated for other reasons, then these services have a technical support service that will help. Also, the service administrator at the school can also help you.

Consider what is MRKO electronic diary , who can access this resource, and how to register on it. The main purpose of the electronic diary of a student of the MRKO portal of the State Services of Moscow is to provide parental control over the student's progress. By tracking his achievements in the learning process. Regular supervision and full awareness of parents about all school events and grades of the child can bring his progress to a higher level.

Previously, when there were only paper diaries, the control process became much more complicated. The child could enter inaccurate information there, delete information that, in his opinion, should not be shown to parents, etc. Moreover, daily grades were not always put in the diaries, many teachers neglected this action, they simply put down points in the class journal. Parents could only take the word of their children, and this was far from always a justified action and often had a negative impact on academic performance. Now you will be able to watch the child's grades online daily, which will be recorded on the site. MRKO electronic diary is a full-fledged diary in which all grades are indicated for the entire period of study.

The introduction and popularization of this innovation is actively replacing paper diaries. Their complete replacement with a more advanced electronic version is predicted in the near future. The innovation facilitates the communication of parents with teachers, helps to keep abreast of school events, take a more active part in the school life of the child.

MRKO electronic diary - how to connect?

First you should ask if your child's school is connected to this option. For example, in Moscow, most educational institutions already have such a connection. This area is actively developing and in the near future all schools in Russia, and not only in Moscow, will keep an electronic diary of a student of MRKO, requiring registration through the State Services portal.

You can get a username and password for a student's diary at MRKO from your class teacher. To do this, you need to come to the school and make a request for the provision of information of interest. As a rule, the head of the educational institution is usually appointed as the person responsible for connecting the service. The manager must have all the necessary information about the connection, which is available in full on the official website of the State Services.

Terms of use of the service MRKO

The information contained in the diary is personal, so access to it is limited to a narrow list of persons. No one has the right to invade your child's personal data and use it for any purpose without his and your consent. There are special conditions for using the diary, which include:

  • Issuance of access to the resource only to the parents of the student or his legal representatives. The login and password are issued to the persons listed above in person. The password is issued by the class teacher or other responsible official.
  • Parents do not have access to the grades and personal information of students other than their own children. But the diary also contains publicly available information about upcoming events and so on.
  • Information about the electronic diary and its operation, as well as the very possibility of using the service is provided free of charge.
  • To open an account, you do not need to provide documents other than those requested by the website during authorization and user identification. If you have previously registered with the State Services, then you do not need to provide any documents.
  • The validity period of the electronic diary lasts until the end of the student's education in an educational institution.

How to enter the electronic diary?

Parents whose children study in educational institutions that keep an electronic diary of MRKO have the right to enter the site through the portal of public services in Moscow . But keep in mind that this site requires mandatory registration. Accordingly, the use of MRKO will begin with registration on the website (if the user has not been registered there before).

Registration for public services

To complete this step, follow these steps:

  • On the main page of the site, select "Register".

  • Fill in all the proposed fields, you must enter only reliable information. Confirm registration.

  • After completing the first step, go to the site. Log in using your username and password, which you received during the registration process.

Submit files of all scanned documents that the site requests. Don't worry, it's confidential and completely secure. You will be sent a registered mail with a password. Enter the password, this will mean complete authorization on the site. Now you are registered and can use MRKO on general terms.

Further actions

Advice! In case the main page will not display the link "Electronic diary", then you can find this menu in the "Education and study" section. You can find this section on the right side of the screen.

  • In the Account Name field that appears, enter any name you like. It is advisable to remember it or write it down in a notebook.

Reference. Accounts are designed to allow parents with many children to create multiple pages, one for each student. If you have more than one child, then it is better to do just that.

  • After all the data has been entered, click "Continue". Check the accuracy of the entered data in the window that appears, if everything is correct, then confirm the information by clicking the "Finish" button.
  • Now you have fully logged into the MRKO electronic diary .
  • If you have additional questions about the operation of the resource, you can look for answers on the forum, which is available to everyone.

How to use the service?

After you enter your personal account, you will be able to view the diary. Outwardly, it looks like a standard school diary, as we are used to seeing them in paper form. The pages have days, dates, and fields for ratings and comments. All grades that are put in the journal are transferred to the site and are visible in the electronic diary.

In addition, the electronic diary has additional functions:

  • Gives you the opportunity to watch homework in all subjects. The child will not be able to evade doing homework, will not be able to say "Nothing was asked."
  • There is an option to view all ratings for a specific day or period of time. To view, go to the "All grades" tab.
  • There is an option to view the final grades for all subjects. Final grades are given at the end of each study period. To view, select the menu item "Final Grades".
  • There is an option to view homework, grades and other information for the entire year. Also, using the diary, you can view the class schedule.

Benefits of an electronic diary:

  • Your child will not be able to tear out sheets with bad grades and comments. You can always check if he completed his homework.
  • Now you can watch what the child was asked online.
  • You will know all the grades of the child, information about the next parent-teacher meetings and other important events will not slip away from you now.
  • Now it's easier to keep statistics, predict the progress and average score of a student. Together with you, he will be able to more effectively go to the goal, correct grades and show better results in school.
  • Sharing information with teachers will be greatly simplified

To access this service, you must register on the website of public services.

On the main page of the online resource, in the upper right corner, click on the REGISTRATION tab.

After clicking on the “Registration” tab, a window will appear in which you need to enter the data. In each line, write down the necessary information and click on the "Register" button.

When you press the "Register" button, a plate will appear in which you must specify the code received via SMS to the specified phone number. After entering the numbers, click the "Continue" button.

Come up with a password that matches the requests of the online service. Duplicate on the line below. Click "Finish".

Enter your last name, first name and patronymic, indicate the man / woman, date of birth, where you were born, citizenship, passport information and SNILS. When the information is entered, click on the "Save" button.

Now the entered information will be analyzed by the system. And it will take time.

List of documents to open access

When the requirements are met, the school will create an online student diary. To register the diary, information is provided: passport data of the parent or his guardian; birth certificate of the child; a written application for receiving the service; permission to process your data.

The process of obtaining a login and password to open the entrance

By registering on the online service, you will not be able to immediately access the student's electronic data. There are two ways to get the information you need. In some cases, two methods are obtained, and sometimes one option is available.

Options for opening the entrance to the electronic diary:

  1. Contact the school.
  2. Gaining access to the web portal.

Getting data through the school is easy, simple and fast. It may take some time to gain access through the web portal.

To gain access from the site, you need to follow the steps:

  • Go to the main page, enter your personal account. To get into it, on the main tab of the site, click on the "My Account" tab at the top right.

In the window that appears, enter a phone number or e-mail, as well as a password. Click "Login". Or click on the word "SNILS" to the right to enter by personal account.

  • On a personal page in an online service, in the "Search" line, write the name of the service: "Electronic diary". Activate Search.

  • Find your city on the new page.
  • Next, click "Getting access to the student's electronic diary."
  • In a new tab, you get information about how much the service costs, the timing of its provision, the reasons for its rejection, and other information.

In the next three days after submitting the application, a password and login will be sent. These data are needed to get into the electronic diary.

How to enter through the site in an electronic diary

Signing in using the service is easy. Go to the main page of the web resource and enter your personal account. How to get into it was written above. When you have entered your office on the online portal, select the icon that says "Electronic diary of a student of MRKO" and click on it.

A section opens in which you need to enter account information. To do this, click on the "Add account" line. In the line below, enter its name: Child1. If you have two or three children who have electronic diaries, create an account for each with the names: Child2 and Child3.

Then enter your username and password. At first, the login and password that will be given to you at the school or on the site will match. Click on "Continue".

The student's electronic diary opens. This electronic version is no different from a regular student's diary, or rather, it is a copy of it.

Reasons for denial of service

Despite the fact that the service is available to everyone, in some cases, a refusal to provide it follows. Rejection occurs if there are errors in the application for receipt. This may be an incorrectly entered last name, first name or patronymic, an error in the date of birth, etc. If there are errors in the application, it must be rewritten and submitted to the school administration. Also, a refusal can be obtained if an application for the provision of a service is written by one person, and a completely different person submits this application.

Additional services on the school portal

Every parent can find a lot of useful information here. On the school web resource, you can find a table of progress and find out how well the child studies, get acquainted with the grade book. Read the comments that teachers leave for the grades. Whether he skips classes or not. Here is a graph of progress, which is based on different assessment criteria. Check out the lesson schedule. Moreover, the schedule of schoolchildren and teachers is laid out. Here you can ask questions and chat with teachers online.

How to open the entrance to the performance data to a trusted person?

The parent can open the entrance to the child's diary to other persons. To do this, the parent and the one who is given access must have their own page on On your page, find the item "Trusted persons". In this paragraph, indicate "Electronic diary". If you have two or more children, indicate whose information you share. Enter your full name, phone number or his personal account. Click "Submit". After confirming receipt of an invitation on the page of the person to whom you are opening access, an entrance to the student's data is opened for him within a day.

Problems with access to the electronic diary

For some time there have been difficulties with access to the electronic diary. To fix this problem, it is advised to re-create the diary access account. There is no need to re-register an account for public services.

The Government of the Moscow Region is making a lot of efforts to raise the quality of educational services to the required level. As part of public-private cooperation, a special resource was created for teachers, students and their parents - the School Portal of the Moscow Region. Logging into the electronic diary and gradebook provides access not only for maintenance, but also for quick viewing of all information by parents and students. An opportunity opens up to obtain detailed information about curricula or timetables, as well as the results of attestations, tests, exams, etc.

Additional services that become available through the portal:

  • information about future curricula and educational programs;
  • information about the results of tests, entrance examinations and exams;
  • filing applications for admission of children to various educational institutions;
  • data on the possibilities of primary, secondary and additional vocational education;
  • information about the rules of conduct, the list of participants and the results of the state certification of students after passing the secondary (full) and basic general programs.

School portal of the Moscow region - entrance to the student's electronic diary

Logging into the electronic diary through the State Services

What do you need to enter the electronic diary?

Entrance to the website of the School Portal and the Electronic Diary is provided after registration on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow. After that, you need to contact the school and report your data to the class teacher or other representative of the educational institution responsible for the student's class.

How to enter the electronic diary - the procedure for gaining access to the student's personal account

The page of the Official Portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow contains detailed information on the procedure for obtaining access to the student's electronic diary for parents and students.

Features of the School Portal

The information resource was specially created not only for students and their parents. It can bring a lot of benefits in the work of teachers and representatives of various educational bodies.

List of opportunities for students:

School portal of the Moscow region - access to the student's electronic diary is possible on the resource. By pressing the "Login" button, you can get into a special service -

In the appropriate section called “Your school”, you should indicate the given login and password, and then confirm the entered information with the “Login” button. Now you should check, supplement and confirm your own data that are on the site. If inaccurate information is found, it will need to be corrected. These actions become possible as a result of contacting a special representative of your educational organization.