How to find out the average cycle time


Get a regular notepad pocket calendar and accustom yourself to carefully mark the days of the beginning and end of menstruation. Anyone can use a notebook for this purpose, because there is no need to carry it with you - it can be at home. Speaking of calendars. You should not throw them away after a year, since these data will be useful to you throughout the entire reproductive period, and even in the postmenstrual period, during menopause. The fact is that all changes in the female body obey a certain rhythm, purely individual, and calendars for several years can always show what changes and in what period occurred.

So, the first menstrual day has come - this is the beginning cycle mark it on your calendar. The duration of bleeding usually ranges from 3 days to a week. At this time, part of the functional layer of the endometrium (the mucous layer lining the inner lining of the uterus) is brought out with blood and mucus. So the body prepares for the maturation of a new egg.

Menstruation has stopped, mark the end of it on the calendar. Now the body, under the influence of pituitary hormones, will begin to grow follicles, so that later an egg can mature in one of them. At this time, the endometrium thickens and is preparing for ovulation.

It is this ovulation period, in which only conception is possible, that you have to calculate, based on the data of your individual monthly rhythm calendar. What happens during ovulation? The mature egg leaves the ovary and travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube. She is completely ready for fertilization.

This is where a notepad comes in handy. Write down in it the features of your condition during the ovulation period (discharge of whitish mucus from the vagina, an increase in rectal temperature, etc.) in order to later know what the body demonstrates that it is ready for conception. On the eve of ovulation, the temperature drops, and the next day it rises by half a degree and lasts until the very menstruation. This is the second phase cycle which normally lasts two weeks.

The ovulation period gives rise to the formation phase of the corpus luteum, which, if the egg is fertilized, will become the corpus luteum of pregnancy, and if it does not occur, it will be excreted from the body as unnecessary during menstruation. Under the influence of progesterone (yellow body hormone), the endometrium is filled with secretion and thickens even more. The mammary glands at the same time increase, become dense and painful, and this is a normal phenomenon, so do not be afraid of it.

2-3 days before menstruation, so-called premenstrual symptoms may appear. They may or may not be - all these manifestations are very individual. Irritability, tearfulness, absent-mindedness and headaches, insomnia, heaviness in the lower abdomen and swelling - be sure to mark them. So you will know the reason for feeling unwell or unmotivated behavior and you can be patient for a couple of days, realizing that soon everything will pass by itself.