What is the FC file extension? Testing DVD Writers with FC-Test YMA Accurate Score Calculator

Command FC allows you to compare the contents of two or more files.

Command line format:

FC ] [drive1:][path1]filename1 [drive2:][path2]filename2

FC /B [drive1:][path1]filename1 [drive2:][path2]filename2

/A- Display only the first and last lines for each group of differences.

/B- Compare binary files.

/C- Comparison is case-insensitive.

/L- Compare files in ASCII format.

/Lbn- The maximum number of mismatches for a given number of rows.

/N- Show line numbers when comparing ASCII text files.

/OFF- Don't skip files with "Offline" attribute set.

/T- Tab characters are not replaced by the equivalent number of spaces.

/U- Compare UNICODE files.

/W- Skip spaces and tabs when comparing.

/nnnn- The number of consecutive matching strings to occur after the group of non-matching strings.

[drive1:][path1]filename1- Specifies the first file or set of files to compare.

[drive2:][path2]filename2- Specifies the second file or set of files to compare.

For quick help, use the parameter /? : FC/?

If in command line parameter not set /B then the comparison is done line by line, outputting the results as filenames and non-matching lines:

Comparison of FILE1.TXT and FILE2.TXT files

***** FILE1.TXTline




In the above example, the contents of the first 2 lines in the files FILE1.TXT and FILE2.TXT did not match. In addition to unmatched strings, the first matched string after them is displayed in the comparison results ( head)

If the diff binary command is executed FC/B, then regardless of the data format, a byte-by-byte comparison is performed with the results output in the form:

Comparing files file1.txt and file2.txt

00000001: 6C 31
00000002: 69 44
Line 00000001: 6C 31- means that the offset from the beginning of the file is 00000001 . In the file file1.txt, the given offset contains a byte with hexadecimal value 6C, and in the file file2.txt - 31

Examples of using FC.EXE:

fc /b etalon.exe C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe- compare binary file etalon.exe from the current directory with the file C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe

fc /b D:\windows\system32\dllcache\*.exe D:\windows\system32\*.* | more- compare groups of binary files with extension exe from the catalog D:\windows\system32\dllcache\ with files from directory D:\windows\system32\. Through the use of the FC command in a chain with the command more, the output of the results on the screen is performed in paging mode.

fc C:\Documents\*.txt D:\documents\*.* > C:\compare.txt- compare text files in different directories and write the results to the C:\compare.txt file.

FC /LB2 C:\Documents\*.txt D:\documents\*.* > C:\compare.txt- as in the previous case, but no more than 2 mismatches will be displayed in the comparison results.

Parameter /nnn allows you to control the continuation of the file comparison. For example, there are 2 text files file1.txt and file2.txt, in which the 1st and 4th lines are different, and the 2nd and 3rd are the same. Depending on the value /nnn the FC.EXE utility can either stop further file comparison or continue:

FC /2 file1.txt file2.txt- after the first line that did not match, there are 2 matching lines (the 2nd and 3rd lines are the same) - file comparison will continue.

FC /3 file1.txt file2.txt- parameter /3 requires 3 matching lines after a mismatch, so any further file comparison will be aborted.

FC /A /L /C file1.txt file2.txt- compare text files in ASCII format, case-insensitive, displaying only the first and last lines for each group of differences.

AT batch files, to check the result of the file comparison, the analysis of the value of the ERRORLEVEL variable is used.

According to the result of the comparison operation, the variable ERRORLEVEL can take the following values:

0 - the files matched.

1 - files do not match

2 - error opening file (file not found)

Batch file example:

@echo off
fc file1.txt file2.txt > null
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto Different
echo Files match
REM subroutine that is executed when files match. . .
echo Files do NOT match
REM subroutine that is executed when files are different. . .

Comparing two files and displaying the differences between them.


fc[/a] [/b] [/c] [/l] [/lbn] [/n] [/t] [/w] [/ nnnn] [disk1: ][path1]filename1 [disk2: ][path2]filename2


/a Specifies the abbreviated ASCII output of the comparison. Instead of outputting f all distinct lines, fc prints only the start and end lines of the different sections. /b Compares files in binary mode. Command fc compares two files byte by byte and does not attempt to match files after a difference is found. This mode is used by default to compare files with extensions: .exe, .com, .sys, .obj, .lib, or .bin. /c Compares without taking into account uppercase and lowercase letters. /l Compares files in text (ASCII) mode. Command fc compares two files line by line and tries to match them after a difference is found. This mode is used by default to compare files, excluding files with the following extensions: .exe, .com, .sys, .obj, .lib, or .bin. /lbn Sets the number of lines n for the internal buffer. The default buffer length is 100 lines. If the number of different lines in the compared files exceeds this number, the command fc stops the comparison. /n Specifies the display of line numbers when comparing in text mode. /t Prevention fc from converting tab marks to spaces. By default, tabs are replaced by spaces, stopping at every eighth position. /u Specifies file comparison in text format Unicode. /w Specifies the compression of spaces and tabs when comparing. If the line contains several spaces or tabs in a row, when using the key /w they will be treated as one. When the key is used /w, program fc ignores (and does not compare) spaces and tabs at the beginning and end of a line. / nnnn Specifies the number of matching lines used by the program fc on a new file association. If the number of matching lines in the file is less than nnnn, program fc will output matching lines as different. The default value is 2. [ disk1: ][path1]filename1 Specifies the location and name of the first file to compare. Parameter filename1 is mandatory. [ disk2: ][path2]filename2 Specifies the location and name of the second file to compare. Parameter filename2 is mandatory. /? Display help on the command line.


  • Output differences between files in text comparison in ASCII format

    When using the program fc for ASCII comparison, fc displays the differences between two files in the following order:

    • the name of the first file;
    • strings from parameter filename1, which differ in files;
    • the first line that matches in both files;
    • the name of the second file;
    • different strings from parameter filename2;
    • the first line of the match.
  • Usage /b for binary comparison

    /b displays the mismatches found during the binary comparison, as shown below.

    xxxxxxxx: yy zz

    Value xxxxxxxx specifies the relative hexadecimal address of a pair of distinct bytes, counted from the beginning of the file. Addressing starts at 00000000. Hexadecimal values yy and zz represent distinct bytes from filename1 and filename2 respectively.

  • Using wildcards

    You can use wildcards (* and ?) in parameters filename1 and filename2. If they are used when specifying the first file filename1, program fc will compare all given files with the file specified in parameter File name. If wildcards are used when specifying a file filename2, fc when comparing will use the corresponding parameter values filename1.

  • Working with memory

    When comparing in text mode, the program fc uses an internal buffer (enough to hold 100 lines). If the file size is larger than the buffer size, the program fc will compare those parts that fit in the buffer. If fc does not find a match in the downloaded parts of the files, the program will stop and the following message will be displayed:

    Cannot perform row synchronization. Too many differences between files.

    If a binary comparison is performed and the files are larger than the available memory, fc performs the entire comparison. If necessary, the files will be read from the disk in parts. The output of the command in this case will not differ from the output in the case of full allocation of files in memory.


To compare two text files named Monthly.rpt and Sales.rpt and output the result in abbreviated form, type:

fc /a monthly.rpt sales.rpt

To binary compare the two batch files Profits.bat and Earnings.bat, type:

fc /b profits.bat earnings.bat

The result will look like this:

00000002: 72 43 00000004: 65 3a 0000000e: 56 92 00000012: 6D 5C 00000013: 0D 7C 00000014: 0A 00000015: 0a 0a 0000001e: 43 7a 0000001F: 0A 0A 00000022: 72 44 ... ... 000005E0E0E00E00E00E00E0 : 00 61 000005E1: 00 73 000005e2: 00 73 000005E3: 00 69 000005E4: 00 67 000005E5: 00 6E 000005E6: 00 6D 000005E7: 00 65 000005E8: 00 6E FC: earnings.bat is longer

If the Profits.bat and Earnings.bat files are the same, fc displays the following message:

FC: no differences found

To compare each .bat file in the current directory with the New.bat file, type:

fc *.bat new.bat

To compare the New.bat file on drive C with the New.bat file on drive D, type:

fc c:new.bat d:*.bat

To compare each batch file in the root directory of drive C with a file of the same name in the root directory on drive, type.

Introduction Publication new version program FC-Test 1.0 aroused a quite natural desire to check its capacity on optical drives, since it has such an opportunity. No sooner said than done. After testing six DVD burners With a standard set of programs, we decided to test them for reading speed using FC-Test. The relevance of this step is due to the fact that, unlike many standard and promoted utilities commonly used for this purpose, FC-Test has a more transparent and understandable algorithm based on working with sets of files that can be created by users themselves.
In the role of guinea pigs in our case, the models of drives already described by us acted, on lighting specifications which we will not repeat. We will limit ourselves to reminding you that four of the six drives are announced with a read speed of CD media up to 40x (Sony DW-U18A, TEAC DV-W58G, ASUS DRW-0804P and Pioneer DVR-107D), and the other two up to 32x (ASUS DRW-0402P/D and Sony DW-U14A). DVD-reading speeds up to 12x are declared for all models, however, for the Sony DW-U14A drive, a reservation was made that only 2x mode is provided for DVD-Video discs.
In this case, we did not set ourselves the task of conducting a comprehensive test of drives using all kinds of media types. Rather, we made an attempt to verify in practice the suitability of the FC-Test for assessing reading speed optical drives in future. After all, such a popular program as CD WinBench 99 has not been updated for a long period of time, and you always want to get a better idea of ​​the real capabilities of drives based on a wide range of tests.

Test Methodology

The only program used for testing was FC-Test version 1.0.

The test computer configuration was as follows:

Motherboard - Intel Bonanza D875PBZ;
Central processor - Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz;
Hard disk - IBM DTLA-307015 15 GB;
Graphics adapter - GeForce2 MX400 64 MB;
Operating system - Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 and DirectX 9.0b installed.

All drives were connected to the second IDE channel in "master" mode.

FC Test

In order to test the speed of reading files by drives, we chose four media. They were: CD-ROM with 946 files of various sizes 656 MB, CD-R (736 MB) with 5000 files of small size - up to 1.5 MB, prepared with Nero CD-DVD Speed, DVD-ROM (4523 MB) with video , which includes 10 files, five of which were large from 200 to 1000 MB and DVD + R (4516 MB) with video with the same number and size of files as on the previous disc. Testing using the FC-Test utility was carried out using pre-created file lists and scripts. All results obtained are shown in the table.

Let's start a detailed consideration of the obtained results with the read speed of the drives shown by them on the CD-ROM carrier.

The presented diagram shows that the tested drives formed peculiar pairs in terms of reading speed. Sony DW-U18A and TEAC DV-W58G were the fastest. They are followed by a tandem of ASUS DRW-0804P and Pioneer DVR-107D drives. In last place is a pair of ASUS DRW-0402P/D and Sony DW-U14A drives. All the results obtained can be assessed as quite natural, related to the difference in the read speeds of CD media declared by manufacturers and, in some cases, to the fact that in reality there are only two firms that differ only in the "labels" on them (we are talking about Pioneer and LITE-ON, which are the actual "parents" of all six models).

Another diagram illustrates the performance of the drives, shown by them when reading CD-R media. Almost completely repeats the picture we saw in the previous case. It is again noticeable that according to the test results, all the same three conditional pairs of disk drives can again be distinguished. Only this time "uniformity" in the final figures for the first two pairs is generally complete. In addition, the speed gap between the Sony DW-U18A and TEAC DV-W58G duo over the ASUS DRW-0804P and Pioneer DVR-107D tandem is more noticeable.

It's the turn of DVD media. The first diagram shows the DVD-ROM reading speed. It can be seen that five drives demonstrate approximately the same performance. Only the Sony DW-U14A is noticeably behind them. The current situation can be commented as follows. Five drives have a declared read speed of 12X and, accordingly, fairly uniform final results are obtained. The Sony DW-U14A has a DVD-ROM speed in DVD-Video 2x format, which naturally leads to relatively low performance figures.

Testing with DVD+R media again gives us an interesting picture. We again see an amazing uniformity of results among the leaders: ASUS DRW-0804P and Pioneer DVR-107D and another pair: Sony DW-U18A and TEAC DV-W58G, although ASUS DRW-0402P/D is quite close to the latter. Again, the Sony DW-U14A drive noticeably lags behind in terms of reading speed. Its low performance is again determined by the characteristics laid down by the manufacturer, which in this case limited the operating mode to 2x for DVD-Video.


This is the end of our little testing. It was the first official pen test for the new version of the FC-Test program for optical drives. It can be stated with absolute certainty that the first pancake obviously did not come out lumpy. All the read speed results of the drives, measured using the FC-Test utility, are fully within the expected speed limits. The figures also tie in well with the results shown by drives in previous testing with Nero CD-DVD Speed. Of course, when using FC-Test, we cannot get the reading speed values ​​​​at the beginning and end of media and the graph of this process, but this is not decisive in the case of using this program. More valuable is the ability of this utility to very accurately, with minimal scatter of results, determine the average speed of reading files on disks, which allows you to easily determine the fastest drive from among those selected for testing. Unlike Nero CD-DVD Speed, FC-Test has the ability to get multiple results automatically after a system reboot. Another positive aspect is the ability of the FC-Test utility, unlike the classic WinBench 99 CD, to determine the real performance of drives on file sets prepared by the user himself and reflecting situations of interest to him in work. For our part, after we were able to verify the accuracy of the measurements carried out using the FC-Test program, it remains only to take it into service and use it in the next tests of drives on optical media in full.

Hi all! Today I decided to put together programs and tables that can be useful for sports betting. Some of them allow you to evaluate a bet in a bookmaker's office much better than if you did it manually, although you also have to do a lot manually :) Why scratch your tongue, let's get down to the most important thing - laying out links.

Bet-Plus 2019 (updated)

Programs in the form of an excel file with loading information from different sites to collect statistics. The program gives out predictions for football matches quite accurately, focusing on various indicators, including the results of recent matches. Archived regular version Bet-Plus 2019 and updated, as well as the instruction file.

Tote Master V1.4.10

The program allows you to generate a code for making a batch bet. The program is intuitive, with the help of it you can place bets with a brief system. brief system makes it possible to create such a package for the totalizator matches, in which if all the selections play, then at least one coupon will fall into the prize category that you have chosen.

Totoscore V1.0.2.0

Exactly the same program as the Tote master, only more advanced, there are several additional ones. generation modes.

Totallo V2.2

A program that determines the totals of football matches. Essentially very simple.

Program ZX16 V2

With this software, you can predict the outcome of matches using statistics.

Accurate Score Program

The correct score program allows you to make an analysis based on the sums of goals scored in 7 matches.

FootBet V1 and V2 and V3

Using this program, you can estimate the probability of winning a team, based on: the class of the team, your own or someone else's stadium, the results of the last 5 matches, the place in the standings, the number of absent players in the main team, the difference in days from the last game, etc.

BetManager V1.2

The usual Excel form in the form of a separate program for keeping track of your bets made, allows you to analyze and calculate your success in betting.

Kelly criterion

BigBetCalculator V1.01

The program is a set of calculators for sports betting - 17 pieces.

Bookmaker Calculator

Analyzer for betting on football, taking into account the odds in bookmakers.


FutAnaliz is a football match analysis software. It is an Excel file.


Igor-san program for generating package rates (brief system) for sweepstakes Fonbet, Marathon, Betcity, Baltbet, etc. + a set of text combinations.

GolPlyus v10.1

GolPlyus is a fairly popular match analyzer, everything is done through an excel file with calculation formulas.

Golplyus Turbo 5

Golplyus Turbo is one of the GolPlyus series of programs that can analyze football and hockey matches.

Golplyustotal Pro

Golplyustotal Pro is an analyzer of football matches by goals scored.

GolPlyus NTFT

GolPlyus NTFT is a multi-team football analyzer with improved accuracy.

Gol Plus Basketball

GolPlus Basketball is an Excel file-based program that analyzes basketball games.


AutoGol is a program in the form of an excel file used to calculate match totals and individual totals. In addition, the original algorithms of the participants of the betting forums are used. Plus, the archive for him is a bunch of fucking matches.

Now Goal Auto

NowGoal Auto is a Turkish sports betting program, to be more precise, to help with this, it has statistics and prediction.

Undower 0.3 (april2019) 1.0.0

Undower - parser table of the site Nowgoal.vip, which gives results on Total(1.5) + Total(2.5) + Total(3.5) for the first half and the whole match. The best pass TB (1.5) and TM (3.5) at the level of 85%.

Plonkbata 0.5

Plonkbata is an Italian table translated and adapted for Russians, similar to Plonk. Predicts at least one goal scored in the first or second match, or in the match. Permeability is said to be at the level of 80-90%. Naturally, the odds for such probabilities are small and it is desirable to cheat on express bets.

Overunders preadsheet for Nowgoal (mod_april2019) 1.0.0

Overunders is a mod for the site Nowgoal.vip that makes predictions for the total match based on the Poisson distribution.

Odds database for Bet365 and Pinnacle

Here is just the history of odds from these two offices. Can be useful for predicting matches.


InfinityBook is an updated parser that, like a bot, crawls through soccerstand, flashscore and myscore sites, collecting information on the latest matches of teams, the standings, the form table of the last 5,10,15 matches, odds 1-X-2, TB/TM2.5 both will score. The parser is compatible with the 21st forecasting program. Excel file contains forecast algorithms MyBet_MySkore, Wanga-Bet v1, Altadar, Syndicate Tables, New Total Bomb 2016 and Tyresyas.

Scor 1.1

taken from the Turks. Completely Russified. Some formulas have been changed to reduce the error. In the future, I plan to periodically update the file. In the screenshots, if you pay attention, then according to experience, bets on a team handicap of -1.5 come in, or as an option, take not a handicap, but an individual total. But, at least two conditions must be met - P1 and F -1.5. If just P1, but not the fact that they will win by 2 goals. TB 2.5 enters in 85 cases, TB1.5 with a recommendation for TB 2.5 enters in 90 cases. There are good odds in live

According to testing, an overall patency of up to 82 percent is observed. But you always need to check with some other program. Third and fourth leagues can give very unpredictable results. The file is packed into an exe shell. Pages are encrypted, VBA too. Removing the password is almost impossible. Internet connection required. When launched, the file checks for a connection and accesses the exact time server; it does not pay attention to the system clock. A trial period of 30 days has been launched. Because plan to update the file.

STD Picks

STD Picks is a betting excel file, but it takes some digging to make it work.

Arbworld 1.3

Taken from the Italians. Completely Russified. Some formulas have been changed. Open for editing. All passwords and bindings are removed.

How to use:

  • tear off
  • allow macros
  • the program itself is updated every 15 minutes

Peculiarity! Due to the large amount of information processing, the rest of the files in Excel must be closed or force the refresh button to be pressed. Forecasts are formed after the second update - but it's better to draw conclusions after 6-7 updates.

The archive is present, but you have to make the score yourself after the match (I was too lazy to finish it).


Poisson is a program that shows probability based on Poisson distribution, team shape and other variables. There is export to Excel spreadsheet, tournament table and more.

Bet Plus 2019 and Bet Plus 1.1

Bet-Plus is a program for calculating the outcome of football matches, based on an excel spreadsheet.

Minifnrtina 1.1.0

Minifnrtina is a Turkish program that shows excellent results in forecasts.


Willscore is a program that calculates the forecast for Total Over (1.5).

LBFootball 1.41b

LBFootball is a program to calculate Total Over(2.5) and Both Teams To Score.

New Total Bomb fixedGG 4.0.0

New Total Bomb is a Poisson Distribution prediction file, purely theoretical, based on statistics from the nowgoal.id website.

xG-bedel-xG 1.0.0

xG-bedel-xG is the Expected Goals xG calculation model file.

Bet-profi 7.0

Bet-profi is an excel spreadsheet program for predicting total, total over, total under matches in football.

Incognito Crush Points v1

Incognito Crush Points is an Excel spreadsheet that comprehensively builds predictions for football bets.

Pronostikator 2.0.0

Pronostikator - we have an adaptation of the Italian Plonk 3 table for Russians. An honest tank test has been introduced to check the algorithm on past matches.

ElizaBET PRO 11

ElizaBET PRO is a program that gives probabilities for the outcome of a match based on 15 algorithms. Doesn't predict. Good tool.

FootbalData Rate AutoCalculator 2.0.0

FootbalData Rate AutoCalculator is an automated program that calculates the form of teams and generates predictions for the outcome of matches. The parser is taken from AutoGol.

Landi Bet and Landi Bet 2

Landi Bet is an analyzer based on matches already played. We drive in the results of already played meetings, we get a forecast.

Landi Bet My Score

Landi Bet My Score is a program for analyzing football matches. According to the results of the match, it predicts how many goals will be scored, who will score first, which total to bet, shows you the statistics of the teams.

Landi Bet Tennis

Landi Bet Tennis - analyzer of tennis matches based on the last matches played.

Landi Bet Football v 2

Landi Bet Football - football analyzer based on the results of the last 10 matches played.

Opredelitel 8.2

Opredelitel 8.2 is a fairly old program that can automatically analyze different types sports: football, volleyball, handball, tennis, hockey.

ProAnaliz Football

ProAnaliz Football is a football analyzer similar to Landi Bet.

ProAnalyz Tennis

ProAnaliz Tennis is an analyzer of tennis matches made on the basis of Excel files.

ProAnalyz Hockey

ProAnaliz Hockey is a program for analyzing hockey matches based on Excel files.

Sport Concrete V 2

Sport Beton is a football analyzer based on the last 5 matches that gives recommendations on Total Over 2.5 or Total Under 2.5 (TO2.5 or Under2.5) bets.

Total Prophet (Total Prophet)

Total Prophet (Total Prorok) - Also called the Miracle Program. Alexey Voloshin's program analyzes hockey matches.


ASIANBET is an analyzer of football matches, it mainly shows total, goal in 1st half and outcome.


Basket is a basketball match analyzer based on Excel files.

Basketball Live

Basketball Live is also an analyzer of basketball matches, using an excel spreadsheet, but for matches in Live mode.

Opredelitel V 13.0 BET ASSISTANT

Opredelitel v13.0 BET ASSISTANT - assistant and analyzer for football betting.


BETGARANT is a program that helps to analyze football matches using special formulas, built on the basis of Excel files.

FootForecast V 08.16

FootForecast is a football matches analyzer based on team fitness.

ForeCaster 24score V 12.16

ForeCaster is a program for analyzing football matches. Can predict the number of goals scored by opponents in the 1st and 2nd half, predictions for: W1/X/W2/Total/Handicap/Individual totals/1X/12/X2, etc.

BigBetCalculator V 1.01

BigBetCalculator is a program that contains 17 popular bet calculators.


Fuckbuk is an excel-based football match analyzer with its own unique analysis formulas.

YMA Accurate Score Calculator

The program for calculating the exact score from YMA is an excel file with formulas that calculates an approximate exact score according to the theory of probability.

Profibet Tennis V 2.1

Profibet Tennis is a program for automatic analysis of a tennis match, without searching for statistics. You just choose your opponents and look at the layout. Instructions in the archive.

Project Rating (Football + PRO System)

Project Rating is a program for analyzing the attack and defense strength of teams, the exact score and, accordingly, the total, the probability of a possible victory according to Bayes theory, the size of the bet according to the Kelly criterion and what outcome to bet on.


SportStatic is a database program with statistics for football, hockey, and basketball teams. The database contains information on 142077 matches.

Football championships

Football Championships is a program for the statistics of football matches, perhaps one of the best programs to date.

Total Prognoz V1.2

Total Prognoz is a program for predicting the exact score in a football match. The program is based on an Excel file. The archive contains a video instruction from the author.

Footforecast (Football Prediction+)

Footforecast (Football Forecast+) is a total prediction course and a program for this. Everything is in the archive.

Calculation of the total according to the Schukin system

Calculation of the total according to the Schukin system is a program that allows you to calculate the exact score using the Schukin strategy. I wrote about this strategy :) And this is just a more convenient program.

Volleyball V3.0

Volleybol is an excel program that analyzes the total of volleyball matches.

Wangabet V1.010.2

Wanga Bet is a powerful football match analyzer. With it, you can analyze not only outcomes or totals, but also the first goal scored, TB TM 2.5, etc.

XolovBET Total

XolovBET Total - a table for predicting the total of a football match.

Analysis of basketball matches

Analysis of basketball matches - the definition of the total for basketball.

Match analysis (football and hockey)

Match analysis (football and hockey) - perhaps the name speaks :)

NBA match analysis

NBA Match Analysis is a program for predicting the exact score in NBA matches.

Football Analysis V2

Football analysis - total forecast based on excel files.

Hockey analysis

Hockey analysis - determining the exact score of a hockey match based on an excel file.

Pro Teniss Analysis

Pro Teniss Analysis is an interesting analyzer of tennis matches on an excel file.


NextGame is a program for analyzing football matches.

Search Forks 3.5

Search Forks 3.5 is a free fork search program.


Predictz is a football prediction software.

Robo Win

Robo Win- analyzer of bets on football, using a variety of parameters, including motivation, etc.

The FC command first appeared in MS-DOS version 2.0. The name of the command is formed by the first letters of the English words File Comparison (file comparison).

PURPOSE. FC provides a set of service tools for verification - it is possible to change the file comparison algorithm and the form of the results presentation. Compared to the COMP command, FC recognizes more complex (from the point of view of machine analysis) file differences associated with misalignments caused by the absence or presence of additional characters in one of the files.
So, for example, if one of the files being compared is missing the second line, then COMP will qualify all subsequent lines as mismatches. FC, in this case, recognizes only one mismatch, directly caused by the absence of the second line in one of the files.

DESCRIPTION. Unlike the COMP command, when entering the FC command, the dialog form for setting parameters is not provided (this is due to the presence a large number keys).
The program that implements the FC command distinguishes between two types of files - binary and character. If no file type description keys are specified, by default, .BIN, .COM, .SYS, .EXE, .OBJ, and .LIB files are interpreted as binary. All other file types are considered character files. Different comparison algorithms are implemented for binary and character file types.
The fundamental difference between the COMP and FC commands is the algorithm for comparing character files. While COMP compares the contents of the corresponding bytes of both files that have the same offset from the beginning of the file, FC performs dynamic autocombination of lines of character files. When a discrepancy is found between character strings, the program checks whether it is caused by file misalignment. To do this, the current line of the first file is sequentially compared with all the lines of the second file that are in the buffer random access memory FC programs. As the current line of the second file, the one is selected, when compared with which the number of mismatches in the current line of the first file was minimal. Misregistration is considered compensated if the number of rows with a minimum of mismatches following in a row has become equal to the parameter entered by the /nnnn key (by default, this number is two).

Text files are compared line by line. Messages about mismatches found during line-by-line (character) comparison of files have the following structure:
***** name of the first file to be compared The text of the last matching line The text of the non-matching lines
The text of the first matching line, if one was found ***** the name of the second of the compared files The text of the last matching line The text of the non-matching lines
The text of the first matching line, if any. An empty string.
If, after registering a mismatch, FC cannot find duplicate lines in the compared files, a message is displayed
Resync failed. Files are too different (Synchronization not restored. The files are different).
Binary files are compared byte by byte. If mismatches are found, FC will not attempt to match the files. Each pair of bytes is compared rigidly positionally. If the contents of the bytes at the same offset from the beginning of the file do not match, it is displayed on the screen (or on the redirected device). In the byte-by-byte file comparison mode, FC compares the file sizes in advance and, if they do not match, displays a message
fc: filename longer than filename
("filename" is longer than "filename").
After this message is displayed, the files are not compared.
Messages about mismatches found during byte-by-byte (binary) comparison of files have the structure
nnnnnn xx yy
Here nnnnnn - byte offset relative to the beginning of the fight, and xx and yy - the contents of the bytes of the first and second files, respectively. All numbers are output in hexadecimal vise. Byte offsets are zero-based.
Information about mismatches can be displayed on any output device (for example, in a file on a magnetic disk).<е). Выбор этого устройства осуществляется с помощью симво- тов переадресации, задаваемых в конце командной строки шесте с именем устройства, на которое переадресуется ввод-вывод.

The FC command is external, executed by the program whose load module is contained in the FC.EXE file.

Format 1 (for comparing character files) d.route] FC 1/A] spec. 1 special 2

Format 2 (for comparing binary files) [&.path]FC I/B) |/pppp) 1 spec2
Specification d.path - directory containing the FC program load module file.
Specialist. 1 and spec.2 - specifications of the compared files, consisting of the drive name, route, as well as the name and extension of the file name. Patterns "*" and "?" allowed. If the names of the compared files match, only the drive name and path are set as special2.
The /A switch reduces the amount of information output about mismatches in the symbol file comparison mode. In this case, instead of non-matching sections of files, their first and last lines are displayed. The internal lines of these sections of text are indicated by ellipsis.
Switch /B - mode of byte-by-byte comparison of binary files. Mismatches are displayed byte-by-byte in pairs with an offset relative to the beginning of the file. The /B switch is the default for EXE, COM, BIN, SYS, OBJ, and LIB files.
The /C key is a mode that ignores mismatches caused by the presence of letters typed in different keyboard registers. FC interprets all letters in both files as uppercase.
Key /L - line-by-line comparison of files in ASCII character mode. It is the default when comparing files with extensions other than .EXE, .COM, .SYS, .OBJ, .LIB, or .BIN.
The /Lbn switch is the size of the internal line buffer, equal to n lines (by default it is 100 lines). For files whose number of consecutive non-matching lines is greater than the size of the buffer, the comparison is aborted. By increasing the buffer size, you can expand the zone of automatic file matching when comparing character files line by line, since the search for similar lines during auto-matching is carried out only in RAM.
The /N switch displays line numbers on the screen when comparing files line by line.
The /T switch disables the replacement of horizontal tabs with spaces. If the key is not specified, then each horizontal tab character is replaced by spaces in the amount necessary to synchronize the beginning of subsequent text at a position that is a multiple of eight.
The /W key is used for line-by-line character comparison of files, which results in the compression of character fields consisting of space and tab characters in the internal FC buffer located in RAM. Instead of the entire field, only one space is left. Thus, the content of the files after the command is executed remains unchanged.
The /nmm switch specifies the numerical value of the matching criterion for compared files (the number of lines that must match after registering the differences in the files in order for FC to consider the matching restored).

Example 80 C:\>fc g3.k22 g3.bak/n
mismatch messages
Resync failed. Files are too different. Mismatch message.

Example 81. C:\>fc g3.k22 g3.k22 fc: no differences encountered.

Example 82.
C:\>fc a.bak a.bat>prn:
***** a.bak echo off ver
path c:\;cAudos;c:\teach ***** a.bat echo off
path c:\;c:\udos;c:\teach *****
***** a.bak ***** a.bat
***** C:\>COMP a.bak a.bat>prn:
Compare error at OFFSET A File 1 - 76
File 2-70
Compare error at OFFSET In File 1 = 65
File 2-61
Compare error at OFFSET C File 1 - 72
File 2-74
Compare error at OFFSET D File 1 - OD
File 2-68
Compare error at OFFSET E File 1 - OA
File 2-20
Compare error at OFFSET F File 1 - 70
File 2-63
Compare error at OFFSET 10 File 1 - 61
File 2 - FOR
Compare error at OFFSET 11 File 1 - 74
File 2 - 5C
Compare error at OFFSET 12 File 1 - 68
File 2 - 3B
Compare error at OFFSET 13 File 1 - 20
File 2-63
10 Mismatches - ending compare Compare more files (Y/N)?
Notes on examples. Example 80 shows a comparison of two character files, during which they were out of sync. Attempts to restore synchronization were unsuccessful, and the system issued a message
"Synchronization not restored. The files are different."
In example 81, using the FC command, the files are checked for the correctness of reading information from the disk. This procedure is convenient to carry out a quick comprehensive express check of computer hardware and the quality of a magnetic data carrier.

Example 82 illustrates the differences in the algorithms for comparing character files when using the COMP and FC commands. The example shows protocols for comparing batch files a.bat and a.bak (see texts below). The file comparison protocol using the FC command shows, in particular, how the restored file synchronization during comparison avoids the output of "false" mismatches that make analysis difficult.
a.bat file: echo off
path c:\;c:\udos;c:\teach
alpha ergha
prompt $p$g
cd pcc\t2\k2_2
a.bak file:
echo off ver
path c:\;c:\udos;c:\teach alfa ergha prompt $p$g hdp-910 cd pcc\t2\k2_2