Evgeny Lukin. Poems about clouds. Nursery rhymes about clouds. A collection of poems about clouds Whose magic hand molds clouds in the sky

By the river closer to the ford,
Clouds lap the water.
- Hey, look, clouds,
So that the sides do not burst!

* * *

The rain is warm and short
wiped out all the clouds.
They are like white sheets
the sun is drying up.
Wind clouds after drying
stroked, stroked, but tired.
And across the sky in a crumpled heap
scattered those sheets!
U. Yavorskaya

It happens that the sky
does not look down -
Dropped to the ground
clouds today!
I open doors
and I think I'm on the mend!
I swim in the sky
I want it right!
And it's all not true
that the sky is far away
You can touch him
easy to inhale!
And people are planes
swaying slightly
They fly from work
scolding the clouds.
I don't see lightning
I don't hear thunder
And drowns in the whole sky
my home is the airport.
A. Orlova

Clouds covered the sky
The clouds looked into the river.
And as soon as they looked
So quietly sighed:
- Oh, what kind of water is there!
We would like to wash gray!
Refresh your sides
We are essentially clouds.
And dived, sank,
Frequent rain poured down
The grayness in the river was wiped off,
Like a snowball has not yet become.
Well, what happened next?
The sun dried up the clouds!
These clouds dried up
Yes, back to heaven!
And float like a river
Feather clouds...
T. Marshalova

At the heavenly children
There are balloons
Wonder milk colors
Miraculous clouds in the sky.

The plane's wing flashed,
Pierced through the clouds
But the kids are laughing -
The hole is not terrible for the balls!

Feasted in distant lands,
They rush to us from afar
talk about the oceans
Cumulus clouds.
O. Shamshurina

Why are there clouds
And are there clouds?
Because the clouds are cooler
Clouds - they are slightly!
Clouds fly, fluffs,
Terrible clouds hang,
There, after all, wet rain
They want to pour water on us.
If you take and squeeze the clouds
And dry a little
Clouds, then we'll get
And it won't rain.
S. Juice

Tuck things.
Clouds floated across the sky.
Tuchek - four things
From the first to the third - people
And the fourth was a camel
To them, embraced by curiosity,
Inadvertently, the fifth one landed.
From her in the bosom of heaven
The elephant fled after the elephant.
And I don’t know if the sixth frightened me,
But the clouds took everything - and melted away.
And after them, chasing and devouring,
The sun chased - a yellow giraffe!
V. Mayakovsky.

A steamship sailed across the sky,
Turning into an airplane
And then into a bear
On a small moped.
In a few minutes
It was already fireworks.
He melted in the sky for now
I looked at the clouds.
L. Budanova

Clouds, what a miracle!
Have you noticed, my friend?
How they are under the strong wind
They turn into a horn.
And there are, like sheep,
That they went down to the river for a walk.
By evening, when sunset -
Amethyst sky.
The shepherd drives them home
And they fly like an arrow.
These are the clouds
You see and I see.
V. Dmitriev

What would this measured rain cost,
Whenever he remembers anything,
Whenever you fill with the past
April night this measured rain...

The embezzler was recently swept up.
He stole only iron rubles.
And upekli, not entering into the nuances.
And he them - for the profile of the leader ...

Obedient to world laws
And big people, and small atom.
While paying - was Plato.
As reduced - became Socrates.

Apostle Peter, fleeing from the cross,
He denied Christ three times.
And yet you do not despise Peter -
Otherwise, he will not let you into heaven.

Reveal the vices of the age?
Sorry. The wine was out.
Tear off the mask from a person -
And it's the same face.

Look: a tsunami is rising
Above the shells of apartments.
So, sharing with us,
Beauty saves the world.

O man-made streams,
Originating in the hatch!
And creative hands... Whose?
Find, tear out these hands ...

I, passing along Senate Square,
I could not understand who was beaten and crushed there,
And late by as much as 18
The minutes needed by the Motherland ...

Once upon a time, one lamprey
Bitten an octopus
And for that octopus
Ate 14 lampreys.

Greet the monarch while standing?
Don't hit the ground with your forehead?
You took away the most sacred
Freedom to be a slave.

Would spend 220 Mitek
Unauthorized rally -
Yes, they ran from the riot police
54 Paramona...

You, drowned in depravity,
Get away because I
I do not trade in voiced lira -
I speculate with stockings!

Christ spoke, ridiculed cruelly,
That there is no prophet in his own country.
So even with this in Rus' it is not smooth:
Prophets are. With the Fatherland overlay.

I'd steal a stereo speaker
Yes, my conscience did not allow me.
Give, citizens, a fragment
Totalitarian regime!

Democracy gave us
Freedom of swear words
Yes, and you don't need anything else.
To sing of her deeds.

Don't look that I'm already gray -
Dissida remained dissida:
I used to be fond of "Continent",
And now - "Red Star".

She feeds her husband well and a lot,
And no vicissitudes await...
Yes, there is a way through the stomach.
Can you tell me where it leads?

Didn't see through
God's Grace:
The body has sinned
And the soul to suffer?

Our blue eyes are children!
We are an amazing nation!
Well, Rus' cannot without a queue:
Not for oil - so for shares! ..

Whose invisible hand
Are there clouds in the sky?
And diligently after all sculpts -
Otherwise, for ages.

Yes, of course, Stenka Razin
Wasn't too courteous
And the captive princess
It hurts, you know, tender...

Don't worry, old man!
We'll change everything again soon.
Dark times will perish
Become a fond memory...

Understand that every crack
Given to you for the good of the greater.
This truth is entrusted to us
From grandfathers, ancestors and lizards.

Burn. Create. Until one day
The horoscope will come true -
And furious fellow citizens
They'll come and take you out...

Whatever I, guys, tryndel,
Me, as the German genius says,
Only stellar chaos shakes
And the chaos of my encroachments.

Here the fight is over. Forever.
Some more years ahead
Drunk tears and crows cawing.
A grain of sand from the funeral creaks on the teeth.

That - for the sake of glory, that - in excess of courage,
Another - for the sake of a ringing penny,
And for a year I write from horror,
That I won't write anything else.

Clouds live in unknown countries

Becky Squirrel

Clouds live in unknown countries -
They protect the planet
And even, I think, maybe a little
Fireball scare and comet.

They are filled with winds, night and day
They walk on the paths of heaven.
And we - and admire the sky, and in it
We find a place for anxiety.

We are grateful for the rain and snow,
For rainbows and fogs.
And if we suddenly launch fireworks -
Bloom with a multicolored carpet.

I am happy to talk about you with my heart
Above the pre-storm abyss.
I dream strangely at times
Take off and soar between you.

The sky looks like a fairy tale today

Valentina Kaleva

The sky looks like a fairy tale today -
Children's tale about Ole Lukoye:
The sun descends down the terraces
To enjoy peace all night long.

You see, colored steps in the sky,
As if someone is drawing stripes
Pink, blue - easily, gradually...
I'll do a couple of quick sketches:

Maybe I can put it on paper
This sunset bewitching color.
Bold lines, flashes, zigzags
Bright umbrella Ole Lukoye.

Promised Heaven...

Valery Nedyudin

Promised Heaven -
enchanted, strange,
weightless, airy,
And always wonderful!

The clouds are floating and falling...

Valery Nedyudin

The clouds are floating and falling
In hot sunshine
Like candle wax
They have different forms.

And where are they going, why?
Not serious and not important -
They are calm and imposing,
And others do not need those.

Will the wind break the body
Or rain down from heaven -
Don't worry, that's not the point
And if the essence is in the light?

Miracles and clouds

Valery Nedyudin

Wind tearing foam from the surf,
Gives it to the will of heaven -
And the clouds float above the water
Consisting entirely of miracles.

From overseas intricate lace,
From animals unknown to the world,
Not afraid of the sun and cold,
From the shadows running from the light.

Sometimes he drives them into the clouds,
And then, like the tears of the gods -
The salty rain breaks down from the steep,
On the dormant rooftops.

In the morning on trees and grasses,
Miracles shine in the bright sun,
Forgetting about intricate morals,
Like the dew that fell with them.

If the sky come up with a patronymic?

Valeria Eremeeva

If the sky comes up with a patronymic,
Touch his majesty
Addressing him "Highness!"
And then discarding decency,

Smiling with confidence,
Opening my astonished eyes,
Suddenly say a little recklessly:
"Heaven, I'm in love with you!"

The sky will give me a path with a rainbow,
From the rays will draw ladders,
And from the cloud - it's necessary so
Suddenly build a little white ship!

The wind, having accumulated seriousness,
He will tell me: "Captain, on deck!"
And I will rush in heavenly liberty
Along the path that shines like a rainbow.

Why is it ringing or heard?
I opened my eyes and grimaced.
Is it all just a dream?
The sun smiled at me.

autumn fads

Vera Baranova

Where are you from, where are you from
Autumn whims?
In the sky in the early morning
An unknown sign!
I won't guess
What do you mean freaks
And just love
I'm just on you...
But time has flown by
And the cloudy body
Becoming a swan's wing,
Soared above the earth
From white-white feathers *, -
I guess boldly
What frosts autumn
Cooking for you and me.


Vera Gaevskaya

From the end of the earth to the other end
lazy clouds float
like a flock of sheep
eaten full sides.

Terribly crushed by the sun,
swim in the river
and spread like a shadow on the ground,
and run light again.

They are driven by a windy shepherd -
it will strictly gather in heaps,
then shattered into white fluff,
then hide everyone over the horizon.

... Clouds will run away in the evening
and you won't even find a trace of them.
But by the morning for sure
rush to meet the dawn.

sky river

Vera Gaevskaya

From the transparent heavenly river
White-maned horses drink water,
Their herd is a shepherd-wind drives,
And they are serenely calm,
Infinitely far from us.

Behind the amber canopy of the moon
Together they spend starry nights
They say, like us, about the weather,
About some whirlpool
And, perhaps, with whom they are in love.

And this heavenly river,
Over the earth spilling to the brim,
Doesn't fade, doesn't dry out
I give everyone a drink,
Delightfully so deep.


Viktor Kolesnikov 6

Clouds fly over the world
Over my head.
Somewhere they have a house, an apartment
In this abyss blue.

Barely born - away from home
And in a crowd, like a kindergarten,
Like sheep from a paddock
And fly, fly, fly.

Where was the house? Where will the finish line be?
Dissolving into the sky
You will leave Xin and your homeland.
Did he live? No? You don't know yourself.

Can I dream a little...

Daria Yashenko

Can I dream a little
Shall I sit on a cloud for a bit?
I will play on the heavenly strings,
Will I mark the path with raindrops?

Can I forget about worries
Dissolve in heavenly silence
Can I become a light for someone
Can someone be my light?

You can smile at quiet herbs,
You can tell fortunes on a camomile
Where is fate - to meet, where - to miss each other,
Where is fate - to find, where - to lose,

You can become freer and higher
The most tender clouds
You can, if only...
you can if you hear
The call of the earth and the sky is the call ...

Today the sky is made of guipure...

Ekaterina Turikova

Today the sky is made of guipure,
So festive...
And in the opulent audacity of glamor
Almost unreal.

As if the sky is beauty
Slightly overbearing.
And I look to heaven

My atlant gives up

Elena Aniruss

My Atlantean lowers his hands
The sky is slowly sliding down;
I will forgive the Atlanta misconduct, -
Do not stand for him all his life, -

Let him go to football with friends
Chasing the ball
Or let it under the car in the pit
Will rattle with a wrench, -

He will come back to the heroes,
Atlantean to the core...
I'll wash the sky,
Wipe with a soft cloth.

Let's walk on the clouds!

Zlata Litvinova

Let's walk on the clouds!
So that the veins freeze from extreme,
So that as a gift to unbridled dreams -
Adrenaline, as a sign that they are alive.
And without tracks - straight,
Without analyzing the density of the sky -
Collect pieces of cooled stars -
Almost a fairy tale.
Drowning in a featherbed of clouds
And drunk from ozone,
Swear by the power of old dreams
I don't regret about you!!!

Cumulus clouds


Cumulus clouds,
Like white snow
Like fairy horses
In the azure sky.
Like miracle ships
that float around the earth
To unknown shores
And they land there.

Cumulus clouds


Cumulus clouds float across the sky,
Like ships on a boundless ocean
And the wind pushes them a little
In azure sky-high distances.
What awaits them there in the sky beyond?
Melt like snow, or gathered
And turning into clouds of rain
They will spill into the forest thickets
And the earth will be watered with spring moisture,
Or the wind will blow them apart, not sparing,
In the meantime, a caravan of white yachts
They swim in the sunbath. Clouds

Igor Obukhovsky

I love to watch the clouds go by
How they suddenly change at dawn.
Heaven is like a father. One that has lived for centuries.
Clouds are naughty children.

The wind drives herds of clouds into the sunset.
What a huge sky!
I say goodbye. They won't come back.
Maybe just rain or snow.


Igor Tyutyukin

I am a cloud.
Tranquility and joy.
I am a cloud.
Formless relaxation.
Floating through eternity.
And just like that
Singing to itself:
“I am a cloud.
I am a cloud.
I am a cloud...


Irina Butrimova

Clouds float across the sky
Like miracle ships.
The wind drives them somewhere
From dawn to dawn.

Snow-white caravan
Float above the earth
Their azure gave
They gently beckon.

In the glare of sunlight
pristine purity
Light up our souls
And gives them peace.

sky wanderers

Irina Butrimova

Caravan sailing through the blue sky
Large camels with luggage made of snow
And the gentle wind, not knowing sadness,
Carries them somewhere beyond the blue distance.

And after them, lagging behind for a while,
A beautiful boat made of white silk,
And then they float like ice floes in the spring,
Huge mountains in a big succession.

And after the mountains a large string
Magical birds float to the horizon
And a huge flock of polar bears
Slowly swims after the birds.

saw off the clouds

Irina Lipetskikh

saw off the clouds
to a foreign land, unknown to me.
They flew silently into the abyss,
looking down sadly.

Silently melted away
over the cold fields,
bonding with cranes
on the other side of the earth.

Year after year flew by
melting with them in a blue haze.
It's a pity that what I miss
no one will give me back...


Lady Smile

Gentle... Flying... And unattainable...
Beauty changeable yet incomprehensible ...

White alluring birds light-winged...
They are bizarre in shape ... Cute angels ...

Careless wanderers driven by the wind...
Above, soaring pilgrims are eternal...

With quiet serenity over the seas floating ...
Carefree negoy calling to heaven ...

white peonies

Lydia Nevskaya Syzran

white peonies in the sky
Dispersed over me.
There were just buds
And now the bouquet is big.

Petal edges opened
Snow-white fringe.
Admiration was presented
And they froze over me.

It's impossible to break away
From a bouquet of clouds.
Be careful, be careful
Don't breathe between words!

cloud view

Ludmila Voronova

Snow-white feathers fly across the sky,
the wind carries them to the east.
And those clouds look so much like foam
champagne light light foam,
I would like - at least a sip!

The high sky welcomes guests,
ships sail on it.
And the wind is stronger than the sails inflates,
they crackle, tear - he inflates everything
and drives faster around the Earth!

Piece of the sky

Lyalya Kavalyaka

What a beautiful piece of heaven!
Give me paint! No bread needed!

Give brushes and carry the canvas,
The picture will be worse than City!

More beautiful than Mozart and Chopin!
There are waves in the sky, foam sparkles!

Draws the sun between them glare,
And the wind of the seagulls brings screams.

There is no peace - passions are raging!
There is the sound of the surf - and everything is in their power!

Clouds in the blue sky

Nadezhda Ershova

There are clouds in the blue sky.
Some are whiter than milk
Others are gray as mice
And there is, like Uncle Misha's nose.

Behind them in the morning
Watching from our yard.
I see a gray cat
With one paw, without a tail,
And a bug-eyed frog
And the hook-nosed old woman
And there's a crocodile
He opened his mouth to the sun.

Then everything shifted a little.
And the clouds have changed.
The cat has become like a mountain,
The old woman became a kangaroo
I don't know what from a crocodile
Two blue eyes opened.
And there is no trace of the frog.
I am impressed! Wow!

Buns of white clouds

Nadezhda Lisogorskaya

Buns of white clouds
The sky is baking...
Brown them on the sides
Leads to the sun...

It doesn't work:
Everything is whiter than cotton wool!
And uneven from the edges -
The winds are to blame!

Run through the clouds...

Natalia Ushenina

Run through the clouds...
Who hasn't dreamed about it?
Move out on white wool,
Like from a winter hill somewhere ...

Or jump, flying up
Suddenly fall down
Getting out of there
Go up again!

Or from cloud to cloud
Jump in with a run
Run, roll...
"How great! That's life!"

But such happiness
It only happens in dreams...
What are you, a cloud?
Run for you...

clouds together

Natalia Dovzhenko

Clouds playfully
In the blue sky
Are built courteously
gray spot
Here, old man
Looked out from heaven
Il kashchey three-headed
Resurrected for the third time.
The breeze is soft
Blowed into the clouds
turning lightly
Clouds in a hamster.
A cloud grows
In a fairytale cliff
Thunderstorm -
Where are the friends? Question.
The rain fell to the ground
Soaked with water
Moisture for a week -
Flora is young.
So come together
Clouds cunningly
They don't stand still
They do good.

Cumulus clouds

Nellya Kiseleva

Similar to cumulus clouds
On a fruit cake, cream is whipped into the foam.
And a treacherous hand reaches out,
Splash one hundred grams of cherry liqueur.
Similar to cumulus clouds
On the foam of the rebellious sea,
Where the horizon is a flat line
Does not portend any grief.
Similar to cumulus clouds
To a tender, beloved heart.
His airiness is visible and light,
I put in a good word for him...


Nikolai Aseev

With white clouds,
Like the ruins of a temple
Unconquered into the abyss of ages!

It must have been a temple of poetry:
A vivid feeling, a daring thought;
Only they hung him above the ground
To an unattainable distance.

The sky is like flying marble
With white clouds,
Just an empty air pocket
For illegible connoisseurs!

earth sky

Nikolai Stolyarov

Bottomless and blue
Azure and gold
Wonderful and immense
Spacious and incomprehensible.

Blinding and weightless
Transparent and unfamiliar
Angry and dangerous
Lightweight and wonderful.

Magic and swan
Mysterious and innocent
Radiant and cold
Fluffy and all-weather.

Desirable and silvery
Foggy and sparkling
starry and crystal
Lunar and crystal.

Shining and harsh
Boundless and new
Drunk and intoxicating
Insidious and brilliant.

Gloomy and funny
Sweet and expensive.
You will see it all
If you look up into the sky.

Feasted in distant lands

O. Shamshurina

Feasted in distant lands,
They rush to us from afar
talk about the oceans
Cumulus clouds.


Olga Matveeva Panfilova

The sky is power!
So beautiful!
There is a world
And your countdown.
Sky in blue
Sky in gray
Sky in white
Look will find.
The sky is forever
Heartless sometimes.
Heaven is holy
Heaven is with us forever.
The sky is an abyss
The sky is stars
They beckon us...
The sky is super interesting
And mysterious at times!
The sky will thunder,
The sky will give the sun.
A rainbow will wake up in the sky,
Everything will illuminate...

heavenly cinema

Olga Surkova-Shevkunova

At night the hard worker drove the wind
Clouds like a flock of sheep.
He is the best shepherd in the world -
The sky is clear at last.

And with the dawn in the open -
Cumulus clouds
Sail with the wind to the sea
Rounding your sides.

We breathe the solar universe,
We see heavenly cinema.
Only it is blessed
And it's free for everyone.

Lucky omen...

Svetlana Gruzdeva

Clouds have settled on the field ...
From the heavenly cradle
maybe they fell out
rolling on a carousel...
From the azure of pre-autumn,
whose days are numbered?

In puppet forgotten style
- whether they were not, or they were -
sailed curly caravan
along over the red curtain ...
Heaven is getting closer
Or is it an optical illusion?

Me and my friends for the last time
gave a miracle summer ...
We cannot forget
as over compressed fields
floated in an apparent hole
those angels of fate...

Know a happy omen -
miracle at the end of summer!

I want to touch the clouds...

Svetlana Pivovarova

I want to touch the clouds
In flight, reach out to the fluffy ones,
Stroking their feathers lightly,
Touch this lightness with your hand.

I wouldn't mind flying with them
Grasping the tail, swing,
How good it is to see in flight
The whole world, to him, big, smile.

I will fly away into the lilac distance
Under a light whitish veil...
What a pity that life is not a sky, a highway,
Where we are covered with soot and burning.


Sergey Autumn Ivanov

The sky is high
The sky is far away
With pure blue
cloud gray,
The wind is wide,
Free for the birds
blinding sun,
Alluring to the stars
And inaccessible
But not retreat...
The sky is sinless
Forever boundless.


Tatiana Zrelova

What serenity in the sky:
Peace, freedom, silence.
Like the clouds in it breathe basking,
And the air distance is clear.

She is as clear as our thoughts,
When we get it right.
Like our feelings for those closest to us,
When we find peace in the soul.

The sun is shining, the sky is shining,
Peace and quiet all around!
And the field trembles with joy.
And the greenery is very green.

Such an unexpected idyll,
Every person would like to.
To live life with the desired fate
And hello to your long life.


Tatiana Frolova 4

Admire more clouds.
They fly over us
Keep the dream in your soul
Soar above the world like them.

How quickly forms arise
Merge, burn and melt.
An angel floats, then a princess,
Mermaids of the fairy forest..

Magical visions arise
How fantastic their glow,
Unique combinations
Their outlines change.

That is the entrance to a huge cave,
Dragon, pirate galley,
Far away palaces rise
Ruins, kingdoms, ships.

Those waves of the milky cover,
That gilded horseshoe
Take away from earthly worries
Air fairy tales round dance


Tatyana Shcherbinina

Cool sail of grasses, and solar jets,
Grasshoppers rumbles an invincible rhythm.
Such clouds are only in July -
Huge, illuminated from the inside.
It is not known where the warm wind drives them.
The world is drawn by the hand of a child,
And breathes the golden calm of Tibet,
And I want to lick a non-melting ice cream.
You look up - there is deep and clear,
Your damn questions are solved.
And a barely distinguishable hawk soars slowly,
Touching the wings of starchy silence.

drink the milk of silence

Tatyana Shcherbinina

Drink the milk of silence
living water of dreams
and bright nights
feeling no shackles
above the dusty labyrinth,
where the heart is made of sand,
fly and listen with wings
living clouds.

Man walks on the clouds

Julia Borisova From St. Petersburg

Man walks on the clouds
And hands holding on to the air
Entrusted to diseases and verses,
He is gray-haired, in love and serious.

And his childish seriousness
On Earth, all our truths are truer.
He hardly asks for anything
And from dreams it becomes happier.

That's all. And that's how you should live.
Be funny, trusting, not secretive.
And inoculate the disease with a vaccine,
To not be defenseless from pain.

Live by friendship, not by age.
To fall in love with dreams every day.
Man goes to heaven
And he holds on to the stars with his hands.

Clouds... How many times our eyes turn in their direction! How many times do we yearn to shout to them, ask them to tell us where they are sailing, why, and ask them to take us with them! How many times do we try to see something in the cloud, to see what the clouds look like... Clouds catch our eye and bring peace to our hearts, to our souls... Because it seems that all our sorrows, all our worries float away with them...

Hello my dear readers! Today you will read children's poems about clouds. Hope you enjoy them.

I wrote the first poem. It's called, of course, "What do clouds look like?" Happy reading!

What do clouds look like?

To pieces of cotton!

The river carries them forward

And will not return back.

Clouds are friends of miracles

Arise, melt

Among the blue skies

They just grow up.

Can be anyone

Big cloud:

Sailing a ship across the sky

Become a grandfather with a beard ...

Can become a bear

hare, crocodile,

Horse riding in the meadow -

Everything is within the power of the cloud!

What do clouds look like?

The following poem was written by my niece Lera. The verse is short, but I really liked it, because beauty is not in the length of the verse, but in its sincerity. I think that you will appreciate this poem.


Clouds floated across the blue sky,

Similar to cake, pillow and elephant.

Playing with the winds, they changed their appearance.

I wish they would take me with them.

I love looking at clouds. I often look for which animal which cloud resembles, and still childishly rejoice when I find similarities. Do you like looking at clouds?

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Short funny children's poems about clouds that can be read with children 5-6 years old and in elementary school:

U. Yavorskaya

The rain is warm and short
washed everything clouds.
They are like white sheets
the sun is drying up.

Wind clouds after drying
stroked, stroked, but tired.
And across the sky in a crumpled heap
scattered those sheets!

Y. Simbirskaya

If they run across the sky clouds,
So the wind let them off the leash.
Light paws, ears and tail.
Lighter than fluff every watchdog.
If you are so naturally light,
It's great to run Na-pe-re-gon-ki!

O. Shamshurina

Feasted in distant lands,
They rush to us from afar
talk about the oceans
Cumulus clouds.

I. Millis

Where are you sailing clouds?
And most importantly, where?
- Where are we from? From afar!
And we are everywhere.
We are there and here
We are here and there.
We obey the winds
They blow to the north - we go there,
To the south - please, always.
Here comes the night, it's time for you to sleep,
And the winds are calling us with them.
And there are no wings, but we are flying,
And even at night we do not sleep,
And there is no corner in the world
Wherever the clouds are.

S. Juice

Why are there clouds
And there are clouds?
Because the clouds are cooler
Clouds - they are slightly!
Clouds fly, fluffs,
Terrible clouds hang,
There, after all, wet rain
They want to pour water on us.
If you take and squeeze the clouds
And dry a little
Clouds, then we'll get
And it won't rain.

L. Zubanenko

Thunderstorms clouds
Spread the sides
All space has been taken over
Filled with rain water.
Lightning flashes brightly
Rolling thunder scares.

V. Bredikhin

Hey, answer quickly clouds!
Have you come to us from afar?
How far are you going to sail?
Is it difficult, always traveling, to live?
How many days did you spend on the road?
Are you tired of crawling in the sky?
Is the wind pushing hard?
What?! Do you have to go? Bye bye, clouds!

Every day from afar
The wind is driving clouds
light, curly,
He pushes the clouds
In snow-white sides.
Gathers a bunch
To make a cloud.
The clouds are pissed off:
"To teach a fool!
What a mockery
Cloud pushing!"
And from the anger of the cloud
They become slightly dark.
Will be more angry -
The darkness is getting thicker.
"Oh," the clouds will cry.
“Life in heaven is not easy.
We turn into a cloud -
Say goodbye to white."
And like a noisy river
Clouds will fall from the sky.
Tears of water
It will take a long time to pour.
And below shouts "Hurrah!"
Tears to these children.
On this occasion
Running under the cloud!

D. Elovikova

I haven't figured out yet
What's happened clouds.
Maybe it's bird fluff?
Maybe it's swarms of flies?
Maybe it's the breeze
Wool dragged into the sky?
Cotton wool gets wet in the sky -
It pours rain somewhere.
Maybe the cloud is a sheep:
Wool twisted into rings?
Maybe someone's beard -
And fluffy and gray?
What are clouds?
I haven't found out yet.

M. Piudunen

Clouds cheered up
Dressed white coats
And into the unknown
How the horses galloped
On the carpet of heaven
Entertaining the kids

O. Shamshurina

Hurry across the sky clouds, -
Probably for lunch.
Know the road is long
And there are no carriages in the sky.
Running across the blue sky
Hurry, run, hurry.
And they lead by the hand
Curly babies.

O. Ulybysheva

Cloud whipped
Rays to the sunset
In cotton candy
Flavored by the sun
It will certainly
Sugar foam.
In the solar oven
filled with radiance,
Will become a biscuit
And crumble
Over you and us
Delicious dreams.

N. Melnik

cloud woke up
With a sunny smile
Dipped into the river
Turned into a fish!
Pulled out the ears
Here's your bunny!
And cheeks puffed out -
Clumsy bear!

Dirty- clouds,
Where did they smear the sides?
You need to swim clean -
white, fluffy,
And not like you, dirty -
As if drowned in a puddle
In a dirty puddle, you see!
How are you not ashamed?!
They frowned, yes ka-ak
Filled with tears!
The clouds began to wash
Wash over us!
Here they are - washed!
But why are we here?

T. Lilo

Float, float
are floating by clouds,
Inflate, inflate
Lips, cheeks and sides.
Behemoth-fish-elephant-crocodile schools
They float smoky sleepily
From one of my hands
To my other hand.

K. Strelnik

Cumulus clouds
Bathed in the river.
Oh! Wet all sides
The rings have developed.
Clouds floated, floated
We saw a fisherman.
Hooked on:
- Get us, fisherman!

T. Gurova

early morning milk
ran far,
Scattered across the fields
Through swamps and meadows.
The sun warmed from the sky -
Evaporated milk
And flew to the sky -
Turned into cloud.

V. Malchevsky

Cloud over the rooftops
hung for a very long time
tired and old.
And became the skin of a wolf
gray and toothy...
Such a day. rainy.

L. Budanova

A steamship sailed across the sky,
Turning into an airplane
And then into a bear
On a small moped.
In a few minutes
It was already fireworks.
He melted in the sky for now
I looked at clouds.

V. Dmitriev

Clouds, what a miracle!
Have you noticed, my friend?
How they are under the strong wind
They turn into a horn.
And there are, like sheep,
That they went down to the river for a walk.
By evening, when sunset -
Amethyst sky.
The shepherd drives them home
And they fly like an arrow.
These are the clouds
You see and I see.

V. Romanenko

I am looking at clouds:
Are they made from milk?
Or maybe out of the fog?
There is a lot of deception in them:
The mountain rushed at me -
There was a hole in it.
The horse raced along the road -
Her legs are swollen...
A herd of goats grazed
And it got away somewhere.
Little donkey ran
Stretched out and ... disappeared.
Animals rush across the sky:
Lions, elephants and even pigs.
I'm lying on the lawn
I am friends with the whole world.

S. Ostrovsky

From the air clouds
amazing beasts
Sculpts the wind-sorcerer.
He's in the heavenly workshop
Creates them day by day.
Raising your eyes to heaven,
I looked at them for half a day.
There are no cages, no fences -
In the whole sky ZOO!

I looked at clouds.
I saw a bull in them,
Crocodile, hippo,
Tiger, lion, SOMEONE else...
RAIN I couldn't make it in time
See - completely wet!


It happens that the sky
does not look down -
Dropped to the ground
Today clouds!
I open doors
and I think I'm on the mend!
I swim in the sky
I want it right!
And it's all not true
that the sky is far away
You can touch him
easy to inhale!
And people are planes
swaying slightly
They fly from work
scolding the clouds.
I don't see lightning
I don't hear thunder
And drowns in the whole sky
my home is the airport.

T. Marshalova

Clouds covered the sky
The clouds looked into the river.
And as soon as they looked
So quietly sighed:
- Oh, what kind of water is there!
We would like to wash gray!
Refresh your sides
We are, in fact, clouds.
And dived, sank,
Frequent rain poured down
The grayness in the river was wiped off,
Like a snowball has not yet become.
Well, what happened next?
The sun dried up the clouds!
These clouds dried up
Yes, back to heaven!
And float like a river
Feather clouds...

V. Romanenko

I am looking at clouds:
Are they made from milk?
Or maybe out of the fog?
There is a lot of deception in them:
The mountain rushed at me -
There was a hole in it.
The horse raced along the road -
Her legs are swollen...
A herd of goats grazed
And it got away somewhere.
Little donkey ran
Stretched out and ... disappeared.
Animals rush across the sky:
Lions, elephants and even pigs.

Where are you from, clouds?
- From far, far away.
We're from cream valley
Where is the river of milk.
When the river is rough
Bubbles appear
Here are some of them, for centuries,
Gnomes make clouds.
Why are you clouds
Are you changing a little?
- We swam through the gorge
scratched sides,
Oh high ridges
scratched their bellies,
We treat wounds, achieving
Our former beauty.
- Where are you, clouds?
- We don't know yet.
Only when the wind blows
We will know for sure.
Let's visit a distant land
Come on, don't bother
It's better if you're interested
Fly with us.
- I can't, clouds...
- That's the wind...
Bye then!

M. Pridvorov

The cat walks along the ledge,
The cat is looking at clouds.
He's sneaky, he's sneaky
And a milk lover.
And fish are boiled in the sky,
Delicious fish, look!
Swimming in a white pair
Chebak and minnows.
They walk in flocks of sardines,
With fins and tail
And above them in the middle
The catfish moves its whiskers.
The cat is aiming to eat fish,
The cat looks without breathing
Just suddenly a random wind
Mixed up the whole ear.
Scared a flock of sardines
Ate catfish and chebak.
Rrraz, and the fish soup melted.
Turned into clouds

A. Smolyakov

In the center of the bowl is blue,
Like a marshmallow
clouds fluffy coat
Laid out beautifully.
The mischievous wind is circling,
Their appearance changes.
What will happen in a moment?
Only he knows.
Now there are no more traces
Sweet marshmallow.
Looking down from the clouds
Muzzle of a crocodile.
Stretched across half the sky
No longer in the world!
Rows with paws together,
Like floating in the Nile.
Opens the mouth wider
Ready to swallow the earth.
Suddenly, at the same time, it turned
In three fluffy cats.
Cats purred
They wag their tail,
Not afraid of heights
Playing with the sun...
watch the clouds
Very exciting.
You can see a lot
If you be careful.

T. Goethe

Do they sleep at night
You do not know
Big clouds -
Issue such
Moms are sleeping, but very
- How's the baby?
How is the little one?
Wouldn't fall behind
Not tired on the way
And the son is naughty
A little bit
Covered the eye of the moon
Mother noticed leprosy
Pulled her son away
Dropped in a hurry
Hey don't wake up


Behemoths are flying over me -
For some reason they can’t sit in the swamps,
And behind them, imagine, Giraffes-
As if not Giraffes at all, but Tits,
The monkey angered the Rhino,
And teasing him with his tail, galloping along the palm trees ...
“You look out the window, my dear, will you be long?
The problem has been waiting for a solution for a long time!
Oh, you, mom, well, again the same thing -
See for yourself, what is the task here?
You see, the zebra has lost all the stripes,
And now he sits on a cloud and cries?!
What do you not see? Well, of course you are busy.
Very important and necessary things...
Really when I grow up, too,
Will all giraffes become just clouds?
It's boring to be an adult, I thought, burying myself
In blue and white dull pages.
And the giraffes so flew across the sky,
As if not Giraffes at all, but Tits ...